Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 762 Arrangements, Records, Ceremonies

Not long after, Fu Xuan was led by Wang Sheng to the main hall.

"Fu Xuan pays his respects to Li Zhenjun and his wife."

Fu Xuan immediately bowed to Wu Tao and Chen Yao.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Fu Xuan, and he said with a smile: "No need to be polite, just sit down and talk."

Fu Xuan folded his arms slightly and sat down as instructed.

Chen Yao poured Fu Xuan a cup of spiritual tea, then stood up and said, "I know you want to discuss the art of weapon refining, and I'm not in this field, so I'll go practice first."

"Madam, go slowly." Fu Xuan said respectfully.

Wu Tao nodded. After Chen Yao left the main hall, he looked at Fu Xuan and said, "I haven't seen you for many years. Let me see where you have reached in the art of weapon refining. Are you slacking off?"

He stayed in Lingxu Immortal Sect for several years. After returning to Xingchen Immortal Palace, he immediately went to travel to the Xingchen Sea to cultivate the immortal world, so Fu Xuan had no chance to see him.

"Hui Zhenjun, over the years, Fu Xuan has not dared to slack off at all, whether it was his cultivation or the art of refining weapons." Fu Xuan said respectfully.

He heard that Wu Tao had returned to the Star Palace a year ago. Just when he was about to go to see him, he heard that he had left the Star Palace again.

Goodbye is today after one year.

However, in this short period of one year, I heard in the Weapon Refining Hall that Wu Tao had been promoted to the Nascent Soul Realm and was promoted to the fourth-level low-level Weapon Refiner.

When he got the news, he was very excited, as expected of Senior Li.

So the next day, Fu Xuan came to Bixing Island to meet him.

He was brought by Wu Tao from the Boundary Islands into the Artifact Refining Hall of Xingchen Immortal Palace. It can be said that everything his master has today is given to him by Senior Li. For Senior Li, he is more like his master.

In the Weapon Refining Hall, everyone was able to treat him with more respect because of his relationship with Wu Tao.

"Very good, then I'll give you a test." Wu Tao said to Fu Xuan with a smile.

He still values ​​Fu Xuan very much and regards Fu Xuan as one of his own, so he will teach Fu Xuan how to refine weapons whenever he has time.

"Yes, True Lord."

Next, Wu Tao began to test the master on the art of weapon refining. Fu Xuan had been practicing as a third-level low-level weapon refiner for a long time, and had already begun to gain knowledge on the art of third-level intermediate weapon refining.

Moreover, Fu Xuan has not neglected his cultivation over the years and is about to break through the third level of Golden Core.

This is no longer considered slow. You must know that Fu Xuan's cultivation talent is actually not very outstanding, and can only be regarded as average.

If you can cultivate to the 9th level of the Golden elixir in 200 years, you will have a chance to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. Of course, this chance is 50%, half succeed and half fail.

But how far Fu Xuan can go depends on his personal destiny.

The only thing Wu Tao did was occasionally give him pointers on how to refine weapons.

An hour later, Wu Tao looked at Fu Xuan with joy and said, "Okay, if you practice steadily and delve into the art of weapon refining, you will definitely achieve something in the future."

Hearing this, Fu Xuan humbly accepted the teaching and said, "I will definitely live up to True Lord's teachings. When he was in the Border Islands, Fu Xuan's biggest dream was to become a third-level weapon refiner. Now, with True Lord's help, he has realized his dream." Fu Xuan no longer dares to covet too much about how far he can go in the future."

Hearing Fu Xuan's words, Wu Tao immediately looked stern and criticized: "How can you be satisfied with the present? You should set new goals and move towards the goals, but the goals should not be too high. If you set them too high, it will Wangshan is a dead horse."

"It's Zhenjun, Fu Xuan made a mistake." Fu Xuan quickly bowed and admitted his mistake.

Then Fu Fu left Bixing Island.

