Yu Zhixin took Wu Tao to the Deacon Hall to apply for a new identity token for him. Only after the new identity token is obtained can he arrange the Nascent Soul Island and improve his salary. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

"It seems that I have to give up my rights in the Deacon Hall and concentrate on retreating to break through the Nascent Soul Realm. All my former Taoist friends have been promoted to fourth-level low-level weapon refiners, as well as you, the weapon refiner I brought in from outside. The master also broke through the Nascent Soul stage and was promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner..." Looking at Wu Tao, Yu Zhixin had a helpless smile on his face, and he also felt doubly stressed.

In fact, Wu Tao didn't put much pressure on him. Duan Mulei and Su Sanxian put more pressure on him, because the three of them have always been the third-level high-level weapon refiners in the Weapon Refining Hall who are most promising to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiners. Now he is the only one left who has not been promoted to the fourth level low-level weapon refiner.

"Deacon Yu, there are actually quite a few weapon refiners with management capabilities in our Refining Hall. You can hand over the Deacon Hall to them." Wu Tao said to Yu Zhixin.

In fact, he had long thought that Yu Zhixin should hand over the Deacon Hall early and concentrate on breaking through the Nascent Soul realm. In this way, Yu Zhixin might be a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner by now.

Now that Yu Zhixin said so himself, Wu Tao also spoke out.

When Yu Zhixin heard Wu Tao's words, he nodded and said, "Not only you, but also Deputy Hall Master Duanmu and Taoist Su Sanxian, who has just been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, also told me so."

"Okay, within half a year at most, I will hand over the management of this deacon hall to others. I will concentrate on retreat and practice."

"Then I wish Deacon Yu will break through the Nascent Soul as soon as possible and be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner." Wu Tao smiled and handed over to Yu Zhixin.

Yu Zhixin also had a smile on his face and said: "In half a day at most, I can prepare the new identity token in the afternoon."

"Okay, Deacon Yu, I'll pick it up in the afternoon."

"I will summon you, Deputy Hall Master Li." Yu Zhixin finally joked.

Wu Tao left Yu Zhixin's deacon hall and went to the war boat department.

At this moment, after staying in the Deacon Hall for such a short time, the news that he had been promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner had already spread throughout the weapon refinement hall, but Wu Tao did not know.

This time when I returned to the War Weapon Hall from the Deacon Hall, I met the two heads of the French Ship Department and the Flying Boat Department - Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu.

The war boat department is in the deepest part of the war weapon hall, the French ship department is at the front, and the flying boat department is in the middle.

Wu Tao came to the gate of Feizhou Department and saw Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu standing at the gate, seemingly waiting for him.

Passing by the gate, when Wu Tao saw the two of them, it was natural that he could not help but say hello. He raised his hands to them and said, "Friend Daoist Lin, Fellow Daoist Geng."

"Absolutely not." Geng Xiangshu and Lin Qijun quickly took a step back, waved their hands and said, "Uncle Li, you are now a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. How can you call us Taoist friends? You are inferior."

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, they smiled, not jealous at all, but there was a trace of envy hidden deep inside. Wu Tao said with a smile: "So quickly, the news about my promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner has spread everywhere: "

"That's right, it has spread throughout the entire weapon refining hall." Lin Qijun blew his beard and said.

Geng Xiangshu also said: "The fellow Taoists in the Weapon Refining Hall all said that Master Li, you are a rare Weapon Refining Genius in a thousand years. You were promoted to the fourth level low-level Weapon Refiner in such a short period of time. Speaking of this, everyone said that back then, Uncle Li, you were personally recruited into the Weapon Refining Hall by Deacon Yu, and at that time you were a third-level low-level Weapon Refiner."

"Unexpectedly, Deacon Yu was a third-level high-level weapon refiner at that time, and now Deacon Yu is still a third-level high-level weapon refiner. And Uncle Li, you were a third-level low-level weapon refiner at that time, and now you are a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. .”

