SIDE: Ramross

"Ko, is this a good idea?

After everything I was told to do, I was standing by to ask Master May.

In the end, no one died and the party was just canceled.

Very much, I don't think Master May wanted to do it. So I made some mistake?

If that happens, now is the time......

"Hmm. Well, wasn't that good?

"Oh, really..."

Apparently, that didn't mean it failed.

I'm sure Master May just wanted to bring confusion to the kingdom.

"Hey, why don't you come out and not hide? This is your last chance to talk to me."

"Let me do that ~. Long time no see ~"

When I thought Master May spoke to my shadow, one man came out of my shadow.

I didn't think of that, "Hii" made a weird noise and got my buttcake on.

Duh, why are people coming out of my shadow!

"Creepy. When you talk to me, you told me to talk normally, didn't you?

"That's terrible. You've been working with me for 200 years."

They ignored me and started the conversation.

No, from talking to Master May on an equal footing, he won't be the only one.

It should be wise for you to keep your mouth shut.

"That's why."

"I can't help it. So what? Am I allowed to do such a half-way job?"

Halfway there? After all, was that a failure?

"I'll report you interrupted."

"You're the same. How many times have I been entrusted with Mae's work?"

After all, are you on par with Master May?

Never, ever be rude.

"Oh, yeah. I mean, you're the only pervert who can seriously work under someone trying to kill himself one day."

"That's terrible. I've told you so many times that I have a relationship with her."

Whom are you two talking about? Rather than that, is there a person on top of Master May as well?

I can't imagine.

"A cooperative relationship... then I hope you won't betray me easily"

Betrayed? This guy... is he a traitor?

"He's better suited to my thoughts."

"What he's saying just sounds beautiful. You know we're gonna have to kill each other in the end."

"May doesn't like to kill you."

Huh? You don't like May killing you?

"I'm not bad at it. How many years do you think you're surviving this fight? If I need you, I'll kill you. It's just a little emotional."

"Oh, you did. May can't kill the good guys, it was a mistake. So I could safely watch the raid event today. If I saw their youth, May can't get in the way of it."

Oh, no... you think May liked the brave man?

Come on, I was going to kill the brave man when the war was over, but you should reconsider...

"Shut up. That's how you keep a line in yourself, or you're not half guilty."

"Oh, was that 300 years ago now? Talk about killing a child's reincarnator when he was still double digit old and pulling off 20 years?"

300 years ago...... who the hell are these people?

"You remember me well."

"Well, that's the perfect episode to describe May ~"

"Right. Even today, when I saw a princess desperately stopping a brave man's outburst, my guilt was again overwhelmed."

"Truth is, I don't think you're good for villains."

"... I think so too"

"Ugh...... Just a little patience... he..."

"So I'll see you in a few years!

As soon as the man hiding in my shadow spoke of something in Master May's ear, he disappeared.

What the hell did you tell Master May?

"... ugh. Well, I'm going home too."

"Oh, um..."

Just give me a minute! What am I supposed to do now!

"Speaking of which, you were there. Yeah... don't you feel guilty if I kill you"

Huh...? Oh, no... I certainly wouldn't be a good person... so I had a feeling this wouldn't happen.

But it's not much to be killed.

"I don't know. I don't feel like killing people right now."

Don't surprise me...... or would I have been killed if it weren't for that guy!?

"Well, if it's the right direction to go to war with the Empire as promised, you can do whatever you want."

"Oh, thank you......"

You can do whatever you want, but you're too scared... you have to be very careful not to get killed for doing anything extra...

"I would have planned to have the young reincarnators crush each other without getting my hands dirty... Those two have gotten along... so I guess they won't."

As I bowed my head, I whined about that like Master May was depressed.

I'm not sure who those two are... but let's not say anything extra.

"Yeah...... no more war makes sense? No, I'd rather those two don't die...... Oh, no more! He's gone crazy because he's been saying extra things!!"

When I looked up a little to see how Mae was doing, Mae was scratching her head with both hands like she was upset.

"What do you want to help me with!

SIDE: Kite

"He's back."

The battle with Guru is over, and he even came to Elaine's waiting Leo castle.

"Ah! I'm home"

"Kite! Were you okay?!? Are you hurt?

Elaine, who noticed me, rushed over and started checking every inch of her body.

