The door of the wine cellar 404 opened, and Gin and Vodka walked in.

They saw empty wine cabinets.

On the table in front, there was a computer that was turned on.

Vodka immediately started searching:

“Strange, why isn’t Pisk here?”

“This place should be Pisco’s backup plan, to bring people here and kill them.”

“The trolleys, boxes, and cleaning clothes prepared here are probably used to deal with corpses.”

“This old guy is quite thoughtful!”

“But why didn’t I see Shigehiko Tsuguchi’s body?”

“Could it be that he knew we were coming to find him and ran away?”.

Gin’s beast-like eyes scanned the surroundings.

As soon as he came in, he felt an ominous premonition.

Hearing what Vodka said, he shook his head:


“Although it is not clear why Piske downloaded the data from the intranet”

“But I just received the boss’s order in the car.”

“No one could know in advance, and he couldn’t run away even if he wanted to.”

Suddenly, Gin’s gloomy eyes suddenly shrank.

He saw something familiar and unusual again!…………


The number one killer in the organization couldn’t help but step forward and squatted down!

On the ground, there was a long brown hair!

And this long hair was taken from Shirley by Takeshi Ishikawa.

It was a waste recycling, so it was placed directly on the floor next to the fireplace.

In the original book, Gin saw Shirley’s hair.

And in reality, it is no exception!

Shirley’s hair can be called a trap for Gin, and it is really invincible!

At the same time, Takeshi Ishikawa on the rooftop saw Gin squatting in the camera.

This surveillance camera is installed in the fireplace, and you can’t see the surveillance camera without squatting.

Takeshi Ishikawa smiled, and then pressed the button without hesitation!

He pressed the red button on his hand!

The next moment, there was a beeping sound in the 404 wine cellar.

Gin, who was lured to the front of the fireplace and had already gone deep into the wine cellar, had his pupils shrink sharply.

As the number one killer of the organization, he certainly knew what this sound meant!


This is a trap!……………


The explosives installed in the wine cabinets were directly detonated.

Endless flames, endless air waves, countless fragments, swept out immediately.

The extremely violent explosion enveloped the entire 404 wine cellar in a blink of an eye, and then spread!

The left and right walls, the door, the ground, the ceiling, were all blown to pieces!

The 404 wine cellar collapsed immediately!

All the windows on the fourth floor of the Beihu Hotel were shattered by the air waves.

Invisible air waves surged out, forming a smoke ring outside.

The whole building shook again and again!

Countless guests were so scared that they couldn’t stand steadily!

The room number of this wine cellar is 404, and this number means that everything will be wiped out!

Last time, the violent continuous shooting directly fired bullets with the power of a howitzer shell, but Gin Vodka escaped.

This time, Ishikawa Takeshi was not polite and directly used explosives!

He has three item grids!

One holds countless pistols; one holds a huge amount of bombs; and the last holds a hard drive!

With this item grid, Takeshi Ishikawa can naturally transport the bombs to the Haido Hotel without anyone noticing.

And with his lv1 explosives mastery skill, he can naturally install all the bombs in the wine cabinet.

He was afraid that Gin would notice something unusual.

Before Ishikawa Takeshi climbed up the chimney, he also used a lv3 updraft on the wine cellar.

Therefore, all the smell of explosives was swept out of the wine cellar.

Then use a piece of Shirley’s hair as bait to lure the enemy in, and finally detonate everything in one breath!


Ishikawa Takeshi, who knows that villains die from talking too much, didn’t want to talk to Gin at all, and didn’t want to delay for a moment, so as to avoid any chaos!

Cutting the Gordian knot, ambush and kill directly, killing Gin and Vodka is the kingly way!……………

Listening to the explosion, Takeshi Ishikawa, who was standing on the rooftop of the Haido Hotel, had a more obvious smile on his face.

However, when he turned his head and glanced at the chimney, Takeshi Ishikawa frowned!

Damn it!

It’s harder to kill than cockroaches!

The reason for this judgment is naturally because there is no fire at the chimney!

Takeshi Ishikawa, who has the LV1 skill of explosive mastery, is naturally very familiar with the equivalent of the explosives he arranged.

In order to completely solve Gin, he deliberately increased the amount of explosives.

The power of the explosion will not only engulf the 404 wine cellar, but also the eight adjacent rooms on the same floor.

Make sure Gin can’t run away!

With such a powerful bomb, the flames will naturally whistle up along the chimney pipe.

Overturn the chimney cover!

Now, the chimney cover has no reaction at all.

It can be naturally inferred that the fireplace is blocked by something!……………

Ishikawa Takeshi’s judgment was absolutely correct!

Gin sat up with difficulty at the fireplace of the 404 wine cellar.

And blocking the opening of the fireplace was Vodka’s broad body.

If Gin hadn’t sensed the crisis and instinctively drilled towards the fireplace, he would have been blown to death by now!

The wine cellar turned into a sea of fire.

Countless strong liquors were constantly burning.

Gin hurriedly reached out to pull Vodka in.

But when he pulled, only half of the gradually melting wreckage was left.

The hands, feet and limbs were blown away to who knows where!

The back of the torso was directly hit by the explosives and most of it melted.

After being pulled, only the wreckage of 697 came in with the internal organs!

Seeing this scene, Gin couldn’t help but stare!


A roar like a beast sounded immediately!

This loyal Vodka, who bore most of the power of the bomb, was naturally dead.

Gin was not unharmed either, with large areas of his body burned, and his black windbreaker melted and stuck to his body.

The flames in the wine cellar continued to burn, and the temperature continued to rise.

If Gin stayed here any longer, he would be burned to death.

At that moment, he quickly took out a needle from his body and stabbed himself.

This is adrenaline!

Maintain your fighting power and block out the pain……………

Then, Gin supported the boiling chimney with both hands.

Using his hands and feet, he climbed towards the only light above the chimney!

But he didn’t know that someone had been waiting there for a long time!

Under the heavy snow, Ishikawa Takeshi slowly wiped his pistol.

At this moment, he restored his original face and changed back into his own clothes.

Like an experienced hunter, waiting for the prey to fall into the trap!

Everything that was originally brought to Shirley will be returned to Gin a hundredfold this time. With two guns in hand, Ishikawa Takeshi’s momentum is completely different.

The dark clouds broke and the moonlight fell. It was like the advent of the Dark Knight.

: Cực Thiên Ma Đế

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