There are many escape techniques at the Nascent Soul level in Xingchen Immortal Palace. Wu Tao spent a long time selecting them in the Kung Fu Hall before finally choosing the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape.

This escape technique is also top-notch among Nascent Soul level spells.

"In thirty to ten years, the demons in the Demon Realm will break through the unknown weak boundary wall and attack the Immortal Yuan Realm. Therefore, the Yuan Ying level escape technique must be practiced quickly."

After all, the escape technique is an escape technique.

Wu Tao thought to himself, Li Xi put the jade slip on his forehead, penetrated the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts, and began to understand the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape.

Since learning Taoist language, as Wu Tao has understood more and more Taoist notes, Wu Tao has learned various exercises faster and faster.

He estimated that the shortest time for Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape would be one month and the longest three months. He would be able to enter his insights into his personal information, and then there would be a liver progress bar.

After comprehending the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape for two hours, Wu Tao withdrew his spiritual thoughts from the jade slip.

Understanding Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Putting the jade slip recording the Yuanci Aurora Escape back into the storage bag, Wu Tao took out another jade slip.

This jade slip is naturally not one of the three spells he selected in the Kung Fu Hall, but a Taoist jade slip. Among the three spells selected in the Kung Fu Hall, one is Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, and the other two are spells that attack and kill Yuanying-like levels.

But for those two spells, Wu Tao decided to practice them slowly.

"Now make a copy of this jade slip and give it to the master." Wu Taoxin said, and took out a blank jade slip from the storage bag.

As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, he will carry many blank jade slips with him to record his cultivation insights, or to copy other spells and secrets.

"Start burning."

This is not the first time that Wu Tao has burned spells or secrets of exercises on blank jade slips. The jade slips must be burned with spiritual thoughts and mana, and only then can the information be left on the jade slips.

Therefore, Wu Tao's magic power and spiritual thoughts entered the blank jade slip and began to burn Taoist notes.

But when he used his magic power and spiritual power to record the first Taoist syllable, he found that the Taoist notes condensed by his magic power and spiritual power dissipated as soon as they were formed.

"What's going on? Am I unable to copy and burn this sentence?"

Wu Tao's face was stunned. If that was the case, how could he make a copy of the Taoist Jade Slips and give it to his master Wen Xingrui for study and practice?

"Go and ask Mr. Ding. I hope Mr. Ding can give me the answer." Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts immediately sank into the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and transmitted them to the body of the coffin nail.

After delivering the message, Wu Tao's mind quietly waited for the reply from the coffin nail.

But to his disappointment, the coffin nail was still floating quietly in the center of his mind sea, without answering his doubts at all.

"If I had known this would happen, forget it. I'd better explore slowly by myself." Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts immediately exited the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts.

He entered the blank jade slip with his magical power and thought, and burned the syllables of Taoism again.

The notes of the Taoist language had just formed in the blank jade slips, and then turned into light and dissipated.

"It's impossible. In the past, we copied and burned other skills, secrets, and spells in this way. Why can't it work this time?" Wu Tao frowned and thought.

The Taoist saying has a great origin and is extremely mysterious. It was taught to him by Master Ding, who burned it into a blank jade slip at that time.

"Is it possible that only Mr. Ding can copy and burn it?"

"No, Taoism is just a language after all. It's the same as the usual practice insights, but it's more mysterious in nature. So the way I burned it must be wrong. I can't copy and burn it like other ordinary skill secrets."

Wu Tao's mind turned and he began to think.

Time passed bit by bit, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he thought to himself: "Maybe this can be done!"

Thinking of this, Wu Tao no longer hesitated and immediately began to experiment with his idea. He once again used his magic power and spiritual thoughts to fall into the blank jade slip, but he did not burn it immediately. Instead, he opened his mouth and uttered the first Taoist syllable. The sound wave formed by the syllables rushed into the blank jade slip, and then the mana and spiritual thoughts were condensed into a pen to imprint the sound wave into the blank jade slip.

The blank jade slips indeed formed a Taoist note.

"I hope my assumption is right?!" Wu Tao looked at the Taoist notes quietly. One second, 2 seconds, and 10 seconds, the Taoist notes did not dissipate.

"Haha, the assumption is correct."

Wu Tao was extremely happy and immediately uttered Taoist notes one by one, imprinting them on the blank jade slips with his magic power and spiritual thoughts.

When burning Taoist notes in this way, Wu Tao found that his mana and spiritual thoughts were consumed very quickly. After just burning 100 Taoist notes, more than half of his mana and spiritual thoughts were already consumed.

At this point he immediately stopped.

"It consumes too much mana and spiritual energy. Continuing to burn will affect my subsequent practice. I still have to burn slowly."

"This Tao has a total of 3,000 Tao notes. Burning 100 of them a day can be completed in a month."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately stopped and put the jade slip with 100 Taoist notes on it into his storage bag, and explained it carefully to his master Wen Xingrui tomorrow.

