The morning breeze blows, and the screen window next to the bed swayes.

Genda Chuan, who had slept well, also slowly opened his eyes, but where he entered his eyes, he saw three beautiful figures, all lying on the side of his bed and falling asleep.

This made Gentagawa stunned, and upon closer inspection, these three people were Princess Eiri, Xiaoran and Miwako Sato.

Obviously, the three of them kept themselves for a night, no wonder they felt a furry feeling in their hands before, it turned out that they touched the girl’s hair.

Last night, after suturing the wound, bandaging the medicine, he underwent infusion treatment, and after infusion of some blood and normal saline, he also passed out directly, after all, the consumption was too great.

Now that I slept well, I finally recovered my strength, and I couldn’t help but stretch my waist, and the muscles and joints of my whole body made a crisp sound.

“Hey, Genda-san, you’re awake!”

Xiaolan was the first to wake up, rubbed her eyes and watched Genda Chuan sit up, and suddenly became happy.

“You must be thirsty, I’ll go pour you some water to drink”

Concubine Eiri and Miwako Sato on the side also woke up, Concubine Eiri raised her head, looked at the teenager looking at her with blazing eyes, couldn’t help but think of something, and suddenly her pretty face was more rosy, and she couldn’t help but stare at each other.

This guy is also too bold, he is his classmate’s 18 mother, and he is simply rude to himself.

But people just risked their lives to save themselves, protect themselves and their families, and they can’t be angry with him no matter what, they can only just glare.

Officer Sato on the side was a little strange, the concubine lawyer seemed to glared at Gentagawa, didn’t he just save the concubine lawyer?

It’s just that when I look at it again, the two have returned to normal, as if she just dizzled, but when I think about it, I should be really dazzled.

It seems that these days are really tired, continuous overtime and staying up late, the impact on their body is not small, after the end of this case, really have a good rest and rest.

“Detective Genda, you’re awake, how is your body? Do you want me to call the doctor and check you up again?” ”

Gendachuan hurriedly said: “No need, let’s call the doctor later, why are you all here?” ”

At this time, Xiaolan had already brought a glass of water, and after he took it and drank it, Xiaolan explained.

Yesterday evening, after the doctor treated his wound, he passed out directly.

Originally, the police left Officer Sato to take care of it, which was actually enough, but Xiaoran insisted on staying, after all, this time, Genda River saved the whole family, and if he didn’t repay it, it would be too much.

But I didn’t expect that Concubine Yingli was not willing to go back to rest and wanted to stay.

That’s why there is the current scene, as soon as Genda River woke up, there were actually three big beauties around him, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

“Genda-san, I really thank you so much this time, if it weren’t for you, my mother would be really dangerous, my father and I were also saved by you several times, thank you so much”

Gentagawa smiled and said: “Maori classmate is too polite, since I accepted the entrustment of Uncle Maori to protect the safety of the concubine lawyer, I will definitely not give up halfway, thank you and the concubine lawyer, as well as Officer Sato for taking care of it”

Xiaolan hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Where, Genda-san, you are really too polite, compared to what you do, this care is nothing at all”

The two politely said a few words, Concubine Yingli just watched from the side, did not speak, but on the side of the police officer Sato asked a lot of details of the case.

She will go to the Metropolitan Police Department to report in a while, this case involves many people, and the nature is extremely bad, any detail may have a great effect.

Although she had asked Concubine Yingli and Xiaolan about many things yesterday night, she still wanted to ask the opinion of Genda River, the main force of the battle.

“Thank you Detective Genda, I will visit specifically when I have time in the future”

After speaking, Officer Sato left in a hurry.

“Officer Sato is really a good police officer, he always does things so seriously”, Xiaoran has a good impression of Officer Sato.

Indeed, this female police officer is sincere and warm, and in order to defend justice, she is indeed very likable, no wonder she has such high popularity in the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Oh, Genda boy, it’s great that you’re awake, let’s eat something quickly”

Maori Kogoro pushed the door and walked in, Concubine Eiri and Xiaoran did not leave here, of course he did not go back, he held the breakfast he had just bought in his hand, and he was also happy to see Genda River awake.

“Great, I’m also hungry, after breakfast, I still have to go to see Shinichi, although the doctor said that he is only a mild concussion, it will not have much effect, but I still have to stay in the hospital for a few days, and I have to observe it well.”

Genda Chuan instantly remembered yesterday’s incident, the bald monster, casually struck, made the detective unconscious, the situation was urgent, did not care about him.

I didn’t expect to have a concussion, but concussion is a very magical thing, sometimes it is bumped fiercely, and it can be the same as nothing.

Sometimes, a light knock is over, the light is confusion, mental decline, and the worst is brain stem rupture and death.

If Kudo Shinichi, a guy, suffers from a concussion that causes mental decline, then wow, the slogan of the entire Conan story will change.

Although the body has become smaller, but the intelligence is still declining, the delirious detective, the truth really can’t come up!

Then rip the calf!

After quickly eliminating three breakfasts, Gentagawa was considered eight points full before he finally stopped, and the corners of Maori Kogoro’s mouth twitched.

I knew that this kid was very good at eating before, so I bought a few more breakfasts, which seemed to come in handy, otherwise, I would almost not be able to eat when I bought breakfast.

“Genda boy, I really thank you this time, if it weren’t for your help, my family’s lives would be in danger, please receive my sincere thanks!”

Saying that, Maori Kogoro bowed very seriously to Gentagawa.

Gentagawa smiled and held him, although this uncle is not very reliable many times, but in the treatment of his family, he is still worthy of praise.

It’s just that my brother knows how to settle the score!

Although this uncle gave himself enough gratitude, but gratitude, like Sven, cannot be eaten, he is now only a former rich second generation, that is, it is no longer a rich second generation, money is such a thing, it is absolutely not less, not a single child!

Although he kissed his wife yesterday night and coveted his daughter, it is not a reason to be exempt, 330 This is a matter of principle!

Immediately said: “Uncle Maori does not need to be so polite, I am willing to make a move, because you paid for me, I am desperately because of the employment, but also because of the respect for the concubine lawyer to uphold justice, so Uncle Maori does not need this, just give me the money for hiring me.”

“Money? You still need money, then how much employment fee you said, you can’t be too outrageous, otherwise I won’t recognize it! ”

Maori Kogoro’s expression changed for a while, and he tried to maintain the scene of gratitude zero, firstly, he was really grateful, and secondly, he wanted to create an atmosphere and make Gentagawa embarrassed to mention money.

After all, young people love face, and they are so grateful by their own detectives, it is easy to find the north, and they will not talk about money, after all, talking about money hurts feelings.

Our feelings are all here, how inappropriate it is to talk about money.

But I didn’t expect that this kid really opened his mouth to ask for money, what a miscalculation.

Gentagawa thought for a while: “Uncle Mori is also a detective, of course, he knows the charging rules of our industry, although there is no clear standard, but according to the fame and the difficulty of entrustment, the approximate cost can still be calculated”

“I’m still a novice detective, and the fee should be carried out according to the minimum standard, but this time the commission is too difficult, and I completed this commission as a bodyguard, so I should charge according to the price of the bodyguard,

Especially during the completion of the commission, I also experienced snipers, underworld thugs and gunmen, and even ambushes, but I almost died many times, so that it took at least three million! “。。

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