SIDE: Shelley

I'm always on the help side.

How many times have you sworn that next time you won't just be protected...

The first time Leo protected me was on my eighth birthday.

That scene, where a lot of black people were coming this way, is still burning in my head.

But not when they say it's a scary memory.

Leo looked good. As a memory, the view of that time is recorded in my head.

Leo's back waving his sword at a lot of people...... he looked really good.

But... I was often angry at myself for just being protected at the same time that I thought so.

Normally, if it's a princess like the one that comes out of a story, is it something that satisfies just being protected by brave men?

Always just wait healthy for the brave to help...

Would a princess like that be better than to continue the futile resistance?

Because no matter how hard you work and practice magic, there's nothing I can do at any time!

Even when they kidnapped me, when I was surrounded by demons in the basement, when they blew up my school, I ended up protected!

No matter how hard you try, I can only be the protected side?

You're destined to have to watch Leo get hurt for me?

I don't like that! I don't like it!

"... Lee, Shelly!

"Ugh, yeah......"

"Did you even have any bad dreams? It was done."

"... Leena"

A dream...

I was relieved by the warmth of Leena's face, which looked worried about me, and Lou's hand, which was held in my right hand.

"What's wrong with you? If anything happens, I'll talk to you, okay?

"Yeah. It's okay."

Because it's been a long time.

Besides, this nightmare hasn't changed since we talked about it.

"Is that true? It seemed spicy, didn't it?

"Thank you for worrying. But it's okay."

"Really...... ok. Then let's get some sleep."

That said, Leena graciously held my left hand with her right hand.

"Yeah. Good night."

Feeling warm in my hands, I returned to the world of my dreams again.

The sun had risen completely and we had Leo escort us to the dungeon entrance.

"So we should pick him up this evening or so, huh?

"Yes, thank you. I'll call you when I'm done."

"Okay. I'll pick you up as soon as I hear from you."

"Please! Then you're coming!

"Don't push it."

As soon as I entered the dungeon, I gave instructions.

"Then I'll go as usual!

"" "Yes" "

As usual, Belle and Lou are avant-garde and me and Leena are forming a rear guard.

Lou is avant-garde because he forbids Lou from using destructive magic, not to keep Bell from getting caught up in destructive magic...

Leo is mistaken, but it was the first time I relied on him, but we're not relying on Lou's destructive magic to attack the labyrinth.

We're diving into a dungeon to be strong, and we're not doing that easy!

Well, I want you to be surprised when you get stronger, so I won't tell you in person.

That's how Lou fights with a knife.

At first, do we need to see how Lou is doing on one level to get used to knives? I thought something like that... I knew it was strong to be a slave or a demon or let him have a knife.

Seems like the difference in race is bigger than we thought.

You don't have a lot of backguard work because the battle races (Belle and Lou) are going to slaughter and defeat more and more demons just the two of us.

If I'd let Lou use sabotage magic, I'd have had more free time, so I'm doing good.

In general, I am the Magic Attack and Instructor, Leena is in charge of Recovery and Map Recording Clerk, Bell is the Trap Alert, Lou is the Clerk who slashes down demons for now.

We're working on a dungeon strategy with such a division of roles.

"Then we'll clear the shortest route to the third floor today and find a four-story boss room. Leena, nice to see you on the road!


First of all, one tier boss...... tons of goblins get instantly icing with my magic. You can't drain the Bells here. Let the frozen goblins go and we move on to the next second floor.

The two-tier boss has two huge oaks that are not very different from the house.

Even once, if the oak attack hits, there won't be a build-up.

I magically defeat such an opponent without letting him attack one at a time at a time at Bell and Lou.

And the three-tier boss is a very fast moving Kobold.

My magic won't hit this, so I'll leave it to Belle and Lou.

Really those two...... especially Bell's movement is unusual.

You're always grown up, but you're a little scared to smile during battle.

Probably hasn't noticed in person......

