In the health room of Didan Elementary School, Tomoaki Shinde came with Xiaolan Yuanzi.

Xiaolan Yuanzi looked nervous. Neither of them were very good at this kind of nursing work.

When Shinde Tomaki saw their expressions, he comforted them:

“What you don’t have to worry about is that we can help with simple tasks such as measuring height, weight, and vision.”

“If I need an injection or blood draw, I can do it myself.”

When they heard this, the two women breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaolan, looking left and right, couldn’t help but ask:

“Eh? Where is Teacher Judy?”

Xinde Zhiming chuckled:

“I just went to the office and didn’t see her. Maybe she left beforehand!”

“It doesn’t matter, one less person is just slower!”

But before he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the health room.

“Thumb thump! Judy appeared wearing a white nurse uniform and a hat.

The skirt of the nurse uniform was just at the thigh, and her plump thighs were wrapped in white stockings.

The top part of the stockings stretched out the leg flesh. , full of voluptuousness, and there are two white suspenders on the legs

“I just went back and changed into suitable clothes, but you didn’t even wait for me”

“This nurse uniform is the uniform I wore when I was studying nursing and first aid in the United States.”

“How about it? Looks good!”

These words made Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Shinde Tomaki next to them all feel black!

Why do they feel that this guy is here to compete for beauty, not like a nurse!

Shinde Tomaki quickly said:

“Okay, okay, these people are here, then I will make arrangements”

“Students will come in from outside later, holding physical examination forms in their hands”

“Xiaolan, please guide them to stand on the instrument, measure their height and weight, record it, and then ask the students to go to the next room.”

“Yuanzi, your location is over here, help me measure my vision and hearing.”

“Teacher Judy, please help test the students’ cardiopulmonary function.”

“I conduct face-to-face consultations and blood sampling in the innermost room!”

Hearing this, Judy quickly said:

“I can also help draw blood. I have learned nursing skills.”

Xinde Zhiming chuckled:

“is that so? That’s great”

“I’ll leave the blood drawing to you and I’ll do the final consultation!”

After hearing this, Judy couldn’t help but murmur in her heart.

What is the purpose of this guy?

He can say whatever he wants!

But no matter what he wants to do, Judy wants to sabotage his action. Anyway, it’s good to focus on one bad thing. It’s time!

Finally, everyone occupied a health room for a physical examination.

After the arrangements were made, the new Chiming went outside and found the school director responsible for the handover.

He asked him to arrange for the primary school students in each class to come out according to their serial numbers and enter this place. In the infirmary, the daily physical examination began.

This sequence naturally starts from the first grade of elementary school!

The school director began to give instructions, starting from grade A. One by one, the primary school students came here under the leadership of the head teacher. We are in the infirmary.

There are only three ABC classes in each grade, and each class has about thirty people. There are 90 people in the first grade, and the entire Didan Primary School has only more than 500 students.

Do a routine physical examination. , it doesn’t take much and can be done in one day.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi took over very simple tasks, which was naturally very easy.

The four people became like a small assembly line.

Each student entered a health room , there were a few more data on the physical examination form, and he went to the next room, which was extremely efficient!

That is, the primary school student A suffered a disaster when he entered the third health room.

Judy has naturally learned nursing skills!

However, the more important thing is the first aid skills in the FBI!

She is not very skilled at drawing blood from children.

The children in front were stabbed in the wrong place and cried so much that Judy cried out for her mother.

It made Judy’s forehead break. Sweating!

This is a grade-by-grade test!

When the first-grade students were tested, students from other grades were attending classes honestly in the classroom.

But in the corridor, the students from Class B were waiting in line. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the young detective team heard the screams like slaughtering pigs inside, their faces turned pale.

If it weren’t for the serious Chengzi Kobayashi to control them, these little brats would probably run away..

And when he heard the screams coming from the health room next to him, Tomaki Shinde hurried over.

“Teacher Judy, it’s me who does the blood drawing work!”

Judy could only laugh dryly, and then returned the two boxes of disposable blood collection needles and blood collection tubes to the new doctor….0

She herself can only help with some spirometry tests.

And Shinde Zhiming’s approach is obviously much gentler.

The needle insertion is precise and efficient, and the blood drawing is very smooth!

Therefore, the children’s cries became less.

It wasn’t until the students in Class B were put in line for testing that Conan discovered that the person helping to guide them was actually Sister Xiaolan.

Conan suddenly became energetic

“Sister Xiaolan, why are you here too?”

Xiaolan chuckled:

“A new doctor has arrived today and asked us to come and help him. He is short of assistants, so Sonoko and I have been arrested.”[]

When he heard the name Xinzhi Ming, Conan suddenly became extremely vigilant.

After all, the new doctor is very handsome.

Even Conan finds him very threatening!

“Hey, where is Xiao Wu, is he behind you?”

But when Conan heard this, Xiaolan mentioned Ishikawa Takeshi in less than three sentences.

Her face suddenly hurt again.

No matter how you look at it, Ishikawa Takeshi is more threatening!

“He didn’t come to school. I haven’t seen him since morning.”

Xiaolan immediately frowned:

“How can it be?”

“I sent him to school with Xiao Ai in the morning!”

“Conan, are you lying?”

Xiao Lan only felt that her 4.4 Wu brother was so good that he couldn’t skip class.

The first thought was that Conan lied and deceived.

Conan was suddenly speechless:”No, I really didn’t see him, nor did I see Haiyuan classmate.”

“Sister Xiaolan, let’s not talk about them anymore. When will you come back to live? Uncle misses you very much!”

After hearing this, Xiaolan’s expression immediately became much colder.

“When dad realizes his mistake, I will go back.”

Conan wanted to say something else, but Xiaolan interrupted him directly.

“Okay, Conan, hurry up and measure it.”

“Don’t delay the students behind you from getting tested!”

Hearing this, Conan could only step forward obediently and record his height and weight.

Then he walked out with three steps.

But Xiaolan ignored him completely.

He took out his mobile phone and called Ishikawa. Wu, asked where he was!.

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