Keizoku wa Maryoku Nari -Munou Mahou ga Benri Mahou ni-

Episode VII Duke's Conference ①

It's been about six months since Frank and Jose decided to get engaged, and I'm thirteen.

There have been no particular major problems over the past six months, and I suppose it's strong enough to say that Frank and Jose's engagement was properly recognized by both parents.

After that, class time grew longer than usual in an attempt to somehow get back classes that were delayed by the suspension period.

The territory is also developing steadily.

Still, I don't have the funds to redevelop the former Philippine territory.

War is three years away. Can you reach the Philiberian realm?

Well, let me change the subject to today. Actually, school's off today.

It is supposed to be a preparation period for admission to magic school.

Good luck with your entrance exams and your magic exercises, respectively. Period.

Well, we S-classes are recommended admission waivers, so it's a simple long break.

Plus, I'm not going to magic school.

"Huh!? Why don't you go to magic school?


Right now, I've been telling everyone gathered in my room since daytime not to go to magic school because it's my first day off.

Everyone looked surprised, naturally.

"Duh, even if I ask why...?

"There's not much I can learn, and it's tight to be in class as we get busy going to war"

Honestly, given that we're going to be using the former Philibert territory as a hub for war in the next three years, we should be getting busy like never before.

Not very much, but I can't devote time to less learned classes.

"I see... I do think there's not much Leo can learn in magic school..."

The first person who understood me was Frank.

I thought Frank would understand.

"Right? So my final education is from aristocratic elementary school."

Well, Shelly and Leena in question reacted......

"Well then, I'm not going to magic school either"


Shelley's unexpected remarks were dotted with one eye.

"'Cause there's nothing I can learn anyway, right? I don't think there's a teacher who handles magic better than Mr. Damien."

Well, no one would be better at magic than my uncle......

Well, compared to your uncle, a magic school teacher sounds cute.

"Yes, but... Can the Emperor forgive me?

"I can handle that."

Yeah. Something's going to happen.

"Bye, me too! I don't think there are more teachers than grandmothers who use holy magic to ripen."

"Seriously... I think you should go to school, huh?

We're both still young, and don't think we should still enjoy our youth.

"Leo says that? It's okay. Anyway, we're just gonna be Leo's daughter-in-law, and we don't need the title of a magic school graduate anything else."

"Yes, but..."

That's right... you don't have to bother to fit me.

"Master... Me too"

"I expected you not to go"

Because there's no point in you going to magic school with one sword.

"Yes, sir"

"Of course Frank and Jose are going, right?

"Of course. My parents are so loud."

"Yes, because I don't want to do anything in such a hurry"

Normally, yes.

"Then you won't be able to see Frank and the others for the time being."

"It's okay. I'll send you a letter."

"You're good at writing letters."


When I made it brown, a musty Frank fed me decopin.

I see him every day and he talks, and he still keeps on writing, so you're a real lover.

"Oh, yeah. Are we both coming this way until graduation? You're free anyway, right? Without me, you wouldn't be able to talk in your room like this."

"Are you sure? You must be busy, huh?

"Fine. I might need a little help. They're dealing with orphanage kids."

The little ones, too, will want new players every once in a while.

"Oh, I remember it at work. They're hosting the Knights' strongest decision match next month, and they were asking me for that recovery clerk, but if it's a good idea, could you help Mr. Jose too?

Speaking of which, you said there would be such a thing.

Of course I'm invited, too. We're all excited to see how far you're growing.

"Sure. If you want to stay, that's how I'll work."

"Okay. Well, I'm going that way tomorrow, so get ready."

"Ha ~ i"

So dissolved today!

Originally, I had a job this afternoon.

"Then if you send them all, Herman, we're going to work."


"Hmm? Hellman too? What job?

"It's a meeting. It's the annual Dukes' Conference today."

Hellman is an escort knight.

Anything, it seems customary to let escorts and civilians serve in gatherings of that format, and I decided to take Herman and Mr. Flair.

I appreciate the details of the territory, because I'm leaving it to Mr. Flair, or I'll be in trouble.