Wu Tao then began to operate Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to restore Yuanying's magic power and Yuanying's divine will.

After recovering, Wu Tao began to practice again. Now the situation became tense again, and he felt a sense of urgency to improve his cultivation.

You must break through to the realm of the divine body as soon as possible with the flow of stars. Only by breaking through to the realm of the divine body can you have the power to protect yourself in these three realms, and will you not be used as a pawn by the God of Transformation.

Instead, he became a chess player like the God of Transformation.

the next day.

The Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall and the Formation Hall began to hold meetings with the formation masters and weapon refiners from the three major immortal palaces, Star Immortal Palace, Huiyue Star Palace, and Sun Immortal Palace, to prepare for refining a fourth-level war boat. , flying boats to deal with the demons in the demon world.

The meeting was held to decide what war boats to refine, and they were divided into groups to assign refining tasks.

The entire meeting lasted for half a day before disbanding. After another half-day break, the intense refining task will officially begin tomorrow.

According to the refining task arrangement, it must be refined for four hours every day.

So the time for cultivation has become even tighter again, and I have to squeeze it in again. Wu Tao sighed in his heart, and after the meeting, he followed Master Wen Xingrui to his hall master's hall.

Sitting opposite each other on the tea table at the side of the main hall, Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui: "Master, last night I tried to burn the Taoist jade slips. This Taoist saying is really mysterious. It consumes too much Yuanying's mana and Yuan to burn it. The Yingshen chants, and it takes only one day to burn 100 Taoist notes, and this Taoist language has a total of 3,000 Taoist notes."

"Therefore, it may take a month for my disciple to give you the complete Taoist Jade Slips!"

Wen Xingrui heard this and said, "Don't worry, it's just the first month or two. There are too many things going on in the Refining Hall, and I don't have time to learn Taoism. You should take your time."

"Okay master, I understand." Wu Tao said.

Then the master and the apprentice said something, and Wu Tao left the hall master's hall and returned to his residence. Now that time is so tight, he must seize more time to practice.

In the blink of an eye, it will be 10 days later.

The past 10 days have been extremely busy, and Wu Tao felt that he didn't have enough time to practice.

Now, in addition to the daily practice of Jiuyaotian Dushen Shenfa and the Zhoutianxingxing physical exercise, he also needs to practice the Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra at the Nascent Soul stage to strengthen his spiritual thoughts, and understand the escape technique Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape. You also need to understand Taoism.

I also need to find time to copy and burn Taoist jade slips.

Wu Tao wished he could use one day as two days.

Because the war boat being refined this time was of the fourth level, he, a low-level fourth-level weapon refiner, could not be idle and had to personally participate in the refining task.

In such a tight time, Wu Tao could only make a choice in practice. He first stopped practicing the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield. Now he can use three Red Flame Divine Fire Shields, which is not a problem to deal with the early Nascent Soul cultivators.

So there is no need to rush to refine the fourth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

Still sitting on the futon, Wu Tao reached out and touched the storage bag at his waist, and a jade slip appeared in his hand.

This jade slip has been copied and burned with 1,000 Taoist notes. Now Wu Tao has understood and learned 1,100 Taoist notes.

"Burn another 100 today!" Wu Tao thought to himself, and immediately started burning without any hesitation.

After successfully burning 100 Taoist notes into the jade slips, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind were also consumed by most of them. He immediately put the jade slips away and began to restore the Yuanying mind and mana.

After restoring the Nascent Soul's magic power and the Soul of the Soul, Wu Tao's mind entered the jade slip. Suddenly, he thought of a question.

That is, to burn and copy the Taoist notes, you must pronounce the Taoist words yourself before you can successfully burn them into the jade slips. But all the 1,100 Taoist notes he learned have been burned and copied, and the rest have not been learned, and he cannot pronounce the correct Taoist notes. Doesn't it mean that it cannot be burned?

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately started to burn the 1101st Taoist notes on the Taoist jade slip given to him by the nail in the coffin, and it failed as expected.

"Forget it, maybe I can give the master these 1,100 Taoist notes to study and study first, and then learn 1,000 later, and then burn a jade slip for the master."

Wu Tao thinks this method is feasible.

Then he was about to go out to the weapon refining hall to start today's weapon refining work.

"Brother, are you going out?" Wu Tao just walked out of the training room and saw Chen Yao coming out. Chen Yao asked him.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao, nodded and said, "Well, I'm ready to go out. You can practice well at your residence."

In the past 10 days, Wu Tao and Chen Yao only talked about weight loss once, because there were too many things in the weapon refining hall, which squeezed too much practice time.

In the past, every weight loss exchange took half an hour to an hour, but now that the training time is so tight, it is limited to half an hour.

However, it can be shipped in half an hour, and if you have a weight loss exchange every ten days, you can ship a lot.

