Keizoku wa Maryoku Nari -Munou Mahou ga Benri Mahou ni-

Episode Five: What I want to talk about

"Hey, sorry to call you."

I was called by Mr. Cliff the night the kites arrived.

Looks like there's something you want to tell me.

It's a tri-country meeting starting tomorrow, and is that something I'd like to confirm?

"No. Tomorrow at last."

"Right. Even so, if it starts, my dad's the only one who's in trouble."

"That's not true. Even Mr. Cliff has a lot to do."

"Thanks. So, let's get down to business... Leo, aren't you primarily interested in a country?

"The Lord of One Country? I don't know the intent of the question."

No, I get it. I think Mr. Cliff asked me if I wanted to be an emperor.

Marry Shelley and I'll be an obstacle to becoming an emperor.

I'm probably the most influential person in this country right now, and it's popular.

It would be natural for Mr. Cliff to risk my becoming royal family like that.

"No, I'm not willing to do anything without it. I just wanted to ask you."

Yeah...... Well, I guess it's best to answer honestly.

"Really? Let me now answer the question. I'm not interested in anything."

"Yes. Even though we've been up here?

"It's just a by-product that's gotten us this far. Everything you've done to protect what's important."

"Ha. Truth be told, you're good for kings."

"No, that's not true. Because I'm basically a person who wants to live free."

It's tough just to be a lord, but you can't be an emperor.

I want to play and live as much as possible.

"Isn't the king free? Ha, if I could say that, I think I'd have enough qualities."


Could it be that Mr. Cliff is trying to push the Emperor's throne against me?

Mr. Cliff didn't originally want to be that much of an emperor, and it's possible...

"Oh, don't be so vigilant. Before you become my brother-in-law, I want to tell you something."


"With you as Shelley, you will have the right to inherit the throne."

"... Yes"

In short, I will always give you the seat of the next emperor.


Mr. Cliff, I knew you were going to push the Emperor on me.

You're going to be fine with me saying give in and showing up the moment I marry Shelly...

Later, I need to tell my brother to keep an eye on Mr. Cliff.

"My mother betrayed the Empire while she was queen. And I was a part of it. Not to mention, I can't believe you were trying to kill my sister... very unworthy of the Emperor"

"Didn't you finish that story already? For that matter, I work for the Empire. Isn't that good?

"Well, I'm going to, but I wanted to check with you for once. You can always be emperor, but what do you do? That's right."

"Of course. Keep it up, Mr. Cliff will be emperor."

"I get it. I swear to you I will work for the Empire until I die. [M] I just don't have as much power, head, and people as you do. [M] I may ask for your help again and again from now on."

"Yeah, I'll be happy to talk to you then."

I didn't have to be pushed.

But we have to be careful from now on. From now on, there might be a guy out there who thinks about making me emperor.

"Good. And I'm going to have your eldest son succeed me in my tracks."


"Huh? No, I'd still know if Mr. Cliff didn't have a boy... but what about that statement before we got married?

Whatever you say, I'm not getting married.


What is this guy talking about?

"Wow. It's going to be a treasure of a lifetime to see such a surprised face of yours"

No, he said he'd have trouble treasuring my surprised face.

More than that, does Mr. Cliff understand what he's saying?

"What are you talking about...... I can't believe there's no queen..."

"Is that it? Could it have been that you didn't really notice? 'Cause you're not married after twenty, are you?

If you ask me, it's odd that a man who becomes emperor isn't married when he's twenty-four.

"I was feeling late. I just don't know if I've found the right person..."

"The correct answer is that I had declared to my father that I would not marry."

"Did the emperor forgive you?

No, if so, what is the emperor thinking?

"Yeah. If I told you a proper translation. Thank you for agreeing."

"What is the translation?

"Isn't it strange that I, the great sinner, am normally the emperor on the boulder?


"So, as a punishment, I decided to live as an emperor for a generation. What do you think?

No, I'm not convinced...

If the emperor has let it go, you can't say no.

"Even so... what if the child between me and Shelley says they don't want to be emperors?

I want my kids to be free to live.

"Oh. Nothing. It's not just Shelly's kid. Anyone of your children is fine. Nominate me as emperor the son you thought worthy of a king."

"Huh? Isn't that strange...?

On boulders, it's not the same thing to make an emperor of someone whose royal blood isn't flowing.

Absolutely, there will be an opposite voice from the nobles.

"It's okay. When I say I will be emperor, no one can stand in your way."

"Sure it is..."

"Well, I'm sure you won't have to worry about the blood of the emperor from generations ago."

"What do you mean?

"Sure, you're the grandson of a brave man, and I feel the heterogeneous blood is tightening heavily, but my grandmother's magician is a Duke's house. I'm sure you have royal blood."

"I see..."

For once, can the blood muscle problem be managed as well?

Yeah...... no matter how hard you try, you're not going to be able to say no.

"Well, I don't think anyone's complaining. Every Duke will be on your side next time."

The Boardrell family is Frank, the Le Fable family is Mr. Burt, who married his sister, and the Forster family is Brother Alex...... sure, no one complains.

"... ok. But it's up to Mr. Cliff to choose the next emperor."

"No, I think Leo's better than I choose, don't you?

"No. The Emperor only has the right to nominate an Emperor. I think we should stick to this rule. And I haven't forgotten, have I? Mr. Cliff is good at magic."

Forensic magic specializing in spotting people. With that, you wouldn't choose the wrong person as emperor.

"Ha. Sure, I was the only one who could be proud of my ability to identify people. Yeah. Right. Can I do that?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hmm. I managed to say it before the Troika..."

"What does this have to do with the Troika meeting?

"No. I just wanted to make sure I was on my way to the fight from tomorrow. Merely self-satisfied, I was actually thinking about talking about drinking on the day you grew up... because you seemed busier than I thought."

Sure, you've been very busy with Fontaine's response.

"Was it...... Then we'll both have a drink when it's all over."

Alcohol... Speaking of which, you haven't had a drink since you came to this world.

I don't know what type of alcohol it is, and would you recommend it to Mr. Colt, who is familiar with alcohol?

"That's good. Then we have to work hard tomorrow to make it a pleasant drink."

"Yes, let's do our best"

"Hey, what was the story?

Shelley came right after Mr. Cliff left the room.

"Yeah... we're talking about working hard tomorrow. And then when it's all cleared up, he wants to have a drink with me."

I can't talk about our kid becoming an emperor, so I misled him appropriately.

I didn't lie.

"Yes, if you want to talk about tomorrow, I can't help it."

"I'm not talking about such a big deal."


"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've been with Shelly like this."

"Always, there's a bell beside you! And lately, Leena hasn't hesitated on me either!

In an attempt to get off topic, I put what I came up with in my mouth and apparently stepped on the tiger's tail.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Next time, forgive me because I'll have time with Shelley right."

"Nothing good. Predicting where Leo is free, because I'm willing to keep Leo to myself for a week or so"

"Hahaha. That's a long week"

Shelley-like solution, though.

"Really? You can give Elsie two days, though."

Sure, you haven't even made time with Elsie.

Lou... sounds more delightful having a delicious meal than the time you spend with me.

"Well, get along, please."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Yeah. I'm not that worried either. Huh. It's early tomorrow, and it's time to go to bed."

"Right. Then I'll sleep with you today."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that."

"Bye, good night"

"Good night."

I changed into bedtime clothes and kissed Shelly goodnight, who was diving into bed first, and then I closed my eyes.

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