SIDE: Leena

Oh, my ear is Keane. It's smoke, and I don't know what's going on around me.

I'm sandwiched in rubble, and I can't even move.

Is everyone all right? What can I do…?

Wait. We need to calm down for now.

Organize the situation first.

Sure...... Leo and I went from talking about dungeons to talking about skills, and when Herman and Frank tried the demon eye, things went wrong for both of us, didn't they?

Then, when I thought Leo-kun pretended like he saw something, me and Shelley were pushed down, surrounded by something... before I knew what it was, there was an explosion.

Does that mean Leo got an explosion, of course?

I don't think Leo's going to get hit...

Anyway, we have to do something about this nothing deafening ear to communicate with the people around us.

With that in mind, I put my hand on my ear and use Holy Magic… Then the sound of Keen stopped ringing a little bit.

"Oh, oh. Yeah, I'm fine. Somebody! Answer me if you hear me!

You can hear me, make sure I hear you, and then you can reply to me because I'm whoever you want! And I shouted, wishing.

Then I heard the voice of one girl.

"Yes! He's alive!

"Is that voice, Mr. Jose?

Mr. Josettia of the Four Grand Dukes' House. Sure...... you should have been good at wind magic and holy magic.

Mr. Jose and I have been friends since we started talking about the sacred magic of the same attribute after we became new classes.

I'm sweet, and I enjoy talking to you.

"That's right."

"Mr. Jose, you can use wind magic, right? Can you do something about this smoke?

In the meantime, I want to do something quickly because I can't grasp the situation if this vision is in the wrong.

"Okay. I'll try."

A short time after I heard that voice, a strong wind went through the streets between the debris.

Then I was able to pinch the rubble and find Sherry right next door.


"Shelly! Are you okay?

"I'm sorry. I can't hear anything."

"Okay. I'll cure your ears now."

That's right. You didn't hear me, so you won't even hear Shelly, will you?

I reached out and sanctified Shelley's ears.

Then after a while I checked my ears and nodded, "Oh, oh," Shelly started talking.

"I can finally hear you. Leena, what happened to this?

"I don't know either. But I'm pretty sure Leo protected us when the explosion happened."

With that said, I turned my attention to the wall of those who heard Mr. Josettia.

I'm sure it's the wall Leo built for me.

There's just something unnatural about this wall...

"Sounds like it. There are holes everywhere, but this is a wall built by Leo. Is that it? But there's been an explosion on this side. Then..."

Yes, a wall was formed in the opposite direction to the direction of the explosion.

"But surely the walls surrounding us were created"

Um, the memory I saw between Leo and us before the explosion must not be wrong.

"Right... what happened to that wall... What about Leo?

"I don't know. But you've been our shield for sure."

Because you came all the way out here before us.

Maybe I wasn't defending anything.

"Maybe Leo got caught in an explosion? Maybe Leo..."

"Why don't you stop thinking about it? I can't help but get anxious here. Anyway, let's think about getting out of here."

Shelley started saying things that weren't good, so I immediately blocked them.

Right now, I just had to say something negative.

"Right...... Not if I'm forced to move this rubble, right?

"Right. Maybe the school will collapse"

In a situation surrounded by this rubble, you don't know how much school has collapsed......

Perhaps we can easily destroy this rubble and escape with attributeless magic.

But if you do that, the school could be scratchy...

"What am I supposed to do..."



When I thought I heard a twilight voice halfway through Sherry, the debris in front of me was removed and a strong light plugged in.

As my eyes grew accustomed, Mr. Frank stood.

And apparently, the explosion blew up all the ceilings, and when I looked up, the blue sky was spreading.

Looks like what was on top of us was a wall built by Leo.


Looking next door, it looks like Herman helped you with Shelley.

"Both of you, thank you. Do you have any idea what happened to Leo?

I asked Frank what he wanted to know right now before he got up.

If you're Leo, you'll help me before the Franks help you.

Yet for some reason he didn't come...... Could this be......

Inside me and Shelley, my anxiety keeps swelling.

"I'm sorry. I broke my ear and I can't hear anything."

"Oh, I get it"

I immediately stood up to heal, trying to heal the ears of both of us.

but Hellman stopped me right away.

"Please wait. We're good, so go to your master!

"Huh? What's wrong with Leo?

I cured my ears in a hurry to contain the anxiety that swelled up so much that I was about to burst in my body and to hear what had happened to the two of them.

"... thank you. Please hurry! The explosion caused a major injury to my master. Quickly, heal him with holy magic!

With that said, Herman pointed to the wall.

"Wow, I get it..."

As I replied, I looked in the direction indicated.

And the sight I saw lost the power of my legs, and I put a buttcake on the ground pepper.

"Oh, no..."

No way, Leo...

"Leo, Leo......? No! Don't die!

Leaning against the wall, his whole body was covered in bloody burns, and he had no arms... I saw Leo like that and Sherry rushed to stick to Leo.

