A hot narrow bullet, ejected from the barrel, with strong kinetic energy, enough to penetrate a steel plate several centimeters thick, shot out at this moment.

At this moment, Gentagawa felt a great crisis, but under Tomoko’s deep immersion, he always maintained an absolute state of tranquility.

The heart is like a bright moon, and the breath is like stopping water!

In the spirit world, Tomoko has simulated the ballistic traces of a sniper rifle, and in a slight arc, his head is the final destination of the bullet.

In fact, this sniper had already scanned and found it when Genda River rushed to the staircase, but Genda River did not stop, because Tomoko was sure that while simulating ballistics, he avoided the shooting of the sniper rifle.

In fact, he is moving at high speed, even if he is a top sniper, it is not easy to lock on to the enemy.

Or it should be said that the other party can only shoot with the feeling that the top sniper is instantaneous, and the consequence of relying on feeling is the lack of confidence in this shot.

The so-called confidence is not an empty phrase, many top masters in the field will feel this way, when a thing has not started, they already have their own prejudgment of success or failure.

When the carving master gets the carving material, he can roughly count in his heart, and the top chef can predict the taste of the dish 26 when he sees the ingredients.

And the top archers and snipers are the same, before shooting, in fact, you can rely on feelings, roughly know whether this shot can be successful.

The sniper’s feeling after firing this shot was extremely strange, as if he had fired a shot into the sky, without any feedback at all.

This feeling, just like once, when he first touched a sniper rifle, after pulling the trigger, he didn’t know if he could hit it at all, as if Providence dominated the barrel of his gun.

This moment seems short, and it seems to be very long.

Everyone was waiting for the result of this shot, and as long as the strange being on the other side died, they could get out and leave.

“Bang ————”

When he heard this voice, Gin Jiu’s dark green pupils involuntarily trembled, he was also a top sniper, and extremely keen, of course, he could tell the difference.

This bullet did not hit the body, producing a sound of flesh and blood exploding, and with this bang, the bullet fell on the ground and hit the hardened road.

The more he was at such a life-and-death juncture, the calmer he became, and he jumped out directly regardless of his injuries, and kicked heavily on the license plate of his car.

After the license plate was hit hard, the trunk opened instantly, and several internal mechanisms were flipped over, and there were several bombs with numbers!

And these flashing red numbers also started the countdown the moment Gin Jiu opened the trunk, and the time was two minutes!

The vodka’s lips trembled when they saw this scene.

The eldest brother is worthy of being the eldest brother, what a ruthless person, there is actually a bomb on the car he has been driving, if there is a rear-end collision, he must not take off directly!

Gin Jiu also has an extra button device in his hand and presses his finger on it.

“Don’t get close, you can also see, this car is loaded with military CL explosives, is the military explosives of the United States, the blasting speed can reach 9600 meters / s, the power is dozens of times that of TNT, if I detonate these bombs, people around for thousands of meters will have to die!”

In the spirit world, Tomoya confirmed the saying of ginjiu.

“He didn’t lie, the power of these explosives is indeed extremely terrifying, with your current speed, once the explosives are detonated, there is no possibility of survival”

Genda Chuan couldn’t help but itch his teeth for a while, this dog mongrel, actually has this hand, worthy of being the character in the original work, who has brought Conan fear countless times.

He also finally understood why in the original work, many people wanted to deal with the black-clothed organization, and they had also studied to deal with ginjiu, but they were all careful and careful, and did not dare to make a move easily.

Every time, it is calculated to the extreme, and I am afraid that there will be a little mistake.

It’s not just because Gin is tough, but more importantly, it’s a madman, a madman who is smart enough, decisive enough, and tough enough.

He is like a terrorist, ready to give an individual, or a hostile force, a terrorist attack at any time.

“It seems that I can only give up killing him, but I still have to collect some interest.”

His figure jumped suddenly, and there was a thud on the ground again, apparently, the hidden sniper had shot again.

Just now, Gin Jiu used powerful explosives to successfully deter this terrible guy, so now, it is the best chance to get rid of the other party.

This sniper also seized the opportunity of this electric flint.

Hidden in the shadows, his chest rose and fell, and the intense excitement spread throughout his body like an electric shock, making his heart stir.

But in the next second, his eyes instantly froze, because the figure did not fall as expected, but disappeared into the field of view of the sniper scope.

He hurriedly turned his vision to look for the figure of the other party, and then saw a shocking scene.

After the other party jumped up, he had climbed the eaves of the street shops on the side, and then used the force to flip up, and his body immediately soared into the air and turned upside down, like a smart ape, directly to the second floor.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped on the outside unit of an air conditioner, and then borrowed the force to go up again, and in the blink of an eye he had reached the third floor.

“Not good, this guy’s target is me!”

The other party obviously planned this, since he couldn’t kill Gin Jiu, then kill him!

This made him dazzled, hurriedly turned the muzzle of the gun to shoot, but then became more afraid, the other party’s position is extremely coquettish, the route of action after going up to the third floor, are the blind area of his sniper rifle, the root is the law!

He hurriedly grabbed his gun and was about to flee, but in his ears, there was a teasing voice.

“Now you know you’re scared? I’m afraid 387 is a bit of a night.”

The sniper’s whole body trembled in fright, his heart almost stopped, and then he rolled on the spot to avoid, and then raised his gun to shoot, but he didn’t expect that before he pulled the trigger, he felt a sharp pain in his palm, and the sniper rifle fell to the ground. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At a glance, it was a few playing cards, which were inserted into the palm of his hand, and the figure on the opposite side, he could also see clearly.

“Monster thief Kidd, you are the blame thief Kidd, why are you here?”

The sniper said in shock, the strange thief Kidd actually appeared here, what is this for?

“You don’t care why I’m here, but if I were you, I would start running away without saying a word, after all, now there is me, this famous strange thief, helping you distract him, although I hate you criminal organizations very much, but I don’t want to see anyone killed”

The sniper was stunned, and then immediately did not turn his head, he ran in one direction, the sniper rifle did not care, and directly threw it in place, after all, no matter how good the sniper rifle is, it is not as important as a small life.

But at this moment, the expression of the monster thief Kidd, who was still very relaxed just now, suddenly froze.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, passed in front of him, and chased towards the sniper who was about to flee at a very fast speed.

“It’s not good, stop him!” , I wanted to raise my hand and could fire a poker gun, but Genda River, who was running, suddenly looked back at him, and this glance made his heart tremble.

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