There was a little time since Kate's wedding, and I turned sixteen.

Finally, you're one of the adults.

That said, I haven't officially had it recognized as an adult yet because I haven't had an adult party in preparation for the tri-conference.

It depends on when the kingdom comes to wage war, but I wonder if it will be a form of celebration after the tri-conference brings together Shelley's adults and our marriage.

If the war was prolonged or the kingdom didn't quite attack me, it would all be postponed.

Turning back to the Troika, the Troika begins in ten days.

Looks like every country stays here for, like, a week or two.

In the meantime, I have to entertain the greats from all over the country.

And now he had the last meeting with the Emperor before the Troika.

There are emperors, Mr. Cliff, Mr. Elise and his men, me, in the conference hall of Castle Muldeen.

I haven't seen Mr. Cliff for a long time on this one. Mr. Cliff, you look fine now, but you'll be busy as an assistant to the emperor from now on.

It's as serious as ever, so it's helping this way though.

Even today, such Mr. Cliff was partitioning the meeting.

"We talked about countries arriving here as early as tomorrow, but have there been any reports of them entering the empire so far?

What is being discussed now is the state of progress in each country.

Whether it's late or fast, we'll have to deal with it as a host.

"Yes, the Patriarchate was preceded by reports that the Fontaine family, the right arm of the Pope, had entered the Empire. From the kingdom, no reports yet."

Mr Cliff's question was immediately answered by Mr Elise's men.

The Fontaine family, that's the name you heard somewhere......

"The kingdom is not going to come until it is critical. Nevertheless, when it comes to the Fontaine family, is it not the house where the present Virgin is? What's the point?

The current Virgin? Oh, the one who became the Virgin after she kicked the Leenas out.

When it comes to that house... you seem to be disturbing Leena.

"No, they don't think there's any hostility. Because the Fontaine family is more famous than the Empire."

Yeah, that's right. That's surprising.

"The other day, the oldest daughter of the Fontaine family got engaged to the next head of the Boardrail family. You won't have to be so vigilant."

Oh, I did. The Fontaine family is Frank's fiancée's house.

I thought it was a familiar name on the street. Frank, are you doing well with your two fiancées...?

"Right. Then I left the response of the Fontaine family, who arrived early, to Leo. The Virgin will accompany you, so leave the Virgin's opponent to Sherry."

"Yes. Copy that."

I nodded quickly at the words of the emperor.

This is the job I've been assigned to do.

"Next, about the kingdom, besides the king, is it likely that princesses and brave men will be able to participate in the Troika?

"Yes, Princess Elemenane, who was pregnant and thought to drop off her participation, but has been reported on her way here with a brave man"

Yes. Princess Elaine, she's recently pregnant. So they thought I would take safety and not participate in the tri-national conference.

Without Princess Elaine, I was in trouble because I wouldn't even be able to properly talk to the kingdom... apparently not to worry.

"Right. I'll keep the princess safe."

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

I replied forcefully to the Emperor's gesture.

Well, I don't think I'd have to worry about Elaine being assassinated if I had kite.

Then after a lot of final confirmation, I went back to my room.

I'm home.

"Happy adulthood, Leo!

"Wow! Huh?

When I walked into the room, the Sherries, waiting in front of the door, hugged me.

When I was stuck, I lost momentum and fell.

"Hehe. Surprised?

Leena on top of me asked happily.

"Yeah. I was so surprised. Were you waiting in front of the door the whole time I was at the meeting?

"That's right. I'm a corner adult, so you miss us if we don't celebrate alone, don't you?

"And I just wanted to say, I was tired of waiting and everyone was sitting in a chair until just now. If Bell hadn't told me how to smell and come close, I would have failed."

Haha, I see. The meeting took longer than planned.

Well, I can't believe you're sticking to the door that time.

I stroked Bell's head for you.

"Thank you all."

When I got up, I hugged the five of them together again.

"You're welcome. So yes. Gifts from Us"

"Wow. Thanks. Open it."

Shelley gave me a palm-sized box.

I got it. I checked the contents right away.

Then... there was a beautiful glowing demon stone in it.

"Maybe a demonic stone packed with all your magic powers?

The magic of Sherry, Leena, Bell and Lou on the Demon Stone, Elsie, and all five of them can be felt from the Demon Stone.

"This is what happened as a result of my troubles"

"You can't even build this, Leo!

"Yeah. I can't make this no matter how hard I try. A treasure of a lifetime."

