Shirakawa Yukina sat next to the podium, her white cheeks supported by her hands, and her beautiful eyes stared at Zhufusi for a moment.

She has been in Didan High School for several years, and she has proctored the exam many times, and the vast majority of students get the paper and directly start answering the questions in a race against time.

She really hadn’t seen her get the roll and read it quietly, and after a long time, she started writing without hurry.

Wouldn’t it?

Shirakawa Yukina tilted her head and ruffled the silky hair that hung down her ears.

This classmate has a different calm and gentle temperament, it seems that he can’t even lose his temper, and he is a good boy with excellent character and learning.

The first impression left on her was also very good, she really hoped that Zhufu classmates could come to the class she led…

“Jingle bell~”

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone sounded, which was especially harsh in the quiet empty classroom.

Shirakawa Yukina was startled and whispered “sorry~” and quickly muted the phone.

How could I have forgotten such an important thing….


Glancing at Zhufu Siyuan, he didn’t seem to hear it, and still buried his head in answering the question.

Shirakawa Yukina breathed a sigh of relief, and just wanted to hang up the phone call, but saw that the contact on it was the student’s parent, and she hesitated.

She couldn’t help but answer the call.

She looked up at Zhu Fu Siyuan again, and saw that he answered attentively, and did not make any attempt to cheat.

So, Shirakawa Yukina got up, took her mobile phone and left the classroom, and went to the corridor to answer it.


After finishing the answer card, Zhu Fu Siyuan raised his hand and looked at the watch.

It’s 8:55.

Just 20 minutes have passed.

Glancing into the hallway, he saw that Shirakawa Yukina was still on the phone, with no intention of ending.

Zhu Fu Siyuan simply walked to the podium with the test paper, put the Chinese test paper on it, and then took down the test paper of the outer Chinese.

Return to your seat and continue answering questions.

Twenty minutes later, he put the finished Chinese paper on the podium and took down the math paper.

Finally finished the call and chatted with a parent about the student’s Chinese grades and school situation, Shirakawa Yukina pushed the door and entered.

Just seeing the two completed test papers placed on the podium, she was completely stunned.

The bright peach blossom eyes widened, Shirakawa Yukina felt very incredible, turned his head to look at Zhufu Siyuan, his posture did not seem to change.

The only difference is that the answer was Chinese, and now the answer is mathematics.

Wouldn’t it?

Only pick the answer?

Or is it blindfolded?

Shirakawa Yukina immediately sat back on the podium, wanting to find out.

But before she could pick up the roll, Zhu Fu Siyuan put on his pen cap and stood up from his seat.

“I’m done.”

Zhu Fu Siyuan stepped forward and placed the math papers on the podium, next to the other two sets of papers.


Shirakawa Yukina subconsciously looked up at her watch.

It’s 9:25, and it only took 50 minutes for this classmate to answer the 3-hour and 40-minute paper?!

“Miss-Sharon, can I familiarize myself with the campus myself?” Zhu Fu Siyuan put away the stationery bag and carried the uniform bag hanging on the table.

“Ahhh… Sure, but are you sure you want to hand in the papers? Shirakawa Yukina confirmed.

“The placement can’t be changed, there is still so much time, do you want to check it again?”

“Already checked.”

Zhufu Siyuan said, bowed slightly to Shirakawa Yukina, and left the classroom with his uniform bag.

Every class is still in class now, and he walks the corridor without hesitation, looking around at the distribution of the classroom.


The end bell rang, and students came out of the classroom to get active.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zhufu turned around and walked directly towards the men’s bathroom.

But as soon as he reached the door, a voice full of malice came from behind him.

“Alas, just that transfer student, let’s go and teach him a lesson!”

Zhu Fusi paused in his steps, but he did not look back, but glanced at the partition of the bathroom.

Seeing that there was a gap on the partition that was enough to pass through a person, he turned his eyes and swept to the faucet next to him, and a trace of interest flashed under his eyes.

There was a deliberate pause, and when the person behind him who was clamoring for a lesson followed, he opened the door of the penultimate compartment, entered and locked it.

“Yes, that’s it.”

“I just saw him go in, it must be there, let’s use the old rules.”