After Fu Xuan left, Wu Tao returned to the training hall. Now that it was dark, he could practice Zhou Tianxing's body training technique and improve his Yuan Ti realm.

He took out a jade bottle, and in the jade bottle was the stream of stars he had collected last night. He had consumed 1/4 of this stream of stars, and could still practice it three times, that is, three nights.

"First complete today's Zhou Tianxing body exercise exercise, and then go to the Tiangang layer to collect the star streamers."

With this thought in his mind, Wu Tao immediately started to run the Yuan Ti Chapter of the Zhoutian Star Refining Kung Fu, refining the star stream in front of him and enhancing his Yuan Ti realm cultivation.

Time passed unconsciously, and at the moment when the night was about to fade away, a stream of light rushed down from the sky, and it instantly entered Bixing Island.

On the futon, Wu Tao opened his eyes, shook his head and said: "This time, I didn't have such good luck. I didn't collect the stars. But don't worry, there are still two nights left."

Wu Tao thought like this, got up from the futon and walked out of the training hall.

I have just returned to the Starry Palace, and there are many things to deal with.

For example, some old friends haven't gotten together yet, and they still have to go to Hall Master Xiong Zhentian to see what new arrangements he has for them.

After the master of Xiong Zhentian Hall makes new arrangements for him, he will no longer be the person in charge of the war boat department of the War Weapon Hall. He must pass the news to the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm and ask Gu Xingyuan to come back and take over the responsibility of the war boat department. human position.

"The most important thing in the realization stage is to integrate the Jiu Yao Tian Du Cun Shen Dharma, record it into personal information, and start the cultivation of the Nascent Soul realm."

Yesterday, Wu Tao had a thorough understanding of Jiuyaotian Dushen Shenfa, a Nascent Soul level cultivation technique.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that it was not as difficult to comprehend this cultivation method at the Nascent Soul level as it was when he obtained the Nine-Yao Fusion Yangji True Skill at the Golden Core Realm.

Thinking about it carefully later, it was because of Dao Yuyu.

Since he got the Tao language, he has learned 1,000 Tao language notes.

It is estimated that in another twenty or thirty years, I will be able to learn all the 3,000 notes in the entire Taoist saying.

By then he would have mastered the Tao language.

He has already initially explored the wonderful uses of Taoist language. It can only improve his understanding and help him understand the skills and spells, which is already a huge effect.

Moreover, Chen Yao was able to break through the golden elixir realm, and it was only because of his stimulation with Taoist words that he could feel the golden elixir breakthrough opportunity so quickly.

"As expected of Master Nail!" Wu Tao felt more and more that the nail in the coffin was coming from a bigger source.

With this in mind, Wu Tao came to the square outside the main hall. At this time, Chen Yao was still practicing in the training hall, so he didn't need to go out of his way to say hello. He directly took out the flying boat and headed to the weapon refining hall.

After arriving at the Weapon Refining Hall, Wu Tao planned to go directly to the War Boat Department, but on his way to the War Boat Department, he received a message from Xiong Zhentian, the master of the War Weapon Hall, asking him to go to the main hall.

"It seems there are new arrangements!" Wu Tao thought to himself, then turned around and headed to the main hall of the palace.

At this time, the voices of Geng Xiangshu and Lin Qijun sounded from behind.

"Uncle Li, wait for us!"

Wu Tao turned his head and saw Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu walking towards him quickly.

"You two are also going to see Master Xiong?" Wu Tao asked them.

Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu bowed to Wu Tao and said, "Yes, uncle, we have received the summons from Palace Master Xiong and asked us to go to the Palace Master's hall together."

"Then let's come together, I also want to see the palace master." Wu Tao said with a smile.

Then the three of them went to the main hall together, but this time they went to the main hall. Although the heads of the three departments went together, this time was different from the past. In the past, Wu Tao stood on the sidelines and let these two veterans The third-level senior weapon refiner became the C position, but now these two third-level senior weapon refiners were on both sides of him, making him the C position.

The difference in status can already be seen from here.