Elsie's right, you can't.

The amount of magic rubbed on the Demon Stone is amazing... did it take you a year or so to prepare it for me?

True, it's the best gift ever.

"So you can make some kind of magic item?

"No, I'll amuse you with this. Everywhere I am, I can feel you."

You can't make a gift of magic into a magic item.

I want to keep this as a demon stone.

I'm glad to hear that.

"I'm glad you're happy."

"Yeah. Thanks everyone for the wonderful gift"

He put the demon stone in his pocket and gave everyone a thank you kiss.

"Eh heh. Leo kissed me for the first time."

"Is that it? Speaking of which, did you ever kiss Lou"

I casually flowed and kissed Lou, but speaking of which, it was Lou's first kiss.

I wonder if the first kiss was good for this, watching Lou, who is rarely blushing? I thought so.

"Lou, you're surprisingly shy."

"You were embarrassed, you couldn't tell me, could you?

"Shut up!"

Lou was furious with Shelly and Elsie's words as they blushed even more.

You've grown in appearance, but Lou's still a kid.

"Ha ha. Glad we're all close."

"Well, if we've lived together for almost five years,"

"Right. It's been five years since I met Lou..."

Time passes fast.

"We're about to grow up, too."

"Then finally, you're married."

"Is it marriage...... When you live with Leo so much, you don't really feel it."

Well, Belle was with me in particular.

Lately, I've finally been able to see me as a lover because of the relationship between my maid and my husband.

"Well, I think getting married will give you a real feeling. Mr. Shelley in particular."

"Huh? Why?

"My wife won't be able to make a heir as soon as possible."

"Well... we have to work hard"

Shelley was blushing as she put her hand on her cheek to Elsie's words, who grinned.

"As, well. I don't think you have to feel that way. Yeah."

"Ahaha. Both Leo and Shelley face bright red ~"

Shut up. You were just kissed earlier and you were bright red!

"Speaking of which, it looks like the Patriarchate will arrive tomorrow."

It got awkward, I changed the subject all at once.

That kind of talk is where I'm not.

"That's a long time ago."

"Yeah. Even so, the pope's men are just coming first"

"Oh, because that's what I mean. Are you asking which house is coming?

"Uh... I guess he said the Fontaine family. Look, Frank's engaged."

"I see. That's an Imperial nobleman."


"Yes, there are royal nobles in the Patriarchate who want to get along with the Empire and the Kingdom."

Speaking of which, they also said at the conference that there would be no hostility, because they are nobler than the Empire.

Nevertheless, Leena remembers very well that the Patriarchate should have only been there when she was a little girl.

"It is. Thank God you're the next Pope Imperialist."

"That's not true. Because the owner of the Fontaine family is the one who kills his sister fine if it becomes inconvenient to him. It's not good to trust that house."


"My mother was murdered by the Pope and his brother, the head of the Fontaine family"

Wait...... suddenly unexpected facts pop in and I can't catch up with my head.

First of all... the head of the Fontaine family of the Imperial faction turned down his own sister for something inconvenient.

And that the sister is Leena's mother......

So he said we shouldn't trust the Fontaine family.

Yeah. I understand.

"It was... Then should we not trust the Patriarchate?"

Unlike the kingdom, there are nobles who want to get along with the empire. I was happy until just now thinking... reality isn't that sweet, is it?

"Yes, you shouldn't trust me there."

"Thanks for the advice"

I don't want to remind you of the past. You told me on purpose.

Hang on, we need to make use of this information.

I swore so to my heart as I held Leena in my arms.


"Hey. Well, then, Leena's the... better not to see the Fontaine family, right?

As I stroked Leena's head, Shelley reluctantly listened to that.

Starting tomorrow, Shelly and Leena were supposed to be with us when we welcomed the nobles.

Besides, I planned to leave the hospitality of the Virgin of the Patriarchate to the Sherries.

Yeah. Shelly's gonna be in trouble, but let's get Leena to rest.

"No. You don't have to worry about it. To boulders, I don't think they're going to do anything. Now, I work as an imperialist."


"It's okay. Because if you're ever scared, you can't move on."

"Yeah...... I get it"

He says he'll work hard.

It would be superfluous to interrupt.

"It's okay. If anything happens, I'll protect you!

"Ha ha. Don't worry if Lou will protect you"

I can't beat Lou right now.

True, it's beautiful, but you've got more horror than that.

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