Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 832 Ninth-level Yuanling, Demonic Monk

The fourth-level defensive array was still shaking violently and was under strong attack.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts spread out and landed on the four evil spirits in the fourth-level defensive formation. In the Yuan Ling Secret Realm, the breath of Yuan Ling is very pure and smells fragrant, which is very attractive to those who are cultivating immortals in the Yuan Ying stage.

But it is also very attractive to evil spirits, so evil spirits will feed on Yuanling.

These four evil spirits exuded an evil aura, and were covered in black. They were stronger and had faces, and their faces were ferocious, as if they were filled with countless grievances.

After initially sensing the auras of these four evil spirits, two level nine evil spirits are comparable to the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and two level eight evil spirits are comparable to the eighth level of the Nascent Soul. However, the evil spirits are ferocious, and their combat power is far higher than their own. level.

However, even a level 9 evil spirit comparable to the level 9 of Nascent Soul cannot reach the level of god transformation, so Wu Tao would not worry that he would not be able to do it.

Evil spirits are evil. They will attack and devour Yuanling when they encounter them. They will also attack and devour immortal cultivators when they encounter them. Logically speaking, Wu Tao's fourth-level defensive formation can shield his aura as a cultivator and will not be sensed by evil spirits. However, the fourth-level defensive formation is erected in the void. It is possible that the four evil spirits will hit him on the way. On top of the fourth-level defensive formation.

The fourth-level defensive formation blocked their progress. Naturally, these four evil spirits desperately attacked the fourth-level defensive formation.

Wu Tao's fourth-level defensive formation is at the fourth-level intermediate level, so it is teetering under the attack of these four evil spirits. Judging from the power of this attack, his fourth-level defensive formation will definitely be broken through in less than half an hour.

Wu Tao arranged this fourth-level defensive formation not for defense, but more for warning. As long as the fourth-level defensive formation is attacked, he can stop training and immediately deal with the enemy. With his strength, he is the best Defense.

As the saying goes, the best defense is attack.

With Wu Tao's current combat power, no immortal cultivator will be his opponent in this Yuanling Secret Realm. As long as he does not enter the deepest part of the Yuanling Secret Realm and encounter Yuanling, who is comparable to the realm of gods, he will be able to defeat him in this Yuanling Secret Realm. You can walk sideways.

"We can't let these four evil spirits attack anymore. I only have this set of fourth-level intermediate defense formations on me."

Wu Tao muttered to himself, and immediately reached out and patted the storage bag. An array disk flew out of the storage bag and landed in his palm.

In the next moment, his Nascent Soul magic power and Nascent Soul mind fell into the formation disk, activating the formation disk. The formation disk had been activated, and formation flags flew up from all directions in the world around him, falling directly into the formation disk. On top of Wu Tao's formation.

As soon as the fourth-level intermediate defensive array was put away, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul aura was revealed and was sensed by the four evil spirits.

The four evil spirits were originally attacking Wu Tao's fourth-level intermediate defense array. Wu Tao suddenly put away the array and lost their attack target. However, as soon as they sensed Wu Tao's human immortal cultivator aura, they immediately grinned and spread it out. He released a vicious aura and attacked Wu Tao.

Looking at these four evil spirits exuding evil aura, Wu Tao stood there, content and unafraid. He calmly put the array plate into his storage bag and said to himself: "It would be great if these were four spirits. If it is an evil spirit, it cannot be devoured and refined, and it is a waste of time and energy!”

"If you disturb my practice of devouring Yuanling, then these four evil spirits will be annihilated!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the first level nine evil spirit rushed in front of Wu Tao. Wu Tao suddenly burst into starlight, like a star, and directly hit the current level nine evil spirit.

Under this move that shattered the stars, the current ninth-level evil spirit was directly defeated and annihilated, evaporating between the heaven and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tao used his second move to shatter the stars, killing and destroying the second level 9 evil spirit.

There were only two level 8 evil spirits left. Evil spirits naturally have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid harm. Therefore, seeing Wu Tao's bravery, he annihilated the two level 9 evil spirits with two punches. Knowing that he was outmatched, he immediately turned around and ran away. . But if they disturbed Wu Tao's practice, how could Wu Tao let them go?

Yuanci Aurora escaped forward, and struck out with two palms. The fate of these two eighth-level evil spirits was just like the two ninth-level evil spirits before, and they were annihilated between the heaven and the earth.

Three breaths and three moves shook the stars, and these four evil spirits were beaten to ashes by Wu Tao, as if they had never been here.

"Done, continue."

Wu Tao stopped using the Star Yuan Ti, and the star light around him was contained within the Star Yuan Ti. He clapped his hands and said with a relaxed expression.

After finishing speaking, he took out the fourth-level intermediate defense formation from the storage bag and set it up.

After setting it up, he sat cross-legged on the futon again, took out the level 8 Yuanling, and began to use Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to refine and improve his cultivation level.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao had refined these level 1 to level 8 Yuanlings, and the progress of the fifth level had increased from 3% to 10%.