"Okay, senior brother, you walk slowly, I'll wait for you to come back." Chen Yao said, she also knew that senior brother had a very hard time during this period.

What she can do is to practice hard and improve her cultivation. When she broke through the Golden Core, she used a true elixir fruit to directly raise her cultivation to the peak of the first level of the Golden Core. Now half a year has passed. Chen Yao felt that after another half a year of settling down, he would be able to break through to the second level of Jindan.

"Okay!" Wu Tao nodded, then left his residence and went to the weapon refining hall.

On the way to the Refining Hall, Wu Tao suddenly thought that maybe he should teach Chen Yao to learn Taoism at this time.

The situation is tense now, and it is important to improve your cultivation.

"Okay, starting tonight, I will spend half an hour every day teaching Ayao to learn Taoism." Wu Tao made a decision in his heart.

After arriving at the weapon refining hall, Wu Tao did not immediately go to see his master Wen Xingrui. As the master of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's weapon refining hall, master Wen Xingrui also had a lot of refining work to do.

He planned to go to his master Wen Xingrui after completing the refining task today. At that time, master Wen Xingrui had also completed today's refining work.

Four hours later, Wu Tao completed the day's refining task and immediately went to the hall master's hall to meet Wen Xingrui.

"You've been working hard this time." Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said.

Wu Tao shook his head and said: "Master, what are you talking about? I am also a disciple of Lingxu Immortal Sect!"

Wen Xingrui felt very relieved to hear Wu Tao say these words.

"If I had known that the refining task was so intense, I should have told Xingchen Immortal Palace to ask other deputy hall masters to come over and let you stay in Xingchen Immortal Palace. At least you would have more time to practice."

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Master, I know that the demons in the demon world are going to tear up the agreement on peaceful coexistence of the three worlds and prepare to attack the Xianyuan world in a large scale. My first thought at that time was to come to support the Lingxu Immortal Sect."

"I want to fight side by side with you, master."

"Good disciple!" Wen Xingrui smiled happily.

Wu Tao also knew that he came here today to give Wen Xingrui a jade slip of Taoist language, so he did not delay any longer. He took out the jade slip from his storage bag, handed it to Wen Xingrui, and said: "Master, this Taoist language I haven't studied for a long time, and I have only comprehended 1,100 Taoist notes, so I can only copy and burn 1,100 Taoist notes."

"Master, you can first understand this Taoist language and help the master practice."

"When I can comprehend new Taoist notes in the future, I will burn the subsequent Taoist notes for you, Master."

Wen Xingrui took the jade slip, nodded and said, "Okay."

Putting the jade slip containing 1,100 Taoist musical notes into his storage bag, Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao again and said, "Have you had any problems in refining the weapon during this period? Now you have come to Lingxu Immortal Sect. , then I, as a master, will naturally do my best to teach you the art of weapon refining."

Wu Tao said: "Master, I have fully understood the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method. Now in the weapon refining, I am deepening the practice of the Divine Fire Art. After the demons are completely defeated, I will contact the fourth-level intermediate The way to refine weapons.”

"That's okay!" Wen Xingrui respected Wu Tao's decision very much.

The master and apprentice reminisced for a quarter of an hour before Wu Tao said goodbye and left. In fact, Wen Xingrui drove him away and asked him to go back to practice quickly.

Wu Tao returned to his residence, called Chen Yao, and said: "Ayao, you were also listening to the Taoist teachings I told the master last time. Now I plan to teach you this Taoist teachings. This will be very helpful for your cultivation. help."

"Ah, thank you, senior brother!" Chen Yao was naturally very happy when she heard this, but what she thought of was: "Senior brother, you have a heavy task of refining weapons now, and you also have to take care of practicing and studying the art of refining weapons. Why don't you take it easy? Wait, will you teach me how to learn Taoism again?"

"It doesn't matter. I originally planned to teach you this Taoist language when you are in the Golden Core realm. Now the situation is tense. Let you learn it in advance, which will also allow you to improve your cultivation faster." Wu Tao laughed. said.

Then he looked solemn and said: "This sect is extremely mysterious, and it is related to whether you can break through the Nascent Soul realm, so you must study hard."

Seeing the rare seriousness of his senior brother, Chen Yao immediately said seriously: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will definitely study Taoism well."

"Okay, then I will teach you the first Taoist note now." Wu Tao said, and immediately began to teach Chen Yao the first Taoist note.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao stopped teaching.

Chen Yao studied for half an hour, but she couldn't grasp the edge of understanding at all. She couldn't help but sigh: "Brother, this sentence is so difficult to learn."

"The more mysterious the method, the more difficult it is to understand. Don't worry. Senior brother, I went through many difficulties and dangers when I learned this Tao. It took me several months to understand the first note of the Tao." Wu Tao said in order not to offend Chen. Yao's self-confidence touched her milk bag and said.

In the following days, Wu Tao spent half an hour every day teaching Chen Yao to learn Taoist language.

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