Hanamachi 2-chome 21 Banchi, this is Kudo Shinichi’s home.

“Shinichi, go wash your hands and get ready to eat!” , Kudo Yukiko’s voice came out.

In fact, Kudo Yusaku and his wife, when Kudo Shinichi was in the third year of junior high school, both went to Miri to live firmly, but they will still come back to live for a period of time from time to time.

After all, his son Shinichi Kudo is still in neon.

“Got it, got it more and more verbose.”

Kudo Shinichi said yes and ran to change clothes.

Yukiko pouted and said angrily: “Husband, you don’t care about your son, it’s getting less and less like words, I, a famous actress, is willing to cook for him, he actually loves to ignore it.”

Yusaku Kudo, who was reading the newspaper, looked up, and a reflection flashed on his glasses.

“Don’t you see it yet? Shinichi has something on his mind, and he should have something to do with Xiaolan.”


Yukiko’s eyes suddenly flashed with gossip, and women’s interest in emotional matters was instantly raised.

“Shinichi is too slow to feel, actually until now, he has not confirmed the relationship with Xiaolan, is there another boy pursuing Xiaolan?”

Kudo Yusaku put down the newspaper.

“It’s funny that his mind came back half an hour slower than usual, but there’s no sign that he’s been anywhere else.”

After changing his clothes, Kudo Shinichi began to sit down to eat, but the stinky expression on his face could be seen clearly by a person.

“Shinichi, is there another boy pursuing Xiaolan? And he’s a very good boy, right? ”

Kudo Shinichi, who was pretending to be deep, directly sprayed the food in his mouth.

“What, what’s the matter, you and dad don’t guess!”

He couldn’t help but grin and look at the two.

“It’s just that in the school, a very powerful guy really appeared, and now I have moved next door to Xiaolan, which is just a little uncomfortable.”

Yukiko reacted quickly and immediately grabbed the adjective in her son’s words.

“Very good guy, and moved next door to Xiaolan? This child of yours usually rarely uses powerful guys to describe others, it seems that this classmate of yours is very amazing? ”

Yusaku Kudo also became a little interested.

“What did he do to make you think of him like that”.

Kudo Shinichi then told what he saw and heard today.

After listening to his words, Kudo Yusaku also groaned slightly.

“So it was, it turned out to be the seriously injured and comatose teenager, his affairs back then were handled by Concubine Yingli, and now he has moved next door to Xiaolan’s house, it seems that it was arranged by Concubine Yingli.”

Yukiko has some sympathy for Miyazaki Ha.

“This child is really pitiful, he lost his parents at a young age, he inherited the dojo alone, and he was threatened by gangsters, and after the conflict, he almost lost his life, but he didn’t expect that this teenager was so good, he was in a coma for more than a year, not only did he not pull down the course, even the strength of kendo has reached this level, it is really rare.”

“It’s not rare to be so simple, using a bamboo knife to cut off the opponent’s bamboo knife, that is, cutting a blunt weapon with a blunt weapon, this teenager’s mastery of strength has reached an appalling level, it is rumored that those world-famous ancient swordsmen can use a wooden sword to cut off the enemy’s first level, and even use a wooden knife to cut off steel, this method is called chopping steel!”

Yukiko was a little confused, just now he was talking about what happened to that teenager, why did he suddenly speak so seriously.

Looking at his wife’s blank eyes, he knew that she didn’t understand what she meant.

“What I mean is that this young man’s control over power has reached a level that is unattainable for ordinary people, maybe we will have a sword master in Yonehua Town.”

Having said that, Yuki Kudo was impressed by the sensitivity of a detective novelist and left a deep impression on the teenager.

A genius who has mastered great power is also a potential danger.

It’s good when they follow the rules, but if they go down the wrong path, it will be a huge threat.

It’s just that this teenager seems to have won the favor of Concubine Yingli, and also arranged the other party next door to Xiaolan’s house, could it be that Concubine Yingli intends to match Xiaolan and this teenager?

Looking at Shinichi, who is burying his head in cooking at this time, he can’t help but feel a pain in his brain, this silly boy knows to solve the case, if he has the high emotional intelligence of your old son and me, now Xiaolan is already your girlfriend.

Hey, when will this kid get the hang of it!

At this time, he was in the living room on the second floor of Miyazaki’s new house.


After drinking a cup of hot tea, Maori Kogoro leaned comfortably in his chair with a satisfied smile on his face.

“After eating and drinking, drinking a large cup of flower tea is really comfortable!”

At this time, several dishes on the table have been swept by the wind.

As Miyazaki Ha’s swordsmanship level increased, his knife handling skills also increased unconsciously, so that his cooking skills actually rose.

These dishes are all seafood, there are not many neon countries, but seafood products are very diverse.

As a result, Miyazaki made several seafood dishes, with fresh ingredients and excellent cooking techniques, which suddenly raised the deliciousness of the dishes by several levels.

“I’ve just arrived, and many things are not complete, not even beer, and the next time we go to the roof on the third floor, we can cook or make barbecue, plus cold beer, it must be very good.”

“Huh? BBQ with cold beer? Oops, you kid really knows me! I can’t wait! ”

Maori Kogoro’s eyes lit up, beer is his favorite, and if it is paired with a barbecue with excellent flavor, the enjoyment can be increased several times.

“Dad, don’t drink too much beer, and Miyazaki, you, pamper him too much, but think about it, it’s still very much to look forward to.”

Mao Lilan couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s not indulgence, it’s a rare experience to be able to drink with a detective like Uncle Maori .”

Thousands of horse fart do not wear, this horse fart shot wonderfully, suddenly made Maori Kogoro float.

“Hehe, of course, with my Maori Kogoro out of the way, there will be no case that cannot be solved.”

Xiaolan smiled helplessly, knowing that her father was bragging again.

Since his mother left, Dad has run the detective agency alone, but the business is a little bleak, after all, Dad is really not qualified for the job of detective.

After eating, she took the initiative to start cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, Miyazaki Yu originally wanted to help, but was refused, and Miyazaki Ha did not insist on it.

In the darkness of the night, he sat alone in the hall on the first floor.

Today’s battle, for him, is not all for nothing.

Through a battle, he has already obtained a lot of information.

For example, those members of the kendo club are generally what level they are, and above what level their strength can be ranked.

Judging from the available information, his strength is already enough to dominate among these high school students.

But although he now has extremely exquisite control means, the realm is high enough, but the tricks he has mastered are still a little less, and he needs to enter the stage of accumulation.

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