"They really said that, and everyone said that?" Wu Tao asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes, that's what everyone said." Geng Xiangshu nodded seriously.

"It's not okay to say that, in case Deacon Yu hears it." Wu Tao shook his head, and then said seriously: "You can't say that in front of Deacon Yu."

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are not 30 years old, we are over 300 years old." Geng Xiangshu and Lin Qijun nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, Master Li, you have been promoted to the fourth level of the world's weapon refiner, but you are not suitable for the position of the head of the war boat department. Is Master Li going to be promoted?" Geng Xiangshu finally asked in a low voice.

Wu Tao heard this and said, "We have just met. Senior Brother Xiong said there will be arrangements. The specific arrangements are up to Senior Brother Xiong."

"Then Master Uncle Li has left the Zhanzhou Department. Does the Zhanzhou Department have any arrangements?" Geng Xiangshu continued to ask.

Wu Tao said: "There is an arrangement."

Speaking of this, Wu Tao thought of Gu Xingyuan who was far away in Lingxu Immortal Sect. Gu Xingyuan was the only third-level senior weapon refining master in the 12 weapon refining halls of his war boat department. On weekdays, he also took Gu Xingyuan with him. He is capable of handling the daily affairs of the war boat department and can assume the position of the head of the war boat department.

After he left the war boat department, he planned to recommend Gu Xingyuan to senior brother Xiong Zhentian to become the head of the war boat department. He thought that Palace Master Xiong would still give him the face.

This is why Wu Tao told Gu Xingyuan that he would give him a big gift when he returns to the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace next time.

The position of head of the Zhanzhou Department was a great gift from Wu Tao to Gu Xingyuan.

Without further ado, Wu Tao went to his war boat department.

Because of the need to assist the Lingxu Immortal Sect, the War Boat Department removed the weapon refiners from 4 weapon refining halls and went to the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Xianyuan Realm. Therefore, at this time, the War Boat Department only had eight weapon refining halls left.

After Wu Tao came to the war boat department, he summoned all the weapon refiners from the eight weapon refinement halls.

After meeting Wu Tao, these third-level intermediate weapon refiners in the weapon refining hall congratulated Wu Tao for his promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner.

Wu Tao accepted their congratulations with a smile. It seemed that the news of his promotion to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner was already known to all the weapon refiners in the weapon refinement hall.

Next, Wu Tao began to listen to the reports from these third-level intermediate weapon refiners on how the war boat department was operating during the years when he was not here. Did he encounter any problems?

It took half an hour to listen to some of the weapon refining tasks he had undertaken in the war boat department over the years, some of the problems he encountered, and how to solve the problems he encountered.

"Okay, you did a good job." Wu Tao said to them.

"Return to Uncle Li, this is what we should do, it is our responsibility." These third-level intermediate weapon refiners quickly responded with their hands.

Wu Tao then dismissed them, but Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha stayed.

Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha looked at Wu Tao and were still shocked. They never expected to see their former Taoist Li promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner in such a short period of time.

He suddenly became their master uncle and the deputy leader of the Weapon Refining Hall.

At that time, they were not convinced that Gu Xingyuan would stay in the Weapon Refining Hall and not go to work in other places with higher salary. They also felt that Gu Xingyuan would have to wait for a long, long time before Wu Tao could retire from the position of head of the war boat department.

But how could you imagine that it would only take such a short time?

"Perhaps we can see the emergence of a fifth-level weapon refiner in our lifetime." At this moment, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha had this idea in their minds at the same time.

Wu Tao looked at Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha, and said with a smile: "How have you two mastered the knowledge of the third-level advanced weapon refining method?"

He left Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha behind, naturally to take a look at their knowledge of the third-level advanced weapon refining method over the years.

Then it is convenient to give them some guidance.

When Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha heard this, they immediately began to explain their progress in comprehending the knowledge of the third level of advanced weapon refining. At the same time, they also said that during the years when he and Gu Xingyuan were not in the Star Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall, their discussion gatherings had continued. It was senior brother Liu Yidao who took the lead in organizing and participating. Occasionally, Deacon Yu would come to their gatherings to give them guidance.

