Except for the monocle box underwear welded on Kid’s face, everything else was stolen by Ishikawa Takeshi.

Ishikawa Takeshi immediately laughed with evil humor and threw away all the stolen clothes.

Then he took out his mobile phone.

Click! Click!

The flash kept ringing!

Ishikawa Takeshi took a picture of Kaito Kid, who was only wearing underwear.

“Wow, Kidd runs naked in the ancient castle villa to steal the treasure. How about this title?”.

“If I sell this photo to a newspaper, I should be able to make a lot of money!”

“If your fans see you like a hairless chicken, they will be very happy, right?”

Kaito Kidd, who was standing on the cabinet, immediately covered his thin body in panic.

He covered the upper part, but couldn’t cover his underwear!

Hearing the threat, he was so angry that his veins jumped!

“”Damn kid, delete the photo for me!”

As he spoke, Kidd was about to leap over to the dining table.

However, there was a problem with this jump!

Kidd felt that his body was much heavier.

It was only three meters away, but he couldn’t reach it!

He fell directly and pulled out a split!

A scream came out of Kidd’s mouth 340!

“You, what on earth did you do to me?”

The speed attribute is reduced by two points, the effect is very obvious!………

Ishikawa Takeshi chuckled:

“Didn’t you claim that your IQ is over 400? Guess it yourself!”

While speaking, Ishikawa Takeshi released the level 5 stealing skill on Kidd again.

This time, he took off the hat on his head.

Unfortunately, the attribute absorption was not triggered again!

This special effect can only be triggered once a day for a single person!

Kidd, who was at a disadvantage everywhere, was extremely afraid at this moment.

He couldn’t figure out how his clothes and hat fell into the hands of this kid. He couldn’t figure out why his body suddenly became heavy and his feet seemed to be filled with lead.

But he knew that if he continued, he might suffer more. He had already found out who had used his name to hold this dinner.

He also knew that the so-called treasure was just the treasure of the Karasuma family! If there was a real treasure, it had been sealed for forty years and had nothing to do with the Pandora gem!

Therefore, Kidd had the idea of retreating at this moment!

To be honest, he was really a little afraid of Ishikawa Takeshi!

This kid was too evil!

He couldn’t figure out what he had done to him!……………

“You nasty little devil, just wait for me, I’m going to let you go this time!”

“”If you dare to reveal my photo, you will have to bear my wrath!”

As he said this, the guy pulled hard.

He grabbed the white napkin, wrapped it around himself, and ran out.

Ishikawa Takeshi glared at him.

Well, well, you still dare to threaten me!

He took out the card pistol from Kidd’s suit and chased him out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three cards shot out of the pistol.

But Kidd, who was running wildly in the napkin, was prepared. He stepped on the wall with his bare feet, jumped hard, and dodged the card.

Then, he turned back triumphantly and made faces in the direction of Ishikawa Takeshi.

“”Lululu, you can’t hit me!”

But what he didn’t see was that the three cards circling in arcs strangely collided with each other in front of him.

The direction of movement changed instantly!

One card flew forward, and two cards spun backwards!

This is the effect of level 1 gun fighting!

The spinning card directly cut through the napkin and cut Kidd’s ass with extreme precision!


A scream came out of Kidd’s mouth!

Kidd ran all the way, with blood gushing out of his buttocks, and rushed into the forest outside without looking back.

This time, of course, he didn’t dare to say a word!……………

Ishikawa Takeshi weighed Kidd’s card pistol and felt that it was quite useful.

He opened the magazine and saw that it could hold a whole deck of playing cards!

This is quite practical!

Not bad, it’s now requisitioned!

As for Kidd’s other equipment, Ishikawa Takeshi didn’t like it and didn’t care too much.

That is, for fear that this guy would make a comeback, Ishikawa Takeshi used the level 3 bandage control to block all the doors and windows. He also cast a phantom wall on the clock in the restaurant to create an illusion that the clock had been stolen!

After using these skills repeatedly, the little boy felt a little exhausted. He urgently needed to make up for the Yin Qi!

He immediately rushed to Xiaolan’s room.

At this time, Xiaolan had just come out of the shower.

She was wearing a pink suspender skirt and was wiping her long hair.

There were crystal water droplets hanging on her snow-white shoulders, which looked a bit greedy.

This suspender pajamas didn’t seem to be her clothes, but those of Eri Kisaki.

The dress was a little inappropriate, a little loose, and obviously fell down!

Xiaolan, who was bending over to wipe her hair, saw that it was Xiaowu who came in, and she didn’t even look up, and couldn’t help asking:

“”Xiao Wu, what was that noise just now?”

Seeing Xiaolan so generous and wealthy, Ishikawa Takeshi was a little dazed for a moment.

Xiaolan didn’t hear a response, and couldn’t help but look up and ask again:”Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu!”

At this time, she saw Ishikawa Takeshi’s gaze, and her heart trembled, and her face turned red again.

“Oh, oh, it’s nothing, just now a mouse seemed to have gotten in, but it was driven away, it’s okay now!”

Hearing this, Xiaolan nodded and didn’t care!……………

Then, she held Ishikawa Takeshi’s hand and walked into the bathroom.

“Really, I asked you to take a shower but you didn’t join me”

“I’m sweating all over now, I still need to take a shower!”

“This is how you sleep comfortably!”

With these words, the two entered the matching bathroom.

However, it was very narrow.

Xiaolan supported herself against the wall with her hands, but she didn’t fall!

She was worried that the little boy would fall due to extra movements, so she knelt directly in front of Ishikawa Takeshi.

She took the shower head and helped the little boy wash himself.

Ishikawa Takeshi has adapted very well!

He was happy not to move, and he took off his clothes when he was told to!

Anyway, Xiaolan was not an outsider!

That is, the little boy enjoyed Xiaolan’s service, and used a lv1 old shoulder trick on her!

This skill has not been used on Yingli yet, so I tried it on Xiaolan first.

The effect is outstanding!

Xiaolan’s shoulder friction was immediately reduced to zero!

The sling couldn’t stop sliding down!

But Xiaolan didn’t notice the changes in herself at all, but focused on helping Ishikawa Takeshi!

However, the kneeling high school girl’s face gradually turned red.

Who made Ishikawa Takeshi respect Xiaolan from the bottom of his heart!.

Don’t worry: Cực Thiên Ma Đế

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