And the four tiers in question.

Four hierarchies are ravenous with slimes that do not work physical attacks.

So you can't attack Belle and Lou as usual...

Using magic makes it easy to take them down, but I'm the only one who can use attack magic, and I want to move on without using Lou's destructive magic.

So yesterday we gave up the offense early, and we all figured out a way to attack the five of us overnight while we went home and exchanged Elle sisters.

And what I came up with was a way to defeat the Slimes using demon guns and demon swords.

Leena and Bell decided to proceed with the demon gun, with Lou using a knife-shaped demon sword.

"Well, first we need to find out if the demon gun works on the slime. Leena, will you try shooting me in that slime?

"Yes. Oh, that worked"

When Leena shot, magic penetrated the slime.

And the slime went out in the light.

Yeah. As expected.

"Good. Well, next time, Lou will try to take it down."

"Okay! Yes!"

When I asked for it, Lou shrugged the slime in two with a quick, flame-wrapped knife.

Good. If you're using magic, it looks like a physical attack would work too.

"Good... now we're going to be able to move on with the offense"

We're still on four levels, so we need to move forward as efficiently as possible.

"But I think the next boss, Mr. Shelley, will be counting on you."

As I was relieved, Bell groaned polo about that while shooting a demon gun at Slime.

Sure, because he's a strong boss if he's what he's always been... could that be possible...?

"I hope not..."

Days Later

If you said something like that, it really did.

"After all, guns don't work when you get so big"

A hell of a big slime that is the boss of the four tiers, toward which Bell shot a demon gun but wasn't scratched one.

"The knife works too."

Lou was also posing for you as he pierced a flame-wrapped knife.


"My magic isn't powerful enough, either."

Even my sister-in-law's water magic, which is the only one that can use attack magic other than me, didn't work so well on the giant slime.

Oh, speaking of which, my sister-in-law recently started attacking the dungeon with me.

You can use magic, you can have a sword, you look just like Leo and Damien in battle, and once again you've made me feel the awesomeness of the Forster family.

From time to time, they've been doing things like adventurers, and it's been really helpful to have an experienced sister-in-law for the past few days.

"Yeah... this is limited to drilling holes in the nucleus all at once with high firepower magic. Oh, my God, Shelly! I'll do it!


In the meantime, I unleashed my specialty lightning magic against the slime with maximum firepower.

"Yeah... just one more time... Shelly, shoot one more time...... Ah, the slime is starting to move! Everybody, stand up."

Slime, whose volume was about halved in my attack, reshaped like he was angry, and a toge protruded from his entire body.

"Something... I have a bad feeling"

When your sister-in-law said so, the slime toge was released toward all directions.

Every single toge is the size of one person, if stabbed, he dies instantly...


That's how I screamed, unconsciously wrapping frozen magic about everyone.

And the ice magic kept everyone well protected from the togues.

Well, you managed to save no one from dying...

Whether they say it's okay to die or not, I don't want to see Leena and the others die in front of me once and for all.

With that in mind, I melted the ice.

"Thanks Shelly! A boulder!"

"Yes, no..."

"Shelly, thank you for protecting me"

"Come on, don't worry about it."

"Shit. I'll take on the shield next time! Shelly, you can take a while, so hit that slime with your big magic and let it go!


"Belle, Lou, we'll draw the slime's attention!


Then, while everyone was getting Slime's attention, I unfolded the magic again.

Now it's time to decide. With that feeling, I made a huge chunk of thunder over my head over time to slime more powerful magic than I had just done.

"Avoid everyone!!

That's what I shouted, making sure everyone avoided it, and then I unleashed an oversized magic toward the giant slime.

"Well, you managed to take him down. Boulder, Shelly."

"I knew Shelly's magic was amazing! Dokan! And the dungeon wall is dented!

"Oh, thanks......"

Hmm, could you grow out of a princess who's just a little protected...?

Praised by everyone, I thought that.

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