“Not good, it’s a sniper rifle!”

Everyone can see clearly, what can cause this kind of damage is definitely not an ordinary pistol or rifle, only a sniper rifle can do it!

In order to be able to get rid of the crime, he actually used this method to strike at an ace lawyer with great prestige in the city.

Then everyone was afraid for a while, especially Concubine Yingli.

If it hadn’t been for Gentagawa’s shot just now, the bullet just now would have been fatal.

In the darkness, everything fell silent, as if everything had returned to calm.

But everyone knows that the current calm is only the calm before the storm, and the truly terrible storm is still brewing.

Somewhere in the opposite building, a dark figure was staring at the window of the office, with a cruel smile on his face.

Classic Blackie .jpg smiling

“Almost, it’s a pity, but after tonight, everything is doomed to be over!”

He reached out and adjusted the focus of the scope, in the field of view of the night vision device, the window was empty, but the last thing a sniper lacked was patience.

He is like a cat waiting for a mouse to emerge at the mouth of a mouse hole, all waiting for that instant thunder blow!

“Damn, these guys are mad with 417 hearts, they actually dare to really attack the law firm!”

Maori Kogoro was angry and slammed his fist on the ground, venting the anger in his heart.

Xiaolan on the side was trembling, fear hit like a tide, and her mother was shot beside her!

Although Xiaolan has also experienced some dangers all along, after all, being around the two gods of death, if you don’t encounter some murder and the like, it’s simply abnormal.

Rice flowers, I understand everything.

But in this way, directly using a sniper rifle to snipe, the target of the sniper is still his mother, and the impact of this intuitive feeling still makes Xiaolan’s heart tremble.

“Don’t panic, according to our previous arrangement, the sniper’s vision on the opposite side is very small, as long as we don’t appear in the sniper’s field of vision, he can’t do anything at all, but we need to be careful, it’s another problem”

Kudo Shinichi spoke: “Genda is right, since the other party has already used snipers, it is already determined and there will be no more leeway, so the other party must have other means besides snipers!” ”

Xiaolan and Kogoro, as well as Concubine Yingli’s heart, all mentioned the eyes of the throat.

His analysis is correct, since the gun has been moved, it is determined to extinguish, and there will definitely not be only one sniper!

Sure enough, at this time, there was a chaotic and heavy sound of footsteps downstairs, and in this dead night, a huge sense of fear rose in people’s hearts.

“They also brought a lot of people and horses! By the way, call the police! ”

Maori Kogoro also reacted at this time, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to try to call the police, but there was no signal on the mobile phone, which made him instantly dumbfounded.

“No need to try, I have just sent a message, but it shows that the transmission failed, the other party used technical means to block the signal of this building, and the telephone line is estimated to have been cut off.”

At this time, Concubine Yingli’s face was gloomy, and the other party simply did not leave the slightest way to live.

She believes that Kensaku Ashida will definitely find a way to support, but if she does not receive her message, the other party will not act with great fanfare.

At such a time, time is life, and if the police reach ten minutes, it may be the difference between life and death!

At this time, Gentagawa spoke: “Don’t worry, I have sent a distress message to the police, and in a maximum of twenty minutes, the police personnel will arrive.”

Everyone was stunned, the signal of the entire building was blocked, how could his message be sent?

But Gentagawa believed him after revealing the messages he had sent on his phone, as well as the text messages that Officer Twilight replied.

“You kid is really good, you actually contacted Officer Twilight, this is great!”

As long as Officer Twilight leads the police to arrive, no matter how big the battle is, the other party must stop, no matter how powerful the other party is.

Because if there is a head-on conflict with the police, it is completely different in nature.

After all, anti-gang crime requires evidence, and counter-terrorism only needs lists, and as for counterinsurgency, then only coordinates are needed.

Therefore, as long as the police arrive (BCCB), no matter how rampant these killers hired by the Yamaguchi family, they will definitely leave immediately, and the crisis will be lifted!

And once the other side fails, today’s battle needs a reasonable explanation.

At that time, whether it is looking for a scapegoat or using some other method, it will be enough to deal a heavy blow to the Yamaguchi family.

Or rather, the Yamaguchi family used this means, they were already ready, ready to be hit hard, whether successful or not, this blow was inevitable.

“The living room is no longer safe, let’s go to the corridor together!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kudo Shinichi couldn’t help but say, “But if one of the people rushing up has a gun, it will be even more dangerous in the corridor!” ”

Concubine Yingli, Xiaolan and Kogoro also reacted, but continuing to stay in the room is also a dead end.

Gentagawa smiled and said, “It’s okay, before, I left them a little good stuff in the corridor and stairs, they must be able to experience the joy of sliding now, and we also have to make a little preparation.”

When everyone went outside, they figured out what he meant.

On the floor of the corridors and stairs, there is an extra layer of grease, which is obviously the masterpiece of Genda River.

Those gangsters who are about to rush up, without a little defense, after going up the stairs, they directly guessed the slippery and greasy cooking oil, and after the lubrication of the cooking oil, the already very smooth tiles were simply like losing friction, making people unable to stand at all.

And there are many people coming, it is already a little crowded, once one of them can’t stand firmly and roll down, they can directly trip over a piece.

So the situation that was originally very solemn is also funny at this time.

“I saw you go to the kitchen before, you used all the cooking oil I stored here!” Concubine Yingli couldn’t help but marvel.

The seemingly simple method is very concise and effective, and this ability to adapt to changes is really not simple.

Genda Chuan nodded, and then shouted at the gangsters who were making a mess:

“Guys, I’ve poured gasoline on the corridor, if you keep rushing up, I’ll set it on fire, and then the net will be broken, and you just want to make money, you don’t need to fight with your lives, right?”

Simply put, it is that sentence, hundreds of dollars a month, what life do you play.

From the action just now, it can be seen that these guys have average means, just a barrel of oil, which makes them mess up.

At this time, a figure downstairs was Kenji Pengshan, who had been knocked unconscious by Genda Chuan before, looking at the way his subordinates farted and urinated, he couldn’t help but be angry.

“Waste, all waste!”

A man with a scar on his face next to him said: “Big brother, the other party seems to have been prepared, but he actually poured gasoline in the corridor, this is simply looking for death, without him lighting a fire, we can burn them all directly if we light it.”

Pengshan Kenji glared at him fiercely: “Idiot, do you think the other party can’t think of it?” He did this on purpose, once the fire started, there would be people around to call the police, and our actions could no longer be hidden.

And this building is not small, the fire that ignites in the staircase, it is impossible to spread the entire building quickly, at that time, do you want me to confront the police head-on? “。

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