
The sudden movement startled him, hurriedly withdrew his arm, and then dodged to the side, only then did he see the appearance of the person coming.

The person who came was a young male policeman, the other party was straight, wearing a straight police uniform on his body, looking quite imposing, and was looking at himself with a serious face at this time, which made him feel weak for a while.

“What are you? You actually want to tear up the seal of the police, do you know that doing so is against the law! ”

Kudo Shinichi is a little blindsided, where did this policeman come from?

But then it was also embarrassed, just like the driver who ran a red light and was caught by the traffic police, his face was red for a while.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean it, I just wanted to find out how those militants disappeared”

The young policeman glanced at him suspiciously, and then showed a suspicious look.

“But there has just been a riot here, it has been cordoned off by the police, and now you are showing up here, and you have to investigate those militants, I have reason to suspect that you are an accomplice of those people!”

After saying that, he stood upright, and looked at Kudo Shinichi solemnly: “Now, please show your ID card, and then go back to the 06 police station with me to explain today’s events!” ”

“What? Want me to go to the police? ”

Kudo Shinichi was stunned for a while, and hurriedly defended: “Hey, hey, you’re mistaken, I’m not a bad person, let alone an accomplice of those militants, I’m a detective, my name is Kudo Shinichi, you should have heard my name, right?” ”

But the young policeman became more serious: “Enough, I don’t care what kind of high-ranking official you are, since you have violated the law, you must be investigated, I hope you can cooperate, otherwise I will arrest you in the name of disturbing social order!” ”

At this time, Kudo Shinichi is simply going to petrify, what the hell, he is a famous detective, or the savior of your Japanese police, how can you police arrest yourself?

This guy hasn’t actually heard his name? Is this normal?

It’s just that this young policeman, obviously a stunned blue, didn’t pay attention to this guy’s argument at all, and directly put on a pose of invitation.

Kudo Shinichi had no choice but to follow the young policeman and went to the police station together.

By the time he explained clearly and left, it was already dark, and he couldn’t help but feel irritable, not only did he not find a clue, but inexplicably, he was locked up in the police station for half a day.

But at this point, he can only admit that he is unlucky, and he can only be depressed and disappear into the night.

He didn’t know that after he left, in a small alley on the side of the police station, a figure slowly walked out, and it was the young policeman, looking at the direction where Kudo Shinichi disappeared, with a strange smile on his face.

And then a strange scene happened.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and gently pulled on his face, and the skin on his face was suddenly pulled up, and then the skin of the entire face was torn off, revealing a bright and beautiful face, and the blonde hair fell like a golden waterfall.

Obviously, this policeman is not a real policeman, but the woman in front of him is pretending to be!

She took out her mobile phone from her arms and dialed a number, and soon a deep voice came from the other side of the phone.

“Belmod, is there something going on? As I said before, I don’t want to hear something useless right now, and if there is no emergency, it is better not to call me! ”

On the other end of the phone, it was the sound of ginjiu, so at this time, the identity of this woman was naturally also about to come out.

Belmod snorted softly: “Gin wine, I am kind and kind, and you have to thank me today, if it were not for my timely attack, I am afraid that your method of retreating would have been discovered, in that case, it would be very unfavorable to you.”

There was a silence on the other side, but the smile on Belmot’s delicate face became stronger and stronger.

Gin Jiu, the arrogant guy, is obviously waiting for his explanation, but he will not ask, as if asking will lower his own pressure.

A guy who has just experienced a fiasco and almost lost half his life, actually cares about this?

But at this time, it is very rare, and you have to grasp it well.

Thinking in her heart, she was also silent for a while, and even lit a cigarette, slowly swallowing the gorgeous smoke ring, and the uncertain cigarette butt in the darkness reflected her face, mysterious and secluded.

“Okay, tell me what happened, and what you found, ahem.”

Kotojiu couldn’t hold his breath first, and couldn’t help but cough, his injuries were very serious, one arm was almost destroyed by Ashida Kensaku, his body was also hit extremely hard, and his ribs were fractured several times.

This fiasco was the worst in his life, and he was now much weaker in spirit, and his tone and tone became a lot more impatient.

Belmod did not hide it, and explained in detail what Kudo Shinichi was investigating.

“When I saw this, I couldn’t bear it anymore, so I disguised myself as a police officer and stopped his actions, these detectives are really perceptive, and they almost detected your tricks.”

On the phone, Gin Jiu said in a low voice: “Hmph, even if this is the case, it is impossible for him to discover my means!” ”

Belmode sneered: “Gin Jiu, you are always like this, confidence is a good thing, but conceit is wrong, these detectives are far smarter than you think, definitely not easy people, as for your means, it is indeed very clever”

“You take advantage of the blind spot of human thinking, in fact, you did not come out of that exit at all, but led everyone to the exit, and after leaving a large number of traces at the exit, you immediately turned back and entered the secret passage again.”

“A large number of footprints and blood stains, these traces, can also deceive those incompetent policemen, but to fool smart people, it is ridiculous!”

Qin Jiu snorted coldly, but did not refute it, this is the trick he played, although it is not worth mentioning.

But this is the same as magic, and it is always full of mystery until it is debunked.

And this trick also really works.

After discovering those traces, the police believed that the other party had fled from here, and then immediately blocked the nearby mountains and began to search the mountains.

But he found nothing, and when he went to check the passage, there was no trace.

Because back and forth, time has been delayed, giving the gin wine time to sweep out the traces, with his shrewdness and careful 853, naturally there will be no more flaws.

“Thank you Belmod, this favor will have a chance in the future, I will return it”

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Gin Jiu knew that Belmo had to do a good job, and there was a secret passage in the secret passage, although it seemed unimportant now, but in fact, it was not like this.

After all, when they fled that day, they were too embarrassed.

Before entering the secret passage in the tunnel, everyone can carefully reduce the traces with tight nerves, but once they enter the secret passage, many people also relax.

And because many people have injuries, blood, fingerprints and saliva are all remnants, all of which may have been extracted, including his blood, because after entering there, he fell into a coma!

Until today, after he woke up, he immediately realized these problems, and originally thought that he would find someone to clean up the traces by this evening.

But unexpectedly, this small slightest slightest was almost discovered, resulting in further losses.

Now fortunately he was discovered by Belmod and prevented things from getting worse, which certainly deserves his favor.

“Just admit my favor, I’ve helped you clean up those traces, you have a good rest, you need to recover as soon as possible.”

In the process of hanging up the phone, Qin Jiu couldn’t help but snort heavily, but the solemnity on his face dissipated a lot.

“Kudo Shinichi…………… The detective is really some troublesome guy, wait, don’t fall into my hands, otherwise……”.

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