Therefore, the progress of the two of them in the third-level advanced weapon refining method is quite satisfactory.

After listening to what they said, Wu Tao began to teach them the knowledge of weapon refining. As a fourth-level low-level weapon refining master, he taught them the third-level high-level weapon refining method. He easily and whipped it in, and he was able to do it all at once. Let them have some enlightenment on some difficult problems.

After explaining for half an hour, Wu Tao looked at them and said, "Okay, you go back to the weapon refining hall first."

If you say too much, it will exceed their understanding and cannot be digested.

"Thank you, Master Uncle Li, for explaining the art of weapon refining to us." Now Wu Tao is a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. According to the sect's rules, Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha naturally changed their previous title of Senior Brother Li and called Wu Tao Master Li.

In this regard, Wu Tao did not correct him. He had to adapt to some of the sect's rules. After all, in a sect, there is no rule without rules.

After Ye Chaoming and Jin Cha left, Wu Tao entered the training room and began to deduce the treasure money.

He must quickly deduce the falling treasure money to the fourth level, refine the fourth low level falling treasure money, and then send one to his master Wen Xingrui at the Lingxu Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm.

After this deduction, it was already afternoon before I knew it.

There was movement in the storage bag around Wu Tao's waist. He knew without guessing that it was Yu Zhixin who had summoned him. He took out the summons token and saw that it was indeed Yu Zhixin.

"Now that the identity token is ready, let's use this identity token to go to the Kung Fu Hall to choose a Nascent Soul-level Kung Fu." Wu Tao put the summons token back into his storage bag and headed to the Deacon Hall.

Soon after arriving at the Deacon Hall, Wu Tao discovered that not only Yu Zhixin was there, but there were also two immortal cultivators.

Both of them are ninth-level golden elixir cultivators. One of them is wearing the clothes of a deacon of Lingyuan Palace, and the other is wearing the clothes of a deacon of the Zongmen Island Management Office.

It has to be said that Yu Zhixin was really kind to him. Now he was too lazy to go to the Zongmen Island Management Office to select Nascent Soul Island, and he also solved the matter of spiritual veins.

Seeing Wu Tao's arrival, Yu Zhixin immediately introduced Wu Tao with a smile: "Uncle Li, this is Deacon Zhang Jinquan and Zhang from the Zongmen Island Management Office, and this is Deacon Liu San from Lingyuan Hall."

"Zhang Jinquan meets Uncle Li."

"Liu San pays homage to Uncle Li."

Zhang Jinquan and Liu San quickly visited Wu Tao and saluted Wu Tao. They were just deacons serving these Nascent Soul bosses. As for those who can talk to the Nascent Soul bosses on an equal footing, only the Nascent Soul Lord from their sect management office and Lingyuan Palace are qualified.

"You two nephews, you don't have to be polite." Wu Tao smiled and returned the favor.

After sitting down, Yu Zhixin said: "Uncle Li, your identity token has been made. Thinking that Uncle Li has just been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner and has a lot to do, I directly called Daoyou Zhang and Daoyou Liu over and asked Uncle Li to choose. The matter of a Nascent Soul Island and the spiritual veins on the Nascent Soul Island have also been dealt with."

"Deacon Yu is very considerate, and I have also made it possible for Senior Nephew Zhang and Senior Nephew Liu to go to the weapon refining hall." Wu Tao first smiled at Yu Zhixin, thanked him, and then expressed his gratitude to Zhang Jinquan and Liu San.

Zhang Jinquan and Liu San quickly said that this was their responsibility.

"Uncle Li, this is your new identity token. Please keep it." Yu Zhixin took out a golden identity token. This identity token was imprinted with Wu Tao's aura.

Wu Tao took over the identity token, and it was indeed more high-end and classy than the previous identity tokens from the Jindan period.