This level 8 Yuanling improved his progress by 7 levels.

"According to this calculation, it will take more than 10 level 8 Yuanlings to break through to the 6th level of Yuanying."

But Wu Tao is not in a hurry, because within 5 days, Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai, the two ninth-level Nascent Souls of Xuyang Sect, will definitely give him 4 level 9 Yuanlings.

Four level 9 Yuanling should be able to increase his progress by nearly 30%.

"It would be great if I meet a few more Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eighteenth Realm, and if there is a life-killing lock, I can control them and let all the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Eighteenth Realm work for me in the Yuanling Secret Realm. , I might be able to break through to the 7th level of Yuanying in this Yuanling secret realm."

Wu Tao suddenly thought of this, but felt it was a bit impossible.

Next, Wu Tao put away the fourth-level intermediate defense formation and continued to search for Yuan Ling in this Yuan Ling secret realm.

In the blink of an eye, three more days passed and the fourth day came.

On the third day, Wu Tao only caught three Yuanlings, but they were all low-level Yuanlings, which only brought his progress to the fifth level to 21%.

If he is lucky like this, it may be difficult for him to break through to the sixth level of Nascent Soul in the remaining 7 days.

Moreover, on the third day, Wu Tao also met an immortal cultivator at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, and directly snatched the Yuanling from him. Then he killed this immortal cultivator at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul. This man claimed to be from the ninth-level immortal of the Tianhai Realm. Zong, said that if he dared to kill him, their fellow Guihai Sect of the ninth-grade Immortal Sect in the Tianhai Realm would definitely avenge him.

Wu Tao actually didn't want to kill him, but he had no choice. This eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator didn't have a life-killing lock and couldn't control him to capture the Yuanling for himself, so he had no choice but to kill him.

After all, when this eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Guihai Sect took action, it was with the intention of killing him. Anyone who kills someone will always kill him. This is the most fair thing.

"I hope my luck today will not be worse than yesterday!"

Wu Tao used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and flew slowly in the sky above the Yuan Ling Secret Realm. His spiritual thoughts were sent out to sense the surroundings, looking for the Yuan Ling Lin hiding everywhere.

On the other side, after Xiang Ziheng and Liu Hai separated, they also began to work hard to find the ninth-level Yuanling or other Yuanlings, because they only had 5 days. If they did not hand over two level 9 Yuanlings to Wu Tao within 5 days, If the spirit or value is equal to two level 9 Yuanling, once Wu Tao activates the life-killing lock, the two of them will die.

Moreover, out of good intentions, Xiang Ziheng also sent a message to the other three Yuanying cultivators of Xuyang Sect who had not met Wu Tao, telling them not to think of robbing Yuanling when they encountered Wu Tao, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

He also described Wu Tao's appearance to his three fellow cultivators.

As for the immortal cultivators from other sects in Tiancang Realm, Xiang Ziheng has no obligation to inform them. If he encounters Wu Tao who wants to rob Yuanling, then the outcome is none of his business.

Xiang Ziheng's spiritual thoughts swept downwards, and suddenly his face lit up with joy, and he thought to himself: "It seems that I am very lucky to Xiang Ziheng today, and I actually found a level 9 Yuanling."

Xiang Ziheng pretended to sweep over the pool with his spiritual thoughts, as if he didn't notice the ninth-level Yuanling hidden in the pool.

The strength of the ninth-level Yuanling is equal to his, so he needs to be careful, otherwise he will regret it if he escapes. A ninth-level Yuanling is now equivalent to half his life.

"This 9-chicken Yuanling thinks he is hiding well. He doesn't know that I have discovered him. Very good, then he will have enough time to quietly set up the trap."

Xiang Ziheng was secretly happy and immediately flew through the void and over the water pool. But soon he calmed down and returned, holding a formation plate in his hand with an formation flag on it. He began to move and arrange the formation flags around the pool.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiang Ziheng had arranged all the formation flags around the pool. He looked overjoyed and thought to himself: "This ninth-level Yuanling can't escape."

Thinking of this, Xiang Ziheng's Yuan Ying divine thoughts and Yuan Ying mana were immediately injected into the formation disk, activating the formation disk. As the formation disk flashed with light, the array flags arranged around the water pool suddenly became brighter. A ray of light rose into the sky from the formation flag, and in a blink of an eye, it connected into a light curtain, surrounding the entire pool.


The water in the pool rose up from the sky, and the moment the formation flag formed a light curtain, the ninth-level Yuanling knew that its traces had been discovered by human immortal cultivators, and rushed out of the pool.

This level 9 Yuanling looks like a big fish with strange wings on both sides. It flies directly into the sky, trying to escape from this trapped formation.

But how could this ninth-level Yuanling escape from this trapped formation? This is a set of fourth-level advanced trapping formations that Xiang Ziheng bought specifically for coming to the Yuanling Secret Realm. Even if a ninth-level Yuanying Immortal cultivator is trapped in the trapping array, he cannot break this trapping array within a few days.

