"Really, would it be safe to build a golem?

I stuck my hand in my backpack trying to build a golem, and that kind of question arose.

"Coupled with the rats earlier, wouldn't that be reassuring enough? I don't think any nobles have ever been so heavily guarded."

"I think so too"

In the form of Leena agreeing with Bell, the two of them answered my questions.

I think what you two are saying is right......

"Yeah...... why not? You can't wipe away your anxiety with Moya Moya."


"This much security is done in this house as well. Just..."


It's just... something broken through... Breakthrough?

"Oh well. That's him. That's Allen."

"A, Allen......"

Shelley reacted to Allen's words.

"Sorry. You reminded me of a bad memory."

"Yeah, yeah. Keep talking."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Allen is the leader of the ninja, isn't he?

"Yes, I can never find it because I have a shitty skill called secrecy."

So is my uncle, but secrets are sloppy.

Well, I can't talk about people either.

"Are you that awesome?

"Oh, how bad is it, you'll never find even this Anna I always depend on. In fact, I've been spooked by him many times, and he's run away."

I've been made to regret it so many times.

We need to take good care of it.

"Well, how do you protect yourself from such a person..."


What can I do?

To what I can't find, I can't fight...

I can't find it...

"Uh... what about something called a bond?

When I was worried, Leena made an interesting suggestion.

"The juncture..."

Sure, it might be perfect for protection.

"My grandmother taught me before that there's someone in the elf who can use junctional magic, and that person is always protecting the inside"

"Heh. That sounds awesome. Boulder Leena. What about Leo?

"Yeah, I think it's good. In the meantime, I'll make it."

I wonder what the ingredients are......

After all, Mithril? What do you think?

With that in mind, I found a good thing I was fishing for my backpack.

"The branches of the Divine Tree look good. It looks like it's in the elves."

"Oh, you're the one who used to build my wand."

"Yeah. This is going to make good stuff, right? So I'm going to build it now."

I took out the most magical of the demonic stones that I now have and cast a creative magic with the branches of the Divine Tree.

And... I could make a sphere with a beautiful pattern.

"Wow - that looks beautiful. How do you use this?

"Wait a minute."

Come on, I'll appraise you.

God Demon's Boundary Ball

When you pour magic, you can develop a powerful bond only for what you pour magic

This juncture can reject any interference from outside

The breadth of the junction is adjustable by the magic manipulation of the user

During the development of the junction, this sphere emits a light

Creator: Leons Forster

It's a junction ball......

Can we expand our boundaries with magic?

"In the meantime, why don't you use it"

I tried my magic at random.

Then... something black covered us as we looked around and we got trapped.

Fortunately, it didn't get dark because the junction balls are glowing.

Could it be the light for this?

"What, what is it? I'm afraid."

Bell asked me as she leaned against me.

"Er... I think I've poured too much magic into it. I think the junction is blocking the light."

Don't even think about it. I think I missed the addition and subtraction because of what I did.

"Duh, do something!

Shelley was scared, too, and she hurried as she stuck to me.

"I get it. Uh... what am I supposed to do? In the meantime, let's unplug the magic inside."

When I put my hand on the junction ball and pulled out a little bit of magic, little by little the light came in from the junction.

And when the magic was completely removed, the junction disappeared.

"Ahhh. You were scared. You might not be scared if you used it in the dark at night."

Not so scared, Leena was calmly analyzing looking at the junction ball.

"Right. I was a little scared, but I think you'd feel safe with all that juncture"

"Yeah, I think so, too. Then why don't we build a golem and head to the castle?"

Then, I just finished building the golem, and the two cooks joined me and transferred to the castle.

I'm home.

"Welcome back. I've been waiting for you."

When I moved to the castle, Mr. Edwan was waiting for me.

"Thank you. Well, since these two are the cooks that brought you from over there, show them to the kitchen"

"Okay. You two, follow me."

"" Yes ""

As always, the two perfect breathers were taken out of the room by Mr. Edwan.