"It's okay. Because I'm not hurt anywhere."

"Really? Did Kate fight?

"Yeah. Well, I'm pretty much the only one fighting."

"Huh? Why!? What's this all about?

Elaine approached Leo, not me.

I don't even know how that feels. But I don't... You're on the help side, so let's figure out a few more ways to say it.

"Huh? Ah, uh..."

"Don't be mad at Leo like that. It was a situation where I had to fight."

"What do you mean, a situation where Kite has to fight!

I wonder how I can explain it to you...

"The last demon summoned was the Demon King."

"Demon King!?

Not only Elaine, but I even gave the Empress a voice of surprise to Mr. Liana.

Well, it's that demon king.

"Is that true? Because the Demon King is in the Devil's Forest..."

"He's the new demon king."

Leo answered the Crown Princess's question in the end. No, aren't you going to explain a little more?

"Oh, that's the thing"

Huh? So you understand?

"What do you mean by that!? Tell me, Shelly!

Right? And yet, Elaine, you've been close enough to the Empress to let me call you by my nickname in the last short time.

Well, I got along with Leo, too, and was that enough time?


"What are you doing all the time? Fine."

"It's easy. That the demon king, who should have been defeated fifty years ago, is still alive."

Yeah, I knew that. No, if Leo knew, would the information be shared within the Empire?

"Huh!? It's very dangerous! Why are you leaving me alone!?

"It's okay because I'm not such a dangerous person right now. I don't think there's anything we can do but leave him alone because he's too strong."

I guess so. Even that child demon king opponent was a critical draw, but I can't believe an adult demon king......

"Even you?

"Of course. You'll end up being played. Is there anything better to worry about Kate than that?

"Oh, I was! How could Kate have fought the new Demon King, not you?

Oh, speaking of which, that's what you were talking about.

"That's what I was talking about... because I thought Kite was a fighter."

"Yes... Kate, you defeated the Demon King. You did it."

"No. I didn't take him down."

Nothing, I don't think you're a fighter = a fighter.

Well, I was almost there.

Thinking about it, isn't it amazing how much I fought against the Demon King?

"Huh? What do you mean? Don't knock me down. How did you solve this?

"The result is a draw. That's how I've convinced Guru... the Demon King"

Leo was, as always, answering the Crown Princess's question in a partial manner.

A little more... Aren't you going to talk about being taken to Demon King's Castle or something?

"That's right... Well, if Kite's okay, that's fine."

Oh, that's good.

"Right. I hope Leo's okay, too."

As Ms Liana echoed Elaine's opinion, she hugged Leo.

"Ah, cheats."

Then, soon, the Empress also hugged Leo.

When I saw that, I looked a little envious and Elaine had looked at me.

"... go ahead?

This is good, isn't it?

I opened my hands and invited Elaine.

"Hehe. Then sweeten your words."

Elaine jumped at me with a nickel laugh.

"Isn't it time to go back to the royal castle? Tomorrow, or we're gonna have this wedding early in the morning, right?

I came to ask that to me and Elaine, who are similarly stuck, as the Empress and Mr. Liana hugged me.

You could have let me soak up some more aftertaste. Not much can be shown the reality of getting up early right now.

"That's right. Oh, even if I slept now, I can only sleep an hour or two..."

"Well, it's a sunny stage around the corner, so just be patient today."

"Right. Phew."

"Wow. You don't look like you were having a party until a few hours ago."

When I came back to the royal castle, Elaine muttered about that to an unusual party.

The demon bodies are scattered and dim because the lights were made to break. I can't feel the party atmosphere, which was bright and fun.

"In the meantime, do you want to clean up the demon's body? It stinks."

Huh? You're cleaning up this demon now!?

"You're tired. Go to sleep."

That's right. Even Leo fought a lot of demons.

"I'm not sure I can wake up in an hour or so, and I'm awake. Then I'll clean this place up."

"Well, I guess I'll stay awake too..."

It's not a good idea to just let Leo do the cleaning.

"No, you don't get this dirty, I think you should just take a bath. It's not good to go to a wedding while it's dirty."

Sure, should I take a bath because it's dirty?

Smell of blood, can you take it...?

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm going back to my room."

"Good day."


"Hehe. You've gotten along so well."