Soon Wu Tao, Lin Qijun, and Geng Xiangshu arrived at Xiong Zhentian's main hall.

Xiong Zhentian sat high on the throne above the main hall.

"I've met Senior Brother Xiong." Wu Tao bowed to Xiong Zhentian.

"Junior Brother Li, there is no need to be polite. Please sit down." Xiong Zhentian stood up and pointed to a seat on the left.

Wu Tao still sat down.

"Meet the palace master." Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu bowed to Xiong Zhentian and saluted.

They are only third-level advanced weapon refiners and have not yet reached the fourth-level low-level weapon refiners, so they cannot bow their hands casually in salutes.

"You guys should also sit down." Palace Master Xiong did not get up this time. Instead, he sat on the throne of the Palace Master and extended his hand to Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu.

"Yes, Palace Master." Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu sat down on the right.

Xiong Zhentian looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Li, I'm calling you here this time because we have new arrangements for you."

Having said this, he looked at Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu: "Of course, calling you here has something to do with you."

Geng Xiangshu and Lin Qijun focused their gazes on Xiong Zhentian.

Wu Tao also looked at Xiong Zhentian, quietly waiting for Xiong Zhentian to tell him his arrangements.

Xiong Zhentian continued: "Junior brother Li, you have been promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, so naturally you can no longer serve in the war boat department. Therefore, after a meeting at the weapon refinement hall, I will step down as the master of the war weapon hall. , from now on, Junior Brother Li will take over as the master of the War Weapon Hall."

After hearing Xiong Zhentian's arrangement, Wu Tao raised his hands and said, "Senior Brother Xiong, I have become the master of this weapon hall, what about you, Senior Brother Xiong?"

Xiong Zhentian smiled and said: "Don't worry, the hall has its own arrangements."

"Master Nephew Lin and Master Geng, you must cooperate with Junior Brother Li's work from now on." Xiong Zhentian turned to Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu and said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu immediately stood up, bowed their hands to Xiong Zhentian and said, "I respectfully follow the order of Deputy Hall Master Xiong. We will definitely cooperate with Hall Master Li's work."

"I've met Palace Master Li! Congratulations to Uncle Li for taking over as the Master of the War Weapon Palace." The two of them expressed their congratulations to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao saluted them in return.

Xiong Zhentian said: "Junior brother Li, as you have succeeded the master of the War Weapon Hall, you can arrange the head of the war boat department yourself. After all, you are in charge of this War Weapon Hall."

"I understand, Senior Brother Xiong." Wu Tao nodded.

Then Xiong Zhentian asked Lin Qijun and Geng Xiangshu to leave, leaving Wu Tao behind, saying that he would leave the Weapon Hall after Wu Tao held the deputy hall master's ceremony, and all matters in the Weapon Hall would be handed over to Wu Tao.

So today Wu Tao began to follow Xiong Zhentian and officially and slowly handed over everything in the War Weapon Hall.

On the same day, Wu Tao sent a message to the Lingxu Immortal Sect of the Immortal Realm in the name of the War Weapon Palace, asking Gu Xingchen to return to the Weapon Refining Hall of the Xingchen Immortal Palace immediately.

After establishing diplomatic relations with the Lingxu Immortal Sect, the three major Immortal Palaces and the nine major Immortal Sects in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm all have channels to pass on news to the Lingxu Immortal Sect.

In the days that followed, Wu Tao followed Xiong Zhentian and gradually became familiar with all the affairs of the War Weapon Hall.

During this period of time, Wu Tao would also meditate on the divine laws stored in Jiu Yao Tian every day. Every night, I enter the Tiangang layer with Nascent Soul and collect the light from the stars.

A few days later, Wu Tao moved to the Yuanying Sea Area.

On the day they moved to the Nascent Soul Sea, the Nascent Soul Island named by Wu Tao in the Yuanying Sea was also called Bixing Island.