"Okay, so, first off, do we release the rats?"

We have to do this by the time Mr. Edwan gets back.

"Ma, wait, lend me the one to tie the line earlier before I do it!

Shelly and Leena rushed out when I stuck my hand in the backpack.

"Ugh, yeah. Yes, this."

Driven by the momentum of the two of us, I accidentally took the junction ball out of my backpack.

"Thank you. Shelly, stick with me."

"Ugh, yeah."

The two, when they stuck to the critical point, developed a black-black junction and hurriedly locked themselves in.

"You don't have to go that far... Belle's fine."

"You don't like touching a real rat on a boulder, do you? However, if it's made, it's fine."

"I see. Then, great release! Scatter!"

That said, I released a rat out of my backpack.

Rats, they quickly went somewhere.

"Wow. This could have been crying if you two had watched"

"Oh, that was awesome"

That was awesome that the rat was naughty.

If that thing came at me now, it's going to be mild trauma.

"Then it's over and I'll call the two of you. So, how do you send a signal to someone who's in the junction?

The junction will block the sound, and you can't possibly tell by calling it, can you?

"Why don't you send me a reading?

"Ah, nice. I'll try."

(Both of you, come out because it's over)

(Are you sure it's over? There's only one left, isn't there?

Oh, we're connected. It's convenient to talk.

(It's okay. It's all gone somewhere)


The junction disappeared and the two of them came out.

"It's finally coming out. Shall we check the footage?"

Now the rat monitor was removed from the backpack.

"What can you show me?"

Then something showed up on the monitor.

This is the kitchen of this castle.

"'Oh, wide'"

"This is two cooks and Mr. Edwan, isn't it?

Yeah, the place is this castle's kitchen.

"Sounds like it. Now you know how fast rats travel."

I thought you just released it, but you're already delivering footage of the kitchen.

"Oh, you two are talking about something with the Castle cook."

To Bell's words, everyone's gaze returns to the monitor.

Please, don't fight or anything, okay?

"Are you the Forster cooks?

The cooks who were originally hired were questioning the two of them.

Besides, Jim answered.

"Yes, it is."

Jim's face was a little tense.

It's going to be tough if we don't get along here.

I know that's what you were thinking...... but that worry ended up in Kaiyu.

"" "'Ooh!" "

Surprisingly, the castle cooks cheered loudly.

"Shake hands, please."

"Oh, me too!

"Me too!

Furthermore, he even began to ask for a handshake.

"Huh? Why are you so happy?

"Uh... I heard before that working at the Forster family is a great admiration for servants"

Sure, I think someone said that story.

"Yes. Being able to work in the house of the brave is a great honor for ordinary people like me."

If that's what Bell says, I guess so.

"I see... so the food at Leo's house is so good"

"Well, they're chosen from a lot of applications."

Sam picked them out in a day.

With that in mind, I turned my gaze to the monitor again...... the cooks handshake was over.

'Um... I'd like you two to have a chef and a deputy chef... okay?


"Huh? Is that okay?

'Cause we came here later, didn't we?

Don't be shy of boulders.

"No, because there's no cook here who can give you two instructions."

This cook, that's cool.

Later, I'll raise your salary.

'Okay...... then, the chef will do it Emma'

Huh? Really?

"Huh? You do it. Man, right? '

"Men and women have nothing to do with cooking, do they? I think Emma would definitely be better off as a chef. I'm good enough for a support role."

Jim...... that's cool.

I'll raise Jim's salary, too.

'Wow, okay. Well, then, I'm going to let you be the head chef here. This is Emma. Nice to meet you'

Thus, a rare female chef was born in this world.

"Oh, did that happen?"

Yeah, nice.

You pay attention to the next two.

"I'm looking forward to dinner today."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it. Then you'll do what you have to do by dinner."

Then, he remodeled the bath and deployed a large number of red golems to the castle.

And the dinner was so good that day.

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