My head pulsed with pain as I forcefully opened my eyes. I was laying on something soft. I sat up and my mouth dropped in shock. The bed that I was on was larger than my whole house!

The room itself was larger than three commoner's houses. I swung over the bed and winced. My chest still felt constricted. The damn rib bones hat broke! I looked down my whole chest was binded with bandages. A silk jacket of sorts covered my body. I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room despite my pain. I held my chest as I ran down the corridor.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought of the possibility that I must've missed the third part of the examination. My twin swords bumped against my sides as I ran. Finally I found the large door which the lead examiner resided. I pushed open the doors and yelled.

"Am I disqualified?"

My face flushed. Five young adults stood in front of the lead examiner. They looked at me in awe as the Marquis slapped his forehead. I looked down. I wasn't wearing anything but my corset and the light jacket. Altius shook his head. I glared at him and did the "I'm watching you" symbol with my hands. Altius glared back at me and turned his face away.

"Charla! Why the hell are you here when you're still wounded?"

I bowed to the Marquis and bit my lip from the pain. My bindings stained red as the wounds reopened.

"I am okay now Marq- I mean lead examiner. Please don't penalize me for this injury. Let me participate in the last part of the exam. I unsheathes my twin swords and twirled them to show that I was okay. In reality every fucking bone in my body was screaming in protest.

The Marquis sighed as he rubbed his face. He then waved his hand dismissively.

"Don't worry Charla, the third part of the exam is not going to start for another week."

"Another week?"

They have never postponed parts of the exam before. The Marquis looked at me and said icily.

"You weren't the only one who was injured. This is the first year where we only have six people left in the third part of the Royal Knight Exam. Honestly it is quite shameful."

I looked at the five young men. They all had some sort of bandage. One guy was actually with crutches.

"Now that you have shut up Charla, I have wanted to bring you all today to introduce you to each other. As well as explain that during this week a healer will come in and cure your wounds so you can participate next week."

I exhaled in relief. Thank God. I can't possibly fight in this condition.

"Now state your name, age, and occupation."

The first young man on the left stepped forward. He had golden eyes and white hair as clear as snow. Beautiful. He was tall and looked to be quite strong physically. The young man smiled and blushed as he nervously said.

"My name is Shai Ardijus. My age is twenty-two and I'm a nobleman of the house of Ardijus."

My mouth dropped in shock. How could such a large man have such a soft voice and shy attitude? The Ardijus house is known for its prowess in finance as they own most of the trade. The Marquis nodded.

The next participant stepped up. He was on the shorter side with black hair and violet eyes. I pouted. His long eyelashes, and eyes make him look like such a cutie. The young man coughed in his hand before saying.

"My name is Librus Hatlia. I'm twenty-five-years old and my occupation is nobleman of the house of Hatlia."

I picker at my ear. Nope there was nothing. How the hell did such a baby-like face foster such a deep voice? The Hatlia family was known for being generations filled with scholars and advisors. This guy must want to be an advisor to the Emperor.

Another young man stepped up. I glared automatically. This fucker! He was the one from earlier who had mocked me! I can't believe that he made it though! What was he name again? Vechivus? Bitchius? Fuckis? Nope that doesn't seem right.

"My name is Vercifus Montgomery, I am twenty years old and my occupation is the son of Earl Montgomery."

The Marquis yawned as he sat cross legged in his throne like chair. This man was actually bored. I shivered as I looked to see Vercifus look at me an smirk. I flicked both my middle fingers and feigned a gentle smile. Vercifus glared and spit on the ground. I rolled up my sleeves and did the action of "I'll slit your throat" with my swords. Vercifus unsheathes his sword.

"Charla! Vercifus! Behave yourselves or I'll disqualify the two of you!"

We immediately sheathed our swords and looked at the floor. The Marquis sighed once more. The next participant then stepped up. Holy lord. What a hottie! The participant was tall and had red hair that reached his shoulders. He wore a coat over his shoulders. His perfect features ameliorate with his green eyes. On his arms were spiral chain markings. He must be from the noble family of Beltrius. It is a family trained in t he art of assassination. He is a worthy opponent.

"My name is Andriis Beltrius. I am nineteen years old and my occupation is the son of the house of Beltrius. It's good to know you all!"

Oh my God what a cheerful person. I waved at him unconsciously. The last participant then stepped up. His blue eyes pierced through me as he turned and smirked. I glared. This guy kissed me off more than Vercifus. His blonde hair fell perfectly on his head. His clothing was stylish and exquisite.

"My name is Dednius Lamarse. I am twenty one years old and my occupation is the son of the noble Lamarse."

No wonder he was haughty. The Lamarse house was known to be the center of entertainment. They set up the social gatherings and gambling houses. All of the participants then turned to look at me as I cleared my throat and said confidently.

"My name is Charla Kropus and I am seventeen years old. My occupation is that of a Royal Knight to the great Emperor."

The participants eyebrows shot up in surprise. The Marquis chuckled.

"How brazen of you Charla."

I bowed to the Marquis as I felt my stomach rumble.

"I'm sorry Marquis but I would like to ask one question."

The Marquis nodded at my request. I smiled and said.

"When is lunch time?"


Thank you for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe????????

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