The next moment, the huge Dusk Villa, the huge mountain villa, disappeared.

Only countless walls, stones, decorations, tables and chairs remained in the sky… and even the body of Okami Zhushan could be vaguely seen!

The golden light that had just appeared on the wall flashed by and disappeared!

Ishikawa Takeshi instantly pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

It’s done! It’s done!

Looking at the scene of the landslide, he immediately manipulated the bandage.

The tough bandage immediately pulled the little boy back and dragged him back to a safe area.

The wreckage of the entire Dusk Villa, under the action of the mechanism, sank into the interior of the mountain. There were continuous vibrations and billowing smoke and dust.

There was a loud noise!

This scene, like an earthquake, woke up the people who should have been asleep.

Ishikawa Takeshi noticed something unusual and acted quickly.

The summoned bandage was directly”853″ dispersed.

Then, he took two steps at a time and crashed directly into Xiaolan’s arms, his face being deformed!…………

Xiaolan was hit so hard that she was awakened immediately.

She opened her sleepy eyes and saw dark clouds in the sky.

She was stunned!

That’s not right. Didn’t I sleep in bed last night?

How come I was exposed to the sun all of a sudden?

Oh no, where are my clothes? I didn’t seem to be wearing anything when I fell asleep last night!

Xiaolan subconsciously protected herself, but she felt the fabric on her body and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that I remembered it wrong!

Seeing the sleeping little boy again, Xiaolan quickly patted his cheek to wake him up.

Ishikawa Takeshi pretended to have just woken up.

Xiaolan quickly pushed him up:

“”Xiao Wu, don’t sleep, something terrible has happened!”

The two of them stood up.

They saw that everyone around them was awakened by the earthquake-like sound.

Chijian Kyouyo and Mogi Harufu, who were still asleep, also woke up after being slapped by Hattori Heiji and Hakuba Tan.

Everyone stared at the scene in amazement.

Gunda Yumi even murmured,”Twilight Annex, it’s gone!” The little brat Conan had already walked to the edge of the landslide.

Looking down, it was like an abyss.

Conan’s eyes were solemn, and he looked thoughtful!……………

At this time, Xiaolan discovered something unusual.

Everyone was there, including the maid Ishihara Aki, except Maori Kogoro!

“Where is my dad? Where did he go?”

Could it be???

Xiaolan’s eyes were full of disbelief, and she hurried to the location of the landslide.

Could it be that her dad didn’t come out and sank into the ground with the villa?

Thinking of this, Xiaolan panicked instantly!

At this time, the sharp-eyed Bai Ma Tan saw a card left on the ground.

The iconic Kidd cartoon image.

Bai Ma Tan spoke:

“Ran, Detective Maori has gone down the mountain, you don’t have to worry.”

“Besides, I’m afraid that man is not your father!”

Xiaolan frowned immediately:”What do you mean?”

Hakuba Tan said nothing, showing the Kidd card he found.

Hattori Heiji then spoke:

“This means that Uncle Maori is Kid in disguise!”

“I had discovered it a long time ago, and had planned to trick him back to the Metropolitan Police Department after the incident was over, but I didn’t expect him to run away!”

And Chikan Kyoudai also spoke up:

“Maori Kogoro is a famous heavy smoker. It is not normal that I have not seen him smoking in the villa for such a long time.”

“It turns out that Kidd was pretending, no wonder!”

“So, this big move was also done by Kidd!”

Gunda Yumi nodded and said,”It’s probably him.”

“I smelled something weird last night and passed out”

“Only the Phantom Thief can be so proficient in using drugs!”

After hearing this, everyone agreed!

As expected of a detective, he is really good at using his imagination!

Ishikawa Takeshi was very happy about this. Anyway, he got the benefits and let Kidd take the blame.

This happened more than once or twice…………….

Ishikawa Takeshi finally had the leisure to look at the harvest in the system.

Item grid No. 4: Gold x 8642 tons!

Sure enough, past experience will not lie!

The same item can be stacked infinitely.

This golden villa built by the Karasuma family is a whole.

As soon as Ishikawa Takeshi pressed his hand, all the money was put into the item grid No. 4!

8642 tons of gold, one ton of gold is about 70 million US dollars!

In other words, this entire golden castle is worth more than 600 billion US dollars.

Such a huge fortune cannot be spent in several centuries.

Getting rich overnight is nothing more than this!

The little boy Ishikawa Takeshi smiled so hard that his mouth was almost crooked!

Although he has plenty of money to spend, who would hate himself for having too much money!

And this is the money of the Karasuma family, the money of the organization….

Take it and use it, you will feel happier!……………

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers continued to sound.

Detective Hakuba took out a signal gun from his suit and fired it.

The helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department kept approaching this direction.

The door of the helicopter was still open.

On top, Maori Kogoro kept waving his arms and shouting to the bottom.

Seeing the real father appear, Xiaolan was relieved.

The helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department landed, and everyone hurriedly got on the helicopter.

Looking at the sunken pit, the detectives couldn’t help frowning.

What on earth did Kid do that angered God and destroyed the entire Dusk Annex?

Conan thought about asking Kid a question next time he saw him.

At this time, Hattori Heiji suddenly thought:

“Hey, could it be that the body of Dashang Zhushan was also buried in the mountains?”

“So, what are the crimes of both of you?”

Haruhi Mogi, who had not been clear about the situation, immediately argued:

“What crime? Who committed it?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I feel dizzy, I don’t know who gave me the drug, I’m still not clear-headed!”

Obviously, Mogi Harufumi planned to pretend to be confused and wanted to shirk responsibility for the matter.

And Chima Kyouyo was like an old fox, smiling and saying nothing!

This landslide came at the right time and destroyed all the evidence.

Including the surveillance in the villa, Okami Zhushan’s body, and the coffee cup that poisoned him, all of these were buried deep in the mountains.

Without physical evidence, there are only a few witnesses left. It is extremely difficult to convict in court!

Hattori Heiji, who has an excessive sense of justice, said loudly:

“Damn it, don’t think I’ll let you go.”

“It is obvious that you are the ones who caused this tragedy. The court will definitely judge you!”

The little brat Conan on the side also looked indignant.

But Ishikawa Takeshi didn’t care about these things at all.

For him, it was enough to absorb the Yin Qi. As for who is guilty and who should go to jail, these trivial matters can be left to Conan and Hattori

, the two saints!

: Cực Thiên Ma Đế

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