His expression is serious and serious, without the slightest appearance of his usual giggle, it is a rare serious moment, and even in his eyes, there is a trace of nervousness, is this afraid that he will refuse?

That’s a rare thing.

However, this also shows that this matter is absolutely urgent.

“Uncle Maori said that as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help”

After hearing this, Maori Kogoro nodded deeply, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

He is not ignorant of human feelings, of course, he knows that his previous actions are all annoying behaviors.

Just like before, the reckless door-to-door asked a colleague to stop some of his business, this is not a joke, it is good not to be scolded.

The reason why this is so, first of all, with the feeling of relying on the old and selling the old, I want to use the identity of the predecessor to suppress the other party, after all, everyone who understands it, neon this place, for this kind of relationship between the predecessors and the juniors, can still bring a certain mental “five, six seven” pressure.

But the most important thing is that he doesn’t care, doesn’t care what Gentagawa thinks of him.

This is also the temperament of Maori Kogoro, who is always a lot more casual about people and things he doesn’t care about.

He can laugh and talk to beautiful girls, he can get drunk with people he doesn’t know, and he can drink beer at home sloppily.

But for those who care, it’s completely different.

When you see the idol Yoko Okino, you can change your clothes in a second, turn into a handsome uncle, and climb the fourth floor in three seconds with your bare hands to save your wife and complete amazing achievements, and you can also cry in front of the TV cameras in order to save your kidnapped daughter, praying that the kidnappers will not hurt Xiaolan.

In other words, he is actually a very casual and emotional person, who values the people he cares about more than anything else, and does not care much about the opinions of strangers.

But today, after he came to the door, he directly looked like a starving ghost reincarnated, in addition to that he was really hungry and the rice made by Genda River was really delicious, it was also a test to see if this young man was a person who could help him.

“Genda boy, uncle is here, thank you in advance, what happened is like this”

Saying that, he said in detail the things he encountered.

In fact, the whole thing is not complicated, in short, it is a very bloody story.

The son of a high-ranking official is suspected of participating in a rape and murder incident, which has been common since ancient times.

In fact, for these powerful children, there is no shortage of women around, and there are many people who want to cling to the powerful.

But human nature is like this, the more easily it can be obtained, the less it is cherished.

After this kind of woman plays more, she wants to try some fresh, all kinds of cruel and cruel behavior, which can be described as endless, and there are many places that cause death.

But all those who have some brains will handle these things cleanly, and they will definitely not turn over to the table.

It’s just that in this world, there will be exceptions to everything, there will always be a few brain dead, not within the normal range, and there will always be some conventions, becoming new cases, appearing in the eyes of the public without concealment, causing an uproar.

This case met all the elements.

The nature is extremely bad, the means are extremely cruel, and the impact is extremely huge!

Originally, there was absolutely no room for discussion in such a case, and it would be good to catch and judge it.

But anything in this world, once associated with power, will change.

Just like Chang Wei who beat Laifu, he changed from a bandit overnight to a weak son brother who does not know martial arts at all, and a guy from the palace has a leg with a young grandmother, of course, it is logical.

This case is also similar.

First, the identity of the murderer was blurred for a while, and the posts about this incident on the Internet began to disappear in batches, and many accounts were inexplicably banned.

Then some whitewashing posts emerged, began to crazy whitewashing, some surveillance videos, also magically disappeared, as for the reason for the disappearance is not clear, may be from the magical power of the underworld, anyway, I don’t know.

At this time, the matter will also complete the last link of whitewashing, that is, the witness changed his words.

This was not easy, but in the face of power, things that were originally difficult seemed to be shortened.

It is conceivable that witnesses will also change their words under various pressures or temptations.

In this way, the originally interlocking chain of evidence will soon dissipate in the face of power.

Of course, at this moment, things have not yet reached this step, but are still at the moment when public opinion is being manipulated, and the evidence has not been obliterated, but has been well preserved, and the witnesses have not yet gone wrong.

The reason why this is so is because the plaintiff, that is, the lawyer representing the victim, is the princess Yingli, who is known as the undefeated queen!

In this way, things are completely clear.

If a high-ranking official wants to keep his son, he needs to do it, just in Gentagawa’s mind, those things that came to mind……..

But the problem now is that manipulating public opinion, destroying evidence, and retracting confessions by witnesses need to be interlinked. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

More importantly, when manipulating public opinion, the people are not unable to see it, but they can’t speak out, but just use timeliness to dilute the public’s attention to this matter.

When the heat of this matter drops and not many people continue to discuss it, it is logical to destroy the evidence and then let the witness retract the confession.

If the public opinion has not calmed down, the son will be directly sentenced, and if this matter is hammered down, even if the power is monstrous, there is no way.

After all, even the prime minister cannot fight against the rules of society!

So the problem now is that if you want to keep your son, you need to clear the obstacles when you start to control public opinion.

Concubine Yingli and the evidence she has in her hands are all obstacles!

However, Fei Yingli is not an ordinary lawyer, she is also a well-known public figure, and has a lot of influence in the legal circle.

Therefore, even if he knew that this woman was difficult, he would not easily use some tricks, but sent some people to negotiate with Concubine Yingli.

It is hoped that Fei Yingli can give up the right to represent in this case and hand it over to other lawyers to represent her, and hint that as long as Fei Yingli can give up her right of representation, there will be a very rich return, and there will be no trouble at all.

The other party’s hint is already very explicit.

Concubine Yingli knew very well that once she gave up her right to represent herself, this case would be taken over by a lawyer who was very friendly with the other party.

Then the script is that he did everything he could to defend the plaintiff.

But 2.9 no one could have imagined that a series of problems would occur, the evidence in his hands mysteriously disappeared at a certain night, and after losing the evidence, all the accusations were suddenly much weaker.

And then, in court, the witnesses betrayed en masse and said something unconscionable, and as a result, the lawyer suffered a Waterloo.

Then left the court with the pained victim’s family, and finally helplessly admonished, the victim’s family, or accept the other party’s secret mediation.

Then the victim’s family can only give the victim’s family a very considerable pension on the premise that the other party does not admit the crime, which can be regarded as a humanitarian gift.

After receiving the money, the victim’s family, of course, needs to put aside hatred, let the past pass, be generous, and then use this money to start a new life.

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