Frank stopped it in a hurry.

"Princess, please calm down! Leo's not dead yet."

"Huh? Then it still helps!? Leena! Leena, heal Leo's wounds quickly!

As Shelley screamed, I didn't move my hands, legs, or voice to the excess shock......

No way, Leo is in this state......


"... I can't! Such a huge injury, I still can't do it right now!

Though I felt sorry for myself, that was the only word that finally came out.

Leo-kun's injuries can't be cured by me... oh Leo-kun can't help anymore...

Seeing Leo-kun's state of injury, I was immediately handled as if Leo-kun was dead in my head, and I didn't hear voices around me or anything in that shock.

Then Shelley grabbed my collar neck and lifted it as much as she wanted.


I was as vindicated as I wanted. I didn't even suppress the slapped cheeks and looked at Shelly powerlessly.

"What are you talking about! I can't do anything! Who can help Leo without you? Come on, help Leo. Please, you're the only one..."

Shelley, starting to get angry at me, had a slightly weaker voice and ended up in the form of a favor.

"Wow, I get it... please God, give me strength..."

Waking up to Shelley's words, I knelt beside Leo-kun to fall in and sanctified Leo-kun's entire body to pray.

Even, I prayed.

"Shh, wow, the wound is healing. It's a boulder Leena."


To Frank's words, when I looked up, there... I saw an impossible phenomenon.

"Look, Leo's wounds are blocking and his arms are growing."

That shouldn't be... no matter how hard I try with that amount of scratches anymore it shouldn't be possible for me...

So, I tried to stop the treatment.

Then... Still, Leo-kun's arm plays.

This, no!

"No! This is not my power. On my own... I'm healing on my own."

"What do you mean? You're telling me you're healing naturally at this speed?

"I don't know. But I think maybe it involves some sort of Leo-kun magic item, or skill..."

I'm sure you are.

Leo should be taking some action in anticipation of this.

"So, does Leo help?

"It helps...... but I still don't know. I don't know what power Leo is recovering from..."

If you're consuming strength or magic, I don't think you'll have it until this wound is repaired.

"... shouldn't you just ask Belle? Belle knows about Leo we don't know."

"Sure...... right. I'm going to ask you now."

I nodded at Shelley's suggestion and immediately spoke to Mr. Bell.

(Mr. Bell!

(Ha, yes! Mr. Leena, are you all right!? I heard an awesome explosion though)

After all, it was an explosion that even reached the dorm.

Leo said that directly...... No, I don't have time to think about that right now.

(Okay? It's falling and listen to me. Actually, I got caught up in that explosion......)

(So, are you okay?!?

(That's... Leo got hurt badly)

(Huh!? Master Leo is seriously injured!? Dear Leo......)

Mr. Bell was upset, so much so that he could tell over the reading.

(Please calm down. I'd like to ask Mr. Bell one thing. Leo-kun's wounds heal on their own. Is this Leo's ability?

(Master Leo's injury is on his own...... Ah! It's playback! It's a playback skill! Good. Master Leo will definitely help. Playback skills activated means all scratches should play)

(That's a regenerative skill. I get it. Thank you)


When I heard Leo-kun was going to help me, I accidentally said so and fell into the spot.

"What do you mean it was good? Explain yourself!

I started explaining right away because I've seen it with the eyes of three people who weren't listening to me and Bell telling me to tell them fast.

"Leo seems to be helpful."

"Is it true!? Good......"

Shelley was relieved, too, and I sat back as I did.

"It seems to be because of my skills in regeneration."

"When will you have such skills..."

"Now that Leo has a better chance of healing than that, make sure you're safe around you. Now it's our turn to protect everyone."

"Right. But what do you do?

"I'll take Leo outside the school. We don't know when this place will collapse, so it's dangerous. Right...... then I'll ask the two of you to carry Leo. If the princess's water magic can carry Leo gently, right?

It's okay. I think Shelley's magical precision can do it.

"Yeah. I can do it."

"Leena needs to restore her health with Holy Magic so that Leo can conserve some of the health she uses to regenerate"


I need this much help to recover my previous failures......

"We help those trapped in school. All right. Hellman, I need you to drill enough holes in that wall for people to get through. I'm gonna help my classmates."

"Okay. Sai!"

To Frank's instructions, Herman quickly slashed the wall with a sword and drilled a hole.

"Well then, let's go too"

Leave the classmates to Frank and the others, and we'll move Leo to a safe place.

"Leave it to me to secure and carry the way. Instead, I asked Leo to recover."

That said, Shelley lifted it with water magic for each of me.

It's a boulder, Sherry.


I, too, need to do as much as I can.

Then, after about twenty minutes, I succeeded in getting out of school.

"You managed to get out there. Where should we take him?

"Isn't that Leo-kun's room? There's a bed, and there's Mr. Bell."

