Kentaro Nakano slammed the door, and the coldness on Hideji Yasuda’s face gradually dissipated and was replaced by a gentle smile.

He comforted: “Nakano-sensei is the temper, just when he said a bunch of nonsense, let’s not take it to heart.” ”

“Well, it won’t.”

Aiko Asaba nodded.

“That’s right, our students are sensible.” Hideji Yasuda sat next to Aiko Asaba and held up her glasses.

“Asaba-san, take this opportunity, the teacher also wants to ask you, but don’t misunderstand, the teacher believes that your results are absolutely true, after all, none of the same exam room has such a high score, right?”

He took the report card thrown by Kentaro Nakano, turned to the two pages of Class B and Class C, looked at it, and said:

“This exam, Chiyo-san from our class also did well, as well as Maori and Suzuki-san from class B.”

“You usually have a good relationship, did you organize some cram school, or hire a tutor or something?”

After asking this sentence, he specially added: “Asaba don’t misunderstand, the teacher is also curious, who put your grades up?” ”

The head teacher asked, and Asaba Aiko said truthfully: “It’s Siyuan… Ahem, no, it was Zhufu who tutored us alone. ”

Hearing this, Yasuda Eiji was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, and involuntarily laughed.

“Ahhh… It turned out to be that kid…”

This reminded him that after the exam, Shirakawa Yukina had told him that he would send Asaba Aiko’s report card to Zhufu Siyuan’s parents.

He also said that they might be half-siblings, and he was shocked at the time, but he did not expect this relationship.

That being the case, everything makes sense.

Hideji Yasuda’s smile is even worse, like the blossoms of thousands of trees, close at hand, brilliant and colorful.

He put the transcript on the table and asked, “Asaba-san, do you know where Zhufu-san is now?” I have something to do with him. ”

“It should be discussing physics problems with Utsu-san from class A on the rooftop.” Aiko Asaba answered truthfully.

“Oh roar? Was it the first of that past school year? Hideji Yasuda held his chin and pondered, “Okay, the two of them got together.” ”

“Yasuda-sensei, shall I help you call Zhufu-san over?” Aiko Asaba pointed to the door and asked for his opinion.

“No, no, no.”

Hideji Yasuda waved his hand and got up directly.

“I’ll go to this kind of thing myself, hard work for you, continue to approve the rolls, I’ll talk about it in the afternoon.”

“Oh, okay.”

Aiko Asaba watched Hideji Yasuda leave.

Pushing open the door of the rooftop, there were three or two students sitting in the sun chatting, and did not see Zhufu Siyuan and Utsu Fumiya.

At this time, a man’s whisper came from the backlight, and Hideji Yasuda listened and walked over silently.

He leaned his back against the wall and carefully discerned for a moment.

One is that Zhufu Siyuan’s voice is right, and the other voice is cold and indifferent, he has never heard it, it should be Utsu Fumiya.

But content aside, he felt that the two of them were not discussing physics again, but calmly talking about Zen paths.

Stepping out of the corner, he walked silently behind the two people and looked down at the questions in the question book.

Zhu Fu Siyuan keenly sensed that there was someone behind him, and when he looked back, a trace of surprise passed on his face.


Utsu Fumiya also turned around, and saw that it was the head teacher of Class C, so he politely and distantly said hello:


“You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll just sit in.” Hideji Yasuda smiled and continued to stand next to the two people, listening to their lectures.

Although he teaches Chinese, he is also a high-achieving student who graduated from Eastern University, and physics in his third year of high school is not too difficult for him.

This topic is indeed a deviation in Utsu Fumiya’s thinking, and his thinking is fixed in a dead knot, that is, it can’t come out, but Zhufu Siyuan is very well explained.

No wonder those four girls can get such high scores, and by the tutoring of Zhufu Siyuan, even if they are in class F, they can enter A.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Hideji Yasuda hugged his chest with one hand and touched his chin with the other, his eyes moving back and forth between the two good students.

In the end, his gaze did not move, and fell on Zhu Fu Siyuan’s face, a little out of his mind.

He had an illusion for no reason.

– He is far from déjà vu with Zhufusi. [ Read more novels by visiting our website: ]

It was as if he had seen the same one somewhere, many years ago.

But it’s impossible to think about it, this kid is only seventeen years old this year, and he is a child more than ten years forward, not the blurry figure that looms in his memory.

“I must have misremembered.”

Eiji Yasuda said in his heart.

He thinks that this illusion should be related to the “hippocampal gyrus” body in the human brain, which is responsible for storing long-term memories.

When the hippocampus “malfunctions”, it may accidentally take the present feeling as a picture of what happened in the past.

Zhufu Siyuan and Utsu Fumiya discussed for a while, and when they reached a certain point, Utsu Fumiya suddenly paused.

He lowered his eyelids and looked at the steps on the reference answer again, his mind running through his head, connecting all the steps.

His train of thought was instantly opened, as if he had untied all the dead knots.

“~Got it?”

Zhufu Siyuan asked.

“Got it.”

Fumiya Utsu bowed.

He went through all the steps again, confirmed that there was no problem, and thanked Zhufu Siyuan: “Thank you.” ”

“You’re welcome.”

Zhu Fu Siyuan returned the object title book.

Fumiya Utsu took it, turned around and bowed slightly to Hideji Yasuda, and left the rooftop.

When the door of the rooftop was closed, Zhufu Siyuan asked, “Is Yasuda-sensei looking for me?” ”

“You’re a great boy.”

Hideji Yasuda leaned his back against the rooftop, pressed the edge of the roof with both hands, propped it up, and sat up directly.

“Just now, my class committee told me, (Zhao Zhao) The four little girls can get such high scores in the exam, and you tutored them before the exam.”

“Yasuda-sensei shouldn’t blame me for being noisy, right?” Zhu Fu Siyuan asked humorously.

Knowing that this was a joke, Hideji Yasuda also replied jokingly: “Yes, I have to blame, because I want to resign because of your appearance.” ”

“Ha…” Zhu Fu Siyuan smiled lightly with his eyes and asked casually, “Why did you talk to Asaba-san about this topic?” ”

“Ah, casually ask Khan.”

Hideji Yasuda said naturally, and did not tell Kentaro Nakano.

Zhufu Siyuan looked directly into Yasuda’s eyes, and asked incomprehensibly: “Ask casually?” ”

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