"You haven't been duke yet, have you been called?

"Well, he wants to discuss the war in three years. He said he couldn't decide without me."

The Troika will be an important base in the war, because the Murdine realm is the venue.

"Sure. That's tough..."

"I'm used to it."

Then, Shelley and the others were sent to the girls' dorm, where Herman and I came once to Muldeen territory.

"Oh, I'm finally here ~ ~"

Oh, speaking of which, I also have to take Balus...

Even though I know the information best over there, do I have to let you explain it in this tone?

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Don't worry ~ ~. I was just too early ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

Yeah. I knew I was getting worried.

Let's think of an understudy now......

"Herman, come and get dressed as a knight. I'm gonna get dressed, too."


"Balls, get Mr. Flair."

"Got it ~ ~"

Then I finished dressing and also joined Mr. Flair and moved to his home in Teito.

"You don't have to go out of your way to go through the carriage ~ ~. Master Leo would put you in the castle in an instant ~ ~"

"This kind of thing is a proper carriage ride."

"Really? That's rude ~ ~"

Hmm... rather than that, I'm very worried that your tone won't hurt the face of the Emperor or any other Duke family.

"Arrival. We're the first"

"Sounds like ~ ~. Aren't you on schedule ~ ~"

Is this the kind of thing where the youngest I have to come first?

So I came early.

But you came a little too soon......

Then we were supposed to wait about thirty minutes.

The first to show up was Frank and Jose's father. I am the head of the Le Fable and Boardrail families.

Each with a knight and a civilian behind him, so the population density of the room suddenly increased.

"Hey, long time no see. My son will take care of you."

"Welcome. I'm always helped."

"Really? You even helped me with my engagement. Let me thank you for something next time."

Speaking of which, you said you explained that I helped.

Well, I didn't do anything wrong, okay?

"It's up to me to thank you. My marriage to Frank gave up on boulders, too"

"Well, we have a decision to make. Besides, it's not a very good time these days to take side chambers."

After all, is there such a trend in aristocracy?

It's all your grandfather's fault.

"Well, Leo broke the custom."

"Surely no one can blame a hero for having as many as four siderooms."

Oh, a hero... and I'm not happy that he's been praised for something.

"So let me thank you properly. Well, let's talk more about it in a meeting."

At a conference? Something war-related, even support me?


"Oh, are you all here already?"

When I talked to the principals of the boardrail and the rufable, my father came as if waiting for it.

My father also has two knights and a civilian.

"We just got here."

"Right. Good for you. Oh, you're Herman. Stay tuned to Leo."

"Yes, sir"

My father gave me his hand, and Hellman was reluctantly shaking his hand.

"Helena told me. You're very strong, aren't you? Why don't you come over to us, if that's all right? I'll pay you higher than Leo."


"It's a joke. We have Lars. No problem."

That's what I said, pounding the knight's shoulder behind me.

By the way, it can be Hellman's father.

"The right arm of the Forster family and the famous Karun family? Sounds like the next generation will inherit its strength."

"Well, it was Leo who made it strong,"

"It's different to cultivate yourself."

"Well, you're a man who doesn't have enough men to build a school."

"That's right. I forgot. That's what I wanted to talk to you about today. Can you enroll about three of my residents in that school every year? I don't mean for free. I'll cover 10% of the cost of running the school."

10%!? You think it's 10% for just three?

"Fine... on the contrary, are you sure you want to let the three of us out 10%?

"What. If unattributed magic technology can be taught, it's cheap. Besides, the civilian population is in short supply."

Oh, unattributed magic is what you're after.

Well, okay. I'm not even going to keep it a secret.

I guess now, more important than that, is the war preparation fund.

"I see. Then that's fine. See you later for more details."

Copy that.

"Wait. I'd like to get on with that story, too. I don't mind the same conditions."

Copy that, sir.

Twenty percent combined in the Boardrail and Le Fable families, and if you put it on your forehead, it's going to be a lot of money.

I wonder if this has been a good business meeting with each other.

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