But after all, he moved to the Nascent Soul Sea, and the day he moved to the island was regarded as a moving day, so some of Wu Tao's friends came to congratulate him.

Among the people who came to congratulate them were Duan Mulei and Su Sanxian, two low-level fourth-level weapon refiners, as well as many other weapon refiners from the weapon refining hall, including both third-level and second-level weapon refiners.

Although Wu Tao, the weapon refiner, was not very familiar with them, they were guests and Wu Tao warmly entertained them.

After they left, Wu Tao found Wang Sheng and the immortal attendant Chen Juan.

Wang Sheng and Immortal Attendant Chen Juan were very excited, especially Chen Juan first. She originally thought that the island owner would be promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, become a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, the deputy master of the weapon refinement hall, and move to the Yuanying Sea Area to live. After practicing, I would not take her with me, but I didn’t expect that I would take her with me.

With the island owner becoming a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, her status will naturally increase. Moreover, as an immortal attendant here, her salary will also increase. This is what Chen Juan values ​​​​the most.

"Wang Sheng, I will ask you to take care of this Nascent Soul Island carefully from now on." Wu Tao said to Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng bowed and said respectfully: "Island owner, don't worry, I will manage this Nascent Soul Island in an orderly manner and live up to the island owner's cultivation."

Wu Tao nodded, then turned his gaze to Chen Juan and said, "Chen Juan, although you have moved to the Nascent Soul Sea Area, your responsibilities are the same as when you were in the Jindan Sea Area."

"Yes, Island Master." Chen Juan bowed and said respectfully.

Subsequently, Wu Tao dismissed Wang Sheng and Chen Juan.

Turning to look at Chen Yao, he held Chen Yao's hand and said, "Ayao, this will be our home from now on."

Chen Yao tightened Wu Tao's hand and said gently: "As long as my senior brother is here, it is home anywhere."

Both of them had smiles on their faces, and then they started to visit their new home.

It has to be said that the treatment in the Nascent Soul Realm is higher than that in the Golden Core Realm. When he got Bixing Island, he had to do everything by himself, open up wasteland by himself, and hire immortal management. However, the Nascent Soul Island was allocated to the cave palace. Everything is ready, and all the industries are on the right track. All you have to do is wait for yourself to receive it.

After visiting the new Bixing Island, Wu Tao and Chen Yao returned to their respective training halls. There are also two training halls on this Nascent Soul Island. Wu Tao's training hall is equipped with fourth-level low-level spiritual veins.

Chen Yao's training hall is equipped with third-level intermediate spiritual veins.

Originally, it was possible to configure a fourth-level low-level spiritual vein equivalent to Wu Tao, but considering that Chen Yao was still in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, configuring a spiritual vein that was too high would allow her to practice faster in the short term, but in the later stages, in the long run Look, it’s not good.

You still have to practice step by step, one step at a time.

In the following days, Wu Tao lived and practiced on Bixing Island in the Nascent Soul Sea. During the day, he went to the Weapon Refining Hall to learn all the affairs of the War Weapon Hall from Xiong Zhentian.

Time flies.

In an instant, the day came for Wu Tao's deputy hall master's ceremony.

Nascent Soul Sea Area, Bixing Island.

In Wu Tao's training hall.

He sat cross-legged on the futon with a jade slip tightly pressed against his forehead.

Suddenly, his eyes opened, and the jade slip flew up from his forehead and floated in front of him.

"Finally, I have a thorough understanding of the Jiu Yaotian's divine method and recorded it in my personal information."

"In the following days, you can officially practice the realm of Nascent Soul."

Thinking of him like this, I opened my personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 113/1859】

[Realm: First level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The first level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic (0%)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the Golden elixir (100%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the Master of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), the Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (100%), the fourth level of Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique (10%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Proficiency in the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (20%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition (100%), fourth-level low-level treasure money (96%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical Training: Zhou Tian Xing Chen Body Refining Kung Fu·Yuan Ti Chapter: First Level (17%), Wu Dao War Technique Breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

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