Soon after the party venue, Elaine laughed and teased me and Leo about getting along.

"That's the kind of Elaine who was getting along with the princesses."

"Speaking of which, yeah. It's been a while, but we had a great time."

Were you even in the bath while we were dealing with the Demon King?

Speaking of which, you smelled good from Elaine when she held you earlier.

Maybe Leo is obsessed with the bath.

I'd like to let you in one day when I get the chance.

"That was good. Huh. Sleepy. Too sleepy. I might fall asleep during the ceremony."

"It's been a rough day... I honestly feel like I'm gonna fall asleep too."

Right...... We have to put up with it.

And a few hours later.

"Huh? The nobles aren't awake?

For the wedding, Leo came to say that after I was done getting ready for the outfit and the hairstyle.

"That's right. I totally forgot that Orgol's effect lasted half a day."

"Eh. How could I have forgotten? So you decided to start at noon and get some sleep, huh?

Then I could have slept for another two hours.

This difference is huge......

"I'm sorry. Even I was sleepy and I wasn't turning my head. Forgive me."

"Okay, but... I've got Elaine, too, okay? What are you gonna do?

"Yeah...... what were you planning on doing in the morning?

"I was going to pray to God in church and get out in front of the people and say hello. Speaking of which, we had a long time to celebrate from the king."

They said the prayer ritual would take about three hours, and an hour to greet the people. You had about thirty minutes to talk about the king.

That guy, can we talk for half an hour? I doubt it.

"Then it seems that the priest and king are still asleep, too, so the story of prayer and unnecessary kings is cut. Why don't we just kiss the vows and greet the people? And a wedding ring."

"No, that's the story of the world over there..."

I think we should follow the township when we get to it.

"Fine. They're all asleep anyway, so they won't find out. I don't have a choice. I'll make the ring. Wait a minute."

It seems I don't have a veto, and Leo went somewhere when he went about the conversation alone.

"Look, it's made of Mithril, so it's shiny, strong and not rusty. You're the best material as a wedding ring. And then, all the time, I put a lot of bullshit on the two of us to keep it going."

When I set aside some time to come back, they gave me two beautiful wedding rings.

Both have Elaine and my name carved on them, and they don't look like rings made in a very short time.

"Oh, thanks......"

"Thank you very much. Look, the bride's waiting, so we're going to church!

"Huh? What do you mean?

How did Elaine end up in church?

I've been transferred to church so much that I can't think of or think of any such questions.


In front of me, Elaine stood in a bright red dress, not a white wedding dress......

Yeah. It's so beautiful.

Exactly the same outfit as when I was summoned to this world... but Elaine was more grown up then and more polished by beauty.

"You were late. What were you doing?

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Just kidding. Remember the day after Kate was summoned, that I was angry with Kate, who didn't come as soon as I called her"

"Oh, that happened, too. Elaine was unreasonable then."

I miss you. That mighty Elaine was adorable, too.

"I'm sorry. But I'm so sweet right now, right?

"Yeah. It's so sweet. I can't live without Elaine."

"Hehe. Thanks. Me too, if it weren't for Kite, I'm sure he would have just died. Thanks to Kate for trying so hard to get here. Thanks for everything, and keep it up."

With that said, Elaine has been kissing me as much as she wants with her hands on my cheek.

"Is this how a kiss of oath works?

"Yeah. Isn't that good? Right?"

"I'm glad it's sweet."

"Yes, I think it was good"

Three people sitting in the front row of the attendance were nodding yeah.

Well, this is a different world, so can it be appropriate around here?

"Oh, yeah. Wedding Rings"

"Huh? Wedding rings?

"In my hometown, there's a custom of a couple wearing the same ring."

That's what I said, I showed Elaine two rings.

"Heh. Well, I'll put it on for you, so lend me a ring."


"Do you know where you can put your fingers?

"Left pharmacopoeia"

"It is. Then lend me your left hand."

As I was told, when I gave her my left hand, Elaine happily put a ring in my finger.

"Hehe. Then now it's my turn"

Elaine offered me her hand, and I gently put the ring on her, too.

"Ugh. That's a good match."

Yeah. I think it's great.

I guess it's my mission to continue to protect that smile from now on.

I felt so smudged by Elaine's delightful smile.

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