"Excuse me."

One butler came into the room as he finished spying on the rat monitor, sneaked a small worker into the cannon, and clasped with Leena.

Oh, it's the deacon the prime minister was ordering.

I pulled myself together and was on guard around.

Yeah. I'm fine. No one around is suspicious.

"What's wrong?

"We came to ask if there was any inconvenience."

Is there a reason? Absolutely, you've come to do something.

"Really? Nothing particularly wrong with that."

"That was good. After this, we'll call you at dinner, so relax until then."

"Oh, and... it's just a rumor, it looks like His Highness Elemenane is planning an assassination of an Imperial envoy. It's only a rumor, so you can leave it in the corner of your head... please be careful"

I remembered how when I left the room. As such, the butler opened the door and then looked back and told us what the prime minister had ordered.

"Why is His Highness Elemenane planning an assassination?

"It's only a prediction...... aren't you thinking of waging a war with the Empire? Oh, of course not everything in the kingdom wants that. A jeweled princess of madness filled with personal greed… a party of His Royal Highness Elemenane wants."

I'm filled with personal greed, you know... that's you aristocrats.

"Really...... ok. I'll be careful."

"Yes, I would appreciate it if you would."

"Of course, Elemenane's not planning it, is she?

A while after the butler was out, Shelley asked me that.

"Yeah. Don't you even know that an assassination will take place?

"If so, is the kingdom going to push all the blame on Elemenane?

"I guess so. Because she seems hated among the nobles."

A smart king is out of the way for them.

"You look so cute."

"Well, I'm fine. Because not a single assassination will succeed."

Now, you've already crushed one trick.

That night.

I was watching the monitor and skipping instructions to Hellman and Alma in readings.

(Alma, there's someone hiding in the front room and upstairs, so let them sleep with poison)

(Roger that)

(Hellman stands by in front of the room. Just because Hellman is there makes it hard for the other person to break into the room)


Just now, there's been movement since the first night.

Looks like he was after us where we were asleep, but he won't even let us get close.

All the suspicious guys who have come some distance are put to sleep by Alma.

(As I was told, I poisoned and powerless the men who were hiding)

(Thanks. Alma approached you and you didn't notice, did you?

(Yes, I think it was ok)

You have excellent transmission skills. Walls or ceilings, I can slip through as I want.

I'm so glad I let you two go to the dungeon.

(Roger. I don't see anything else so far...)

(Master, go to sleep already. We'll take care of the rest)

(That said...)

(It's okay. Because I will do a regular look around the room as well)

(Still, I'm the only one sleeping...)

(No, as a knight, it's more troublesome for my husband to stay awake forever. Sleep fast as I'm busy tomorrow. Besides, I'm leaving it to the Geeles during the day tomorrow, so don't worry about us)

Well, yeah. Do I follow you honestly here?

(Ok...... But keep me posted when you find someone new)

(Of course. Rest)

(Yeah. Good luck to you both)

"Are you done?

When I stopped reading, Bell, who was hugging me, asked me worryingly.

I was actually telling her to sleep with the Shelleys, but she said she wouldn't sleep until I did, so we decided we were both watching the monitor.

Calm down when you're holding onto the bell, it's surprisingly good because you can make a calm decision.

"In the meantime, the people who were in the room around me slept with me. I wonder if there will be any tricks on the boulder when I see all my people sleeping, even if there are additional people here."

"Really? Well, first of all, you're safe today."

"Probably. Huh. The Almas told me to go to sleep, or go to sleep."

Once I was relieved, my drowsiness suddenly hit me.

This could have been good for the words of the Almas.

"Yes, I think you should go to sleep now"

"Still, it's been a long time since you've been alone with Bell like this. Once upon a time, we used to spend the night together."

I can't believe when we were in the imperial mansion, we made magic equipment until we both fell asleep.

"We've had Shelley and Leena lately."

"I think Bell is too shy on the Shelleys. Nothing, I'm not a maid anymore, so even if I don't usually have a choice, why don't I just like this kind of private time?

Always, when Shelley and I are around, we don't even try to take a step back and join the conversation, and you miss watching something.