The flying fish transformed from the ninth-level Yuanling was in a predicament, hitting the light screen left and right, but could not get out. Xiang Ziheng also took action at this time. Under his command, a fourth-level high-level flying sword flew towards Kill the flying fish transformed by the ninth-level Yuanling.

Finally, half an hour later, the flying fish transformed into a ninth-level Yuanling disintegrated, and the ninth-level Yuanling hidden inside the flying fish emerged. It was a Yuanling as transparent as water. This is why it can be hidden in the pool. among.

Xiang Ziheng used a big net magic weapon to collect the ninth-level Yuanling. Looking at the struggling ninth-level Yuanling in the big net magic weapon, his face was filled with joy: "Okay, okay, as long as I catch another level 9 Yuanling, , you can unlock the life-threatening lock on my body."

He was extremely happy, and then he started to put away the fourth-order advanced trapping array. Just as he was putting away the fourth-order advanced trapped array, three streams of light suddenly came from a distance and appeared in front of him.

These three streams of light manifested into three tall figures, and their auras were all from the ninth level of Nascent Soul. They were dressed in blood-colored robes.

"No, it's a cultivator from the Blood Sect." The Blood Sect is a ninth-level immortal cultivating sect in the Tianyin world. It is a demonic sect. They focus on blood cultivation and blood refining.

Xiang Ziheng's life-strangling lock was made from the blood of the blood sect's weapon refiner.

The cultivators of the Blood Sect must also have life-strangling locks on their bodies.

The three blood sect's ninth-level Yuanying cultivators fell on the ninth-level Yuanling in the big net in Xiang Ziheng's hand, and their eyes showed greed. It is a fatal temptation for immortal cultivators.

"Present the ninth-level Yuanling in your hand, and we will spare your life!" One of the ninth-level Yuanying cultivators looked at Xiang Ziheng and said.

Naturally, Xiang Ziheng would not hand over the ninth-level Yuanling, because the ninth-level Yuanling was equivalent to half his life, so he used his escape technique to escape without hesitation.

Seeing him discussing these three blood sect cultivators, he became furious and quickly used his escape technique to transform into three rays of blood and chase Xiang Ziheng.

"If you don't drink a toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty. When we catch you, we will let you taste the power of the life-strangling lock." These three blood sect Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators decided to use the life-strangling lock after catching Xiang Ziheng. Suo controlled Xiang Ziheng and allowed Xiang Ziheng to be enslaved by them and capture Yuan Ling for them in this Yuan Ling secret realm.

Xiang Ziheng sensed the three rays of blood behind him and said something bad in his heart: "No, the blood escape techniques performed by these three blood sect members at the 9th level of Nascent Soul are more advanced than mine. Sooner or later they will be defeated." The other party caught it.”

"What should I do? What should I do? I didn't die in the hands of fellow Taoist Li Mo, but in the hands of these three blood sect cultivators. I'm really not lucky at all. I thought it was my luck to catch the ninth-level Yuanling. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be my disaster.”

Xiang Ziheng felt that he was so unlucky.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something, and quickly tapped the storage bag on his waist, and a communication talisman appeared in his hand, and he immediately activated the communication talisman.

The three blood sect Nascent Soul Ninth Level who were chasing Xiang Ziheng saw Xiang Ziheng and activated the communication talisman. They were not in a hurry and instead communicated with each other through spiritual thoughts.

"It's okay. Let him summon a few more. We will control them with life-locks. They will all go capture the Yuanling for us."

"I hope fellow Taoist Li Mo will receive my communication talisman and come to save me quickly!" That's right, the communication talisman that Xiang Ziheng inspired was not the communication talisman from his Xuyang Sect, but the one given to him by Wu Tao. That communication talisman.

"Strange, why can't I meet a Yuanling? Could it be that the Yuanling secret realm has gone deeper?" Wu Tao frowned slightly. He didn't meet a Yuanling for two consecutive hours. His luck must be too bad. .

He felt that he should move deeper into the Yuanling Secret Realm, because the deeper into the Yuanling Secret Realm, there were more Yuanlings.

At this moment, a ray of light shot toward him from the distant sky. He saw it and immediately stretched out his hand, and the light fell on his hand.

"It's Xiang Ziheng. He sent me a message. Has he already captured the ninth-level Yuanling?"

Wu Tao put away the communication talisman, moved, and immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to meet Xiang Ziheng.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao sensed Xiang Ziheng's aura. Not only was there Xiang Ziheng's aura, but there were also three auras that looked like blood reaching the sky. He looked like he was not a good person at first glance, and Xiang Ziheng was in a very embarrassing situation. Three bloody auras surrounded him.

"A demonic cultivator?"

Under the induction of Wu Tao's spiritual sense, he immediately sensed the three Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators of the Blood Sect.

At the same time, he also sensed that the besieged Xiang Ziheng was holding a ninth-level Yuanling in his hand.

There is no doubt that this ninth-level Yuanling was prepared by Xiang Ziheng for him.

But now, someone wants to snatch it.

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