Yonekacho, Tokyo, among the luxury villas.

Gentagawa struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and there was a hazy feeling in his black pupils.

In the brain, there was a roaring sound, as if an old engine was barely running inside.

The worn-out parts lack lubrication, and if you think about it, you will have a headache, your head is like a steel needle embedded in it, and your painful scalp is shaking.

Immediately after that, auditory hallucinations and hallucinations appeared, and chaotic pictures flashed in my mind, and my ears were full of noisy and meaningless noise.

I don’t know how long it took for Gentagawa to feel that he had finally regained the ability to think, and at this time, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and the whole person was like a prawn fished out of water.


He couldn’t help but gasp violently, and the fat flesh in his whole body trembled, and his originally hazy and cloudy eyes finally returned to normal.

Only at this time, he looked at his hands incredulously, a pair of white tender and smooth, but hands without the slightest callouse, this is a pair of extremely young hands, now his own.

And immediately after, a large number of memories poured in, so that the pain that had just subsided rose again at this time.

But this time he was defensive and immediately gritted his teeth and hugged his head.

Countless unfamiliar memories began to revive in the brain and began to become clear quickly.

After fusing this body, Genda Chuan also twitched at the corner of his mouth, not knowing whether to feel lucky or unlucky.

The name of this body is the same as the original owner, also called Genda River, is a rich second generation in Yonehua Town or Mihua City, and it is not a small rich second generation, but a large rich second generation, similar to Zhao Gongzi’s.

But the difference is that he does not have the arrogance of Zhao Gongzi, will not pay for others, but is a relatively good person, but is relatively timid, never bullies others, on the contrary, sometimes, is bullied by some bad youth, resulting in a not very social personality.

However, the rich second generation is the rich second generation, and the life is still very comfortable, and the father of the original owner is also trying his best to cultivate, wanting him to learn to inherit the family business.

But just half a year ago, the parents of the original owner died in an inexplicable explosion at the same time.

In this way, the originally very large Genji consortium quickly fell apart and was divided by a group of shareholders, and the original owner was still a minor, and it could not be stopped at all.

In the end, we can only watch the huge family business decay soon.

In the end, the assets allocated to him were only a little scraps, only a few properties left, and tens of millions of deposits!

That’s right, in the eyes of ordinary people, the already huge assets, in the eyes of the original owner, are just that.

In fact, it is not surprising that after accepting the memory of the original owner and knowing how rich the former Genji Foundation was, he would think so.

This is like the last emperor Puyi, when he first left the Forbidden City, he took a lot of good things with him, and in the eyes of ordinary people, these good things are already a lot of wealth.

But in his eyes, originally the whole world, the entire Forbidden City was his, and now he can only take away such a little, the taste can be imagined.

For the original owner, in fact, this is the case.

The large consortium that originally sat on huge assets fell apart overnight, and the huge assets disappeared, and there were only such three melons and two dates in their hands.

It’s torture!

I have not experienced such brilliance, and I can rest assured of the dullness at this time.

But since I have seen the sky, of course, I will not be satisfied with the small pond.

The strong sense of gap and loss made it difficult for the original owner to accept, making the already cowardly and withdrawn character even worse.

Will only stay in this villa, use games and alcohol, to anesthetize themselves, so that they are getting fatter and fatter, one meter eight in height, but have a weight of 200 pounds!

This is rare in neon, except for some big fat people who play sumo, and it is rare to overweight so much.

And the rice blossom with long legs per capita is even more different, which also makes the original owner more inferior, so yesterday I couldn’t help but drink and buy drunk, but I didn’t expect that the heart couldn’t bear it, and I directly died.

This was occupied by the Genda River of the other world, occupying this young body.

So minors, be sure not to drink excessively.

After spending a little time and sorting out all the memories of the original owner, there was an even more amazing discovery, that is, the death of the original owner’s parents, I am afraid that it is not simple.

First of all, as the chairman and wife of the top consortium, the security forces around them are very sufficient, how can they easily die in accidents.

Moreover, as a mature large consortium, even if the chairman dies, it can continue to operate, and professional managers, shareholders’ meetings, etc., can maintain the continued operation of the consortium.

Falling apart so quickly is like having a pair of invisible big hands that are secretly manipulating everything.

The original owner actually found out that something was wrong, but under the excessive sadness, the whole person was confused, and he did not delve into it.

And immediately afterwards, he saw that all the traitors were cold and warm, and many guys who had been respectful to him all began to distance themselves from him.

The property that should have been inherited by him has evaporated ninety percent of the time, and only a little bit of what really fell into his hands remains.

And in his memory, he also found something interesting, that is, the world he came to was not normal history, but came to the world of Detective Conan!

The world is too ‘punishable’, and all kinds of cases are emerging one after another.

And once something happens, it’s never a small case, a fight? What does not exist, a shot is a murder!

Therefore, ordinary police officers are not working, but those criminal police are extremely active.

And more active than the criminal police are those detectives, such as a so-called ‘Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era’!

Since he knew that he had come to this world, he knew it in his heart.

In such a world, it seems reasonable that the chairman and wife of a big consortium were assassinated.

And in the first time, he thought of the black-clad organization.

Of course, this is not to say that all the bad things in this world are the work of this organization.

But this kind of case involving big business is difficult for people who know the main plot not to suspect their heads.

However, because the original owner was muddy, for the situation at that time, almost his eyes were black, and many important things were completely unknown, and there was no way to judge for the time being.


He couldn’t help but sigh, since he occupied this body, he should naturally bear the cause and effect, if the original owner’s parents really died in the hands of the black-clothed organization, then he and them would become enemies.

But he has nothing now, just a down-and-out rich second generation, what to confront the ‘black side’ of this world?

Even, once detected by the black-clothed organization, someone is investigating this matter, I am afraid that there will be a scourge of killing immediately.

Thinking of this, my brain couldn’t help but ache faintly again.

But at this moment, in his mind, a voice suddenly came out.

【Abnormal state detected, confirm the time and space information! 】 】

The new book sets sail, ask for the support of new and old friends!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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