“Transfiguration? Can transfiguration change your current situation? ”

Zhizi obviously can’t yet, the importance of this skill in the world of Ke Xue, let alone the extent to which this ability, in this world, can be troubled.

Gentagawa explained a little, after the commotion operation that Yi Rong Jutsu could complete, he let Tomoko start to deduce, and although Tomoko was a little puzzled, he still respected the host’s opinion and began to deduce.

[End of deduction! ] 】

In the spirit world, Zhizi, who completed the deduction, was also shocked after seeing the effect that the transfiguration ability could achieve.

“I really didn’t expect that transfiguration could actually reach this level, it was comparable to nanoskin!”

The nano-skin made by nanotechnology can be attached to the surface of the human body, and through computer control, it can be transformed into various clothing, and can also directly change a person’s appearance.

But this is nano skin, and the use of some props to transfigure, the difficulty is not an order of magnitude existence.

And this seemingly inconspicuous means can actually exert such a wonderful effect, it is simply incredible.

But just do it in this world, Ke Xue is so unreasonable.

After figuring out the power of transfiguration, Chiko also immediately became active and began to sort out Transfiguration.

“First the tools you need, then the materials you need, and finally the techniques.”

This time, Tomoko got a very complete transfiguration technique, the reason why it is so easy, of course, is because, although the transfiguration technique looks magical, in the monster thief Kidd, it seems to be a god.

But fundamentally, this is just a cross-dressing technique, and an advanced application of body imitation, or an ordinary person’s skill, not an extraordinary ability.

However, after carefully reading all the technical essentials, Genda Chuan gasped.

The reason is that it’s too complicated.

The first is the cross-dressing part, which is only a rough classification, which involves makeup skills and mechanism skills.

If subdivided, makeup technology alone involves appearance makeup, body deformation and prop hiding.

The mechanism skills are even more complicated, how to work together to skillfully use various props, how to use the mechanism to pull the mask, or use some miniature air bags and other things to quickly change the appearance of the body.

These single ones can be regarded as separate skills, which are enough for ordinary people to learn for a long time.

In addition to these, there is also physical imitation, that is, imitating another person’s action god tower, walking posture, speaking voice, and eye movements are all objects of imitation.

High is similar to the strange thief Kidd and Belmode, imitating a person, with the appearance change in the front, hiding from the eyes and ears of acquaintances, and even easily.

In short, transfiguration is a means that not only needs to be fine and abnormal, but also extremely harsh on comprehensive cooperation.

Moreover, the transfiguration technique of the half-hanged man can only deceive strangers, and it has lost its magical effect at all, and can only be used as a means of covering.

Similar to the mask sunglasses that celebrities go out, but they can’t become another person, there is no mysterious use.

Gentagawa glared at the dog .jpg

After reading it, Gentagawa was shocked and said that he could not learn it.

But then it was rejected by Tomoko, and it took a precious number of deductions to deduce the skills, which must not be wasted, and since they have been made, they must be learned.

Gentagawa once again enjoyed the fear of being dominated by 100,000 volts.

“I’m a wounded man now, you can’t electrocute me!”

Tomoko held his cheeks in his hands and smiled: “Mr. Host, you have been lying down these days, this is not a good thing for your muscles, although you have been practicing breathing, but the intensity of muscle exercise, but it is completely insufficient, you still need my lightning stimulation Oh”


So in the next few days, Genda Chuan seemed to live a happy and happy life of recuperation, with two professional nurses to take care of, and two girls, often sending fruit meals, and the treatment was simply enviable.

But in fact, the life of recuperation is simply not as good as going to school.

In order to allow Gentagawa to master the Transfiguration Technique as soon as possible, Tomoko formulated an extremely strict study plan and directly let Gentagawa study in the spiritual world.

The spiritual world built by Tomoko is simply the best place to learn.

Here, the gadgets needed for all kinds of transfiguration can be described as everything, because these things only need Tomoko a thought, that is, how much and how much.

For example, all kinds of props for exercising hand speed, some small objects for various hand training, and some consumables are all made casually.

If it is in reality, these things need to cost money.

But in the spiritual world, it’s all free.

It’s like giving you a gun that has no wear and tear and unlimited bullets, and then tells you the correct training method, and grinding with bullets can also sharpen a sharpshooter’s.

This is called Hands-on Familiarity.

Of course, transfiguration is not entirely based on skill, talent and talent, but also plays a key role in it, and there is another point, that is, the hands, must be extremely dexterous.

If the two hands are not flexible enough, even if you pay a hundred times the training, it will be difficult to achieve results.

Originally, with Gentagawa’s two-handed conditions, it was only the threshold for learning, and if you wanted to achieve something, to compare with the Variety Witch or the magician, to compare the dexterity of the hands, it would be completely insufficient.

But there is a good saying, you have talent, I have plugins.

The breathing method is the plug-in of Genda River, and the breath of water is the softest among the five basic breathing methods, and this softness is also reflected in muscle control, which can make the movement more dexterous, and the fingers of the hands are naturally in this category.

So he deliberately practiced, inhaling more oxygen from his lungs into the muscle cells of his hands, and also practiced his hands according to some finger exercise techniques in transfiguration.

That is, if you return home, you can also soak your hands with milk or a specially configured solution to increase the flexibility of your hands.

On the whole, he seems to be recuperating from his injuries, but in fact he is very busy, and he has not relaxed at all, and even let him relive the experience of his senior year in his last life, and he can’t stand it in his heart.

But if you pay, it will pay off in the end.

With the correct method, coupled with the blessing of the breathing method, his transfiguration technique has advanced by leaps and bounds.

From the beginning of the miserable, looking in the mirror, you can find a lot of flaws.

To look at it from the mirror, there are basically no obvious flaws, and then to look like it at a glance, it is already a huge improvement.

It’s just that this level, not to mention the level of Belmod and the strange thief Kidd, even the level of Yukiko, I’m afraid it can’t catch up.

This is the difficulty of transfiguration, not only is it difficult to get started, but every step is getting more and more difficult, especially to reach the level of false reality, then it requires talent and hard work.

Therefore, Genda River’s current level is just a real entry, and it will take a long time to use it well, or even out of the ordinary, and it will take a long time to slowly temper.

However, it is worth noting that if you do not want to use transfiguration and become an acquaintance of others, but an unrelated person, the difficulty will plummet.

The current Genda River is completely competent.

To put it simply, he is now pretending to be someone else’s acquaintance, so that people can’t tell the difference, it’s completely impossible to do it, but it’s easy to make up as a stranger, or some anime characters and the like.

In a word, he now has the capital to do things!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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