You can't take care of Leo around you unless you're Mr. Bell.

"Right. Well, if you're going from the inside, it'll take a while, so I'll go through the window."

That's what Shelley said. She jumped on the water that put us on and raised the water to the veranda of Leo-kun's room.

"Belle! Open it!

As she stepped out of the water, Shelley slammed the window with a dong as she called the bell.

Then, shortly after, Mr. Bell came out.

"Oh, were you two...... is that Master Leo?

"Yes, the wound is almost healed, but not completely yet"

"Really...... I get it. Here's Leo's bed."

Then I put Leo-kun to bed and we watched Leo-kun from the side who was still losing his mind.

And when we had nothing more to do, we couldn't stand it anymore and started crying.

"Dear Leo..."


"Leo kun......"

"Oh, you were here"

As we were crying beside Leo, we heard a man from behind.

Looking back in haste, there was Mr. Damien.

"Mr. Damian. Leo..."

"You got hurt in the explosion, didn't you? I heard your regeneration skills were starting to heal your injuries, can you show me how much you are injured? In some cases, I will hurry to take you to the Virgin."

"The injury has healed. But I still won't wake up..."

With that said, Shelley showed Mr. Damien Leo-kun's body, which was completely cured by lifting the futon.

"Really... if it's healed, it'll be fine. I'm sure Leo will wake up."

That's what Mr. Damian said, pounding Sherry's shoulder to comfort him.

"Ho, are you sure you're okay?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Leo won't die like this. If you're worried, keep the princesses by your side."

"Wow, okay..."

"And yet, how did you get Leo-kun so far?

"It's my magic. I brought it in water."

"I see. You're Princess Boulder."

True, right? I think Shelley is really awesome.

In comparison, I...

"Leena worked hard enough too. Leo, it was Lena who cleaned you up, wasn't it?

"Yes, sir"

"It's the right decision. If I hadn't done that, the biobacteria might have filled Leo-kun's body. And even if Leo had helped, he would have fought the disease this time."

"Yes. I learned it from my grandmother. I've been told many times to make sure to clean the wound before healing it..."

I always did it naturally without thinking about it because I'd been asked so many times, but on second thought, it was really important.

Oh, you really can't me......

"Well, isn't it great to do what you're told? I could have saved Leo's life properly, so don't look so sad."

"I... could you protect Leo's life...?

I asked Mr Damien back in tears.

You can tell me I protected you, I'm very anxious.

Because I could barely do anything.

"It's okay, I could protect you. Both Princess and Leena were able to protect Leo properly. So that neither of us blame ourselves so much. For that matter, now stay close until Leo wakes up."

"... ok"


I'll be right back.

Seeing me and Shelley snorted, that's what Mr. Damien said and disappeared.

"Leo kun...... please wake up soon"

I decided to just focus on forgetting my faults once and then shaking Leo-kun's hand I played and praying to wake up.


"Damn it! What do you mean? How can you not die! Truth is, you're too cheesy for him. How can you withstand a bomb that adds" instant death "..."

One man held his head in the Philibert family mansion.

"Damn...... what do we do? If we keep this up, we're gonna get that fat guy for sure, right? Then you'll find out that I built that bomb. Then I'll arrange the nomination this time. When that happens, do we have to flee the country..."

The man was dashing cold sweats thinking about what was to come.

"Damn...... how come he's so blessed and so strong when he's a reincarnator and I'm older? Could he be a reincarnator, too? Then I can convince you of the cheats so far. Oh, I'm sure you do. Yeah, you were caught in a weird fixed concept. I'm not the only one who's special. I can't be the protagonist of a story if I'm reincarnated. I'm sure he's the protagonist..."

The man nodded on his own to Leo's discussion of who he was, yeah, and made him sad on his own.

"Nevertheless, the world is too unreasonable...... Why would God make me so unhappy?"

"But that's never happened either. I've got a good source of magic."

The man, saying so as if to tell himself, was forced to make a smile.

"Shut up! Who's the source of magic? You treat people like things!

To the man's words, another man who was bound by the wall of the room...... Herondas yelled and angry.

"No, because you're a thing. How much do you care how much I treat you?

To the man's words, Herondas could only admire.

"Damn... how come there's only one guy in my sync who's crazy..."

"Is that what you call it? You're the one who caused the problem and nearly got the death penalty."

"Hmm! That, I'm not bad. It's his fault."

To the man's words, now he was seriously angry as he chattered his restrained chains.

But not caring about Herondas like that, the man went on to talk.

"Oh, yeah. I was sick of hearing that story. Besides, let's just get out of here. Run away with that fat guy. Now he's listening to my lies and sleeping like an idiot."

With that said, the man unchained Herondas.

"Running away, where are you running away from?"

To Herondas' question, the man grinned niggardly.

Of course it's the Alber kingdom, the enemy of the empire.

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