Little Yellow Mao is simply going crazy?

What do you mean? Hint? This he meows directly!

That means that because of his kidney deficiency, his wife stole people?

Listen, is this human speech? Slander! He’s slandering me!

He couldn’t bear it anymore, and directly wanted to rush over and beat this bastard kid to let him know why the flower was so red!

It’s just that he just rolled up his sleeves and wanted to rush over, but saw the other party stretch out his hand and make a stop motion.

“Is this friend trying to do it? You can think clearly, this is the law firm of the concubine lawyer, you are taking the initiative to provoke now, and my hand is legitimate defense, and I, the person, like to serve people with virtue the most, you look at the lines on my fists, like not a moral character? ”

“It is said that such a fist with a German pattern, hitting a person, can make people unconscious, no, it is refreshing, and even enlightenment, isn’t there a word called drinking with a stick? I think my fists are much more effective than those masters’ sticks.”

The little yellow hair of the flower arm is simply going crazy, this bastard is going to die, forcing Lai Lai’s a lot of nonsense, ~ look at me!

Kenji Pengshan on the side, also – did not stop it.

As an underworld figure who has been crawling for many years and mixed up from the bottom, he has experienced countless fights and killings, and there are not a few people who have died in his hands, so he also has his own way of looking at people, that is, looking at people’s eyes.

If the opponent dodges his eyes and does not even dare to look at himself, it is inner timidity, no matter what he says, his heart is fearful, such a person is not afraid.

There are also pretentious judgments, but when they look at each other, the other party’s eyes flicker, and they are also afraid, especially now, with the high position, he is more imposing, and he can see more complex eyes.

Fear, disgust, helplessness, resentment, cowardice or fear!

These are normal looks.

But the young man in front of him is different, his eyes are too calm, so calm that people feel faintly uneasy, and the meaning of this look is – don’t care!

The other party does not care about him, does not take him to heart, only in this way, will have such eyes, which makes him extremely unhappy in his heart, so it is also a good thing to have a little brother come out and see the other party’s condition.

In the room, Concubine Eiri, who had just reunited with Maori Kogoro, saw this scene and hurriedly wanted to stop it, and Maori Kogoro was also taken aback.

I didn’t expect this kid to be so powerful, and he was really on after agreeing to help.

However, unlike Concubine Yingli, this kid’s strength is very strong, and he has long known about the fact that he killed internationally wanted criminals.

That guy at Twilight, but gave him a high evaluation, can rely on a long knife, in the head-to-head battle, an internationally wanted counter-kill, the hand is absolutely very hard.

It is precisely because he knows his strength that he will cheekily ask the other party.

After all, he is not a sleeping Kogoro now, but just an ordinary detective who does not have that much influence.

Moreover, just before coming up, something happened, which made him even more confident in Genda River, after all……….

So he didn’t worry about the other party at all, what he should worry about was the little yellow hair with the flower arm.

“Bang ——————”

Little Yellow Mao just rushed out, and flew back upside down at twice the speed, and he passively experienced what is called high-speed flight.

It’s just that he doesn’t have time to reminisce about flying, because he is now asleep on the ground.

It’s like those who participated in the zero-dollar purchase, were hit by white police with peanut rice, fell on a certain free street, and slept on the moon.

It’s just that such a deep sleep also has a disadvantage, that is, it is easy to breathe poorly, just like this guy, sleeping too deeply, bleeding from the mouth and nose, and I don’t know how to wipe it.

Stain the carpet that has just been contaminated with soot again, these punks, just don’t pay attention to hygiene.

However, at this time, Kenji Pengshan was not in the mood to consider the problem of unhygienic hygiene.

Just like the Monkey King in the Journey to the West chapter, he doesn’t want to know whether his eyes will dry, he just wants to know the problem of using two watermelon knives to cut through the South Heavenly Gate.

He just saw clearly, the other party in an instant, struck out an extremely rapid punch, so fast that an afterimage rose and landed on Xiao Huangmao’s chest, and then quickly closed his hand and put his hand back into his pocket.

This blow, I can’t dodge it!

At the moment when he was stunned, the alarm bell in his heart was loud, his whole body tensed, and the other party’s hand fell on his shoulder.

“What are you going to do?”

He instinctively felt startled, and instantly tried to avoid the opponent’s palm, but the opponent’s movement was like a soft stream of water, and his arm was like a rope, and he instantly turned slightly sideways and fell again.

0 for flowers 0

“Snap ——————”

The hand knife fell on the neck, like an executioner’s ghost head knife, falling and cutting off the head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The back of the head suffered a heavy blow, so that his brain was forced to shut down in an instant!

It was dark in front of him in an instant, and his huge body fell down directly, and Genda Chuan, who had just made a move, had already bypassed his side and walked into the office.

Looking at the other party’s soft fallen figure, Genda Chuan thought slightly:

“The breathing method plus the power of the ghost’s back muscles, it’s really terrifying, even if it’s just bare hands, just with a hand knife, it can exert a strong power, just now if I really go all out, I am confident, even with my hands, I can cut off the opponent’s neck!”

Hey, can’t think about breaking your neck when you come, this is not a world where evil ghosts are rampant, you don’t need so many severed ghosts, it seems that in the future, you have to learn some other sword techniques, the sword skills supporting the breathing method, the temper is too heavy…”

At this time, the punks were still immersed in shock, and after the boss fell, they were all at a loss, not knowing whether to fight hard or run with the boss quickly.

The other party is obviously outrageously strong!

“From now on, I’ll count five, you take these two guys and disappear from my eyes, otherwise I will throw you, one by one, from upstairs, all down, by the way, and those guys downstairs!”

At this time, if you open the curtains and look down, you will find that the gangsters who were still wandering around before have disappeared.

In fact, it was not gone, but after being punched, they all knelt on the ground, vomiting madly, and almost vomited all their bile.

After all, a punch in the stomach caused stomach spasms, even if it was yesterday’s overnight meal, it would vomit out, and it could not be slowed down for half a day.

Now these guys are all back in their cars, easing their wounded bodies and minds.

Although these guys didn’t know this, they didn’t dare to stay anymore and went out one after another.

Little yellow hair was carried up, and Pengshan Kenji’s body was too heavy, this guy was tall and big, weighing more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, he was a real behemoth.

The three punks mixed forces before carrying the boss and quickly evacuating the scene.

After watching them go, Gentagawa closed the door heavily, and the punks not far away, feeling that their hearts and chrysanthemums were tight, and they sped up again……… And..

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