“Okay, hahahaha, you guys move faster, don’t let him come out in a while.”

“What does it matter, it is estimated that he does not dare to come out.”

“Hey! A few of you! Look at anything, get out of here for me! ”

Several male students entered the bathroom arrogantly, some expertly picked up buckets to get water, and others let other students out.

They got used to it, and the student who led the disturbance was the son of the school’s investor, so the other students dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and immediately left the men’s bathroom.

“Hey, transfer student, let’s give you a bath!”

A male student with his hair dyed yellow lifted a bucket full of water, stood on tiptoe, and struggled to throw the bucket from above into the compartment.

“Boom—boom, boom!”

The water inside poured down, and the bucket fell on the tiles on the floor, making a crisp sound.

“Hahahahahaha! This time it’s time to drop the soup chicken! ”

“Transfer students, don’t care, we just see that you have dirt on your body and want to give you a bath.”

“Yes, you still have to thank us!”

“Come out and let’s see if the dirty things on our bodies are washed clean.”

“It is estimated that those women will say what wet ~ the body is also very good-looking hahaha…”

A few male students kept talking, and after a while they realized that there was no movement inside, as if there was no one at all.

The yellow-haired male student crouched down in puzzlement, looked inside through the gap below, and suddenly opened his eyes.

“There’s no one inside!”

The others were stunned.


“I saw him go in just now!”

“Are you standing on the toilet?”

Several people were still wondering, but the partition closest to the bathroom door was pushed open with a “creak”, and Zhufu Siyuan calmly walked out of it.

“If you don’t know manners, you can’t stand.” ”

With his back to several people, Zhu Fu Siyuan groaned softly, closed the wooden door of the bathroom, and then “clicked” to lock the door from the inside.

“How did this guy come out?”

“Hey! What are you locking the door for? ”

“What’s the matter? You’re going to fight us!” ”

“Hit it, come on!”

“Just what are you pretending to be forced like this, cut, you won’t fight when you look at it!”

Zhufu Siyuan turned around leisurely and glanced at the students who were a few meters away from him.

There are five of them.


Very good.

“Huh? What is he going to do—”

Before a few people could react, Zhu Fusiyuan pulled the rubber water pipe next to him, and the faucet twisted the gate to open the water flow to the maximum, spraying it back and forth on their faces and bodies.

He seemed to have inadvertently calculated all the processes, and the whole set of actions did not hesitate for half a second.

Flowing clouds and flowing water.


It’s like hitting a toy with a water gun, just have fun and don’t have to think about any consequences.

“Uh-huh! My limited edition slippers! ”


“Stop it, it’s really me off!”

[Hayato Yonekura has a negative mood value of +20! ] 】

[Taichi Kurokawa’s negative mood value is +20! ] 】

[Ninomiya Ryunosuke’s negative mood value is +20! ] 】

[Fukuyama’s negative sentiment value is +20! ] 】

[Tang Zexiong’s negative sentiment value is +20! ] 】

“Special! This bastard! ”

Tang Zexiong wiped the water on his face, took off his glasses that were blurred by the water, raised his fist and rushed over.

He was enraged and said that he had to teach this arrogant guy a good lesson in everything!

Zhufu Siyuan just silently stared at the movements under the other party’s feet, and then turned slightly sideways at the moment he approached him, dodging the sluggish fist and extending his foot in time.

Tang Zexiong, who was already a little short-sighted, would pay attention to his feet, and before his fist was swung in place, he suddenly tripped over something under his feet.

Suddenly, his entire body rushed forward because of inertia, followed by a loud “bang”, his head hit directly on the wooden door, and the naked eye visibly swollen a large piece.

“Aaaaah! My head hurts! ”

The remaining students had just wiped the water off their faces, only to find that someone in the gang had fallen.

They are somewhat incredulous.

I vaguely felt as if there was something wrong, but at this time, no one could think calmly at all.

Doused with water, they were all ignited with anger, gritting their teeth and staring at Zhufu Siyuan.

“This bastard has two strokes, let’s go together!”

“I don’t believe I can’t beat him! What about the four of us! Just rush forward and you’re done! ”

“Say anything to make this transfer student look good!”

“Made, wait to kneel down and apologize! I want you to lick my slippers clean! ”


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