"Uncle Li, my nephew will serve my uncle next. Uncle, please see, this is the map of all the Yuanying Islands in the entire Yuanying Sea." Zhang Jinquan spread a map on the table and paid respect to Wu Tao said.

Wu Tao looked at the map of the Nascent Soul sea area on the table and quickly found Lingxu Island. Lingxu Island is a third-level Nascent Soul island. It is the island where Xingchen Immortal Palace specially accommodates immortal cultivators from the Lingxu Immortal Sect. But the location seems to be in the front area.

The third-level Nascent Soul Island is equipped with fourth-level advanced spiritual veins.

Wu Tao has just been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, so naturally it is impossible to enjoy the fourth-level high-level spiritual veins. The island he chose is a first-level island equipped with the fourth-level low-level spiritual veins.

"Master Uncle Li, please see, this Yuanying sea area is divided into three areas, the first-level area, the second-level area, and the third-level area. The first-level area is populated by the True Lord Masters and uncles from the early Yuanying stage, and the second-level area is inhabited by Master Uncle Li. Generally speaking, the uncles of the True Lord in the middle stage of Nascent Soul live there, while the third-level areas are occupied by the uncles of the True Lord in the late stage of Yuanying."

"But there are special cases. There are also second-level Nascent Soul Islands and third-level Nascent Soul Islands in the first-level and second-level areas. Some Nascent Soul Lords who are nostalgic don't want to move around, so they went to Lingyuan Palace to upgrade their souls. Pulse level.”

Zhang Jinquan pointed to the Yuanying sea map on the table and patiently explained it to Wu Tao.

Regarding Zhang Jinquan's explanation, Wu Tao nodded to express his understanding. The upgrade of his Bixing Island from a first-level island to a third-level island is actually the same reason.

He looked at the third-level area of ​​the Yuanying Sea. Deep in the third-level area is the Demon-Suppressing Island. The Demon-Suppressing Island is built deep in the Yuanying Sea. As long as something happens to the Demon-Suppressing Island, the Demon-Suppressing Island will The late Nascent Soul True Lords on the first-level island will be able to arrive in time.

Doing things on the Demon Suppressing Island seems to have been a long time ago. Now Wu Tao is no longer doing tasks on the Demon Suppressing Island, but Liu Yidao is continuing the task on the Demon Suppressing Island.

Seeing Wu Tao nodding, Zhang Jinquan pointed his finger at the first-level area and said: "Uncle Li has just been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage and the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. He can choose a Nascent Soul Island in the first-level area. The remaining ones in the first-level area are now There are still 98 Nascent Soul islands.”

"By the way, after listening to what I heard, Master Uncle Li has a good relationship with Deputy Hall Master Duanmu and Master Su, the two fourth-level low-level weapon refiners. Uncle Li can see that the first-level islands they selected are adjacent. And the island closest to them is Infant Island is empty.”

Zhang Jinquan said and pointed to one of the Nascent Soul Islands.

This Nascent Soul Island has not been named. Generally, it is named by the Nascent Soul cultivators themselves after choosing the Nascent Soul Island.

"The two Nascent Soul Islands are inhabited by fellow Daoist Duanmu and Fellow Daoist Su? Okay, then I will choose the Nascent Soul Island closest to them." Wu Tao said to Zhang Jinquan.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jinquan immediately nodded and said, "Okay, Uncle Li. By the way, please ask Uncle Li to name this Nascent Soul Island."

"Let's call it Bixing Island." Wu Tao said to Zhang Jinquan.

"Okay, Master Li. The Jindan third-level island where Master Li currently lives seems to be also called Bixing Island. When Master Li moves to Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea, then the name of Bixing Island in the Jindan Sea will be managed by our sect. The office will cancel the name of the island," Zhang Jinquan said.

"Okay." Wu Tao nodded.

Thanks to Lingzhuzi for the 1,500 starting coin reward, to book friend 2022***1462 for the 500 starting coin reward, to 2022**8703 for the 200 starting coin reward, and to book friend Wen Yu for the 100 starting coin reward.

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