"That's not how..."

"Look, any requests? Anything is fine now. By the way, it's been a long time since I've slept with Belle."

"Well, then, please accompany me to bed."

"Hehe. Copy that."

Belle, who admitted with a red face, was adorable and I laughed unexpectedly.

No, Belle is really cute.

Then we slipped into bed with the monitor.

"For a long time, no matter how uncomfortable you feel, when Bell's next door, you can sleep right away."

"Right...... and I'm up early for some reason"

"Hahaha. Maybe my body is waking up on its own because I want to see Bell's sleeping face. Well, you always fall asleep with me till I go to bed."

You always wake up awesome early, but when you sleep with me, you definitely sleep.

"That's because... I feel comfortable and fall asleep too... and when I wake up in the morning, Leo, who is mostly asleep, catches me disappointed and doesn't miss me. So I gave up and slept twice, and Leo saw me sleep."

Oh, that, you've been told before.

"Yeah...... I have no choice. Because the bell is soft and pleasant to touch"

It's great as a pillow. Yeah.

"Ugh... I'm embarrassed about something. Why don't you go to bed?

"Right. Good night."

"Good night."

The Next Day

SIDE: Gert

"The demon cannon didn't work?

When I woke up in the morning and headed to the office, the knight took me and informed the Chancellor that I had used the demon cannon last night but it did not work.

"Oh, do you mind if I ask you what that means? And my soldiers were asleep, but was that your fault too?

A soldier was sleeping? What's this all about?

"Oh, no way, I don't know that I wouldn't look at a demon cannon, but how did I put a soldier to sleep?

"That's easy. You worked on the artillery cannon to get the soldiers to sleep, didn't you? You can do that."

I can... I can... I can...

"... what's the point in doing that to me?

"I don't know. You are a traitor. Not when you'll betray us."

"I won't do that to betray you!

Betray the kingdom, where am I going to run?

"Well. So, the demon cannon that you used to fancy saying you could definitely kill Leons was useless, but what are you gonna do? If this fails, right... I'll keep it in criminal slavery because it's a shame to kill it. Well, if you want to be a slave, you can do it now."

You think he's a criminal slave? Don't be ridiculous. If it's going to be like that, it's better to die.

"No way, I'll look into the cause now and have the following measures in place by tomorrow"

"Oh, I got it. Did I just say that the time I can keep them here is an exquisite week? If I can't kill you by then, do you think your life is over?

"Yes, sir"

Damn...... we have to find out what caused it at all costs.

I hurried to the room with the magic cannon.

"... what do you mean? No scratches on the outer surface... no problems with the magic stone, no problems with the grant"

This demon cannon is a special order that I have granted to the limit.

Everything was said to have gained the ability to kill Leons, as well as five of them: "Immediate Death," "Additional Attack," "Widespread Explosion," "Increased Power," and "Necessary Magic Decline"... I couldn't believe it had malfunctioned.

In the first place. I don't remember making such an easy thing to break.

Last week, even the last commissioning I did worked well.

And yet, how did it break?

"What about the magic formation... hmm? This is only the part of the launch that has been erased"

This is artificial. Well, the demon squares don't disappear naturally in the first place.

"I see... he noticed and broke it beforehand"

Leons, who was learning magic equipment from his father, would know where the part of the firing was in this complex demonic formation.

"Damn...... that was a sweet idea"

Still, you're a real cheat bastard to break only the inner demon cube without anyone noticing.

"... if this happens, will I kill you in a way that's as certain as before"

I didn't think I could use a bomb like that in front of me in a castle on a boulder, but I wouldn't have been able to choose the means at this time.

"I won't let that happen"


Suddenly I hear a woman's voice and I look back... not long ago, the handcuffs got stuck in my hand.

With this stuff, my fancy arm, it would be easier to win... what?

"What, even my powers won't break!?

"It's a handcuff made by Master Leons. You can't use skills or magic."

"Leons...... you mean that"

Cheat item made by him. Then I'm convinced.

Damn. You're packed.

"That's the thing. Just stay asleep."

"Hmm. I don't care anymore... get..."

I gave up and let go of consciousness.

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