
Shirakawa Yukina’s slender jade fingers covered her lips.

She looked at Zhu Fu Siyuan, and then looked suspiciously at the five students who were wet in the men’s bathroom.

I can’t connect Zhufu-san with them….

“How… How so? ”

Shirakawa Yukina asked.

“He hasn’t officially transferred to our school yet, he just made trouble on the first day he came, and he made such a big fuss, what kind of words is this!”

Tsuchiya said indignantly.


Izumi Lotus from the back walked.

She scanned a circle of students lying on their stomachs at the door of the classroom watching the bustle with her sharp gaze under the lenses, and the students immediately shrunk their necks and hid in the house.

“Director Tsuchiya, whether you collect it or not is not up to you alone!”

Izumi Lian handed the scroll directly, she raised her head, held down her glasses, and deliberately raised the volume.

“The central exam sprint paper of the senior A class, three sets of papers, he used less than 50 minutes in total!”

“Chinese and foreign Chinese, full marks in two subjects! And only the last half of the questions on the math paper – ”

Taking a deep breath, Izumi said word by word: “All, all, yes, yes, yes!” ”

As soon as the words came out.

There was silence in the corridor.

The students who were eavesdropping on the door also held their breath.

You look at me.

I’ll look at you.

No one dared to squeak.

Tsuchiya’s expression changed slightly.

He took the scroll with a frown, opened it, and soon, his expression changed again.

At this time, in the corridor, only the sound of turning the test paper larger and more and more rapidly could be heard.

There are a total of fourteen classes in the third year of Didan High School, and the best grades are concentrated in Class A, the so-called elite class.

Those students are all seedlings from the country’s top universities, and the school has worked hard to give them a separate mock exam for Class A every month in order to get them to do well.

Most of the mock exam papers are jointly produced by teachers from Didan High School and Jianggutian High School, which is very difficult.

Tsuchiya couldn’t believe it, and he read all three sets of rolls.

The papers in his hand right now are the papers of the last mock exam before the central exam in the last senior year.

Because this set of papers was particularly difficult, the best grades among the students at that time, not counting the science subjects, only scored a total of 440 points in Chinese, mathematics, and foreign Chinese.

Especially in mathematics, the most points are lost.

Tsuchiya remembers very well that the female classmate was later admitted to the law major of Toto University with the first place in the school.

He glanced at Zhufu Siyuan with half a doubt, and picked up the calculation paper he had used in the math test.

The whole calculation paper is clean and meticulous, and the verification handwriting left on it is clear and powerful, dashing and neat.

If you don’t know….

I would also think that this is a neat answer sheet.

“Are you sure it’s a perfect score?”

Tsuchiya asked hesitantly.

Izumi held up her glasses:

“I personally approved it.”

She was busy with work just now, and many documents had not yet had time to open and read, and she did not intend to help this student judge the score at all.

This should not be her job, but should belong to Shirakawa Yukina.

But Shirakawa Yukina ran in a few minutes ago with a disgraced look and forced the test paper on her desk to read it anyway.

It wasn’t long before she thought about it, less than an hour, thinking that none of her classmates would be, but she just picked some answers that would.

However, when she looked at the name at the top of the scroll, she chuckled in her heart.

She took the wrong roll!

Then she was quite shocked, because Zhufu actually made these three sets of rolls!

Chinese and foreign Chinese’s answer cards were all filled, and although she only answered the latter half of the math, she went back and forth twice, and all of them were correct!

What shocked her the most was the answer she received when she asked Shirakawa Yukina.

– Shirakawa-sensei! The question he answered himself? No flipbook cheating?

——It shouldn’t be no, I went out to answer the phone at that time, but I don’t think I can copy it so quickly….

– That… Why did Zhufu only answer half of the math papers?

– Probably… Before the exam, I asked me how many points I could get into class B, and I said 400 to 450 would do…

Perfect score control!

And it took less than fifty minutes!

If you answer well, you may be able to answer 500 points!

Coupled with the science or liberal arts that did not take the exam, they are afraid that Didan High School will produce a genius with a full score in all subjects that is rare in a century!

They were happy to have such a top student, and who knew that as soon as they came out, they heard Tsuchiya just say that this student would not accept it.

Are you kidding?

If this matter is known to the old principal, then he must not come and invite this student in person!


Izumi Lian clasped her elbows with both hands, tilted her head slightly, and her tone rose.

“You just said, this student, our Didan High School does not accept it?”

Tsuchiya just held the roll and was embarrassed.

These rolls, even the students of this senior A class have not done it, let alone Zhu Fu Siyuan.

In other words, excluding the suspicion of cheating, this result is indeed his own test!

If this student is turned away, it will indeed be a great loss for their Didan High School.


Tsuchiya’s face was solemn, and he turned his head to look at the five students who were embarrassed.

There is a good chance that these punks are not telling the truth.

If everything that happened a few minutes ago was really caused by Zhu Fu Siyuan, then he was definitely a thorn head that was even more difficult to deal with than those thorns.

What’s more, he himself said it so decisively just now….


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