As I got used to my health, I tried to get up.

Yeah. Just because I can't use my magic, it doesn't seem to be a problem to move normally.

Hmm. So, let's get Kite home.

I made sure it was okay to move. That's what I said. I had a kite.

I can't help but leave Kite here. We need to deliver it to the Kingdom.

"Eh!? Hey, what are you thinking?

"Ah, yes. And I'm going to finish Gert's case."

I gave my thanks to Master as soon as possible.

If we're going to the royal castle anyway, we'll sort it out.

"Hey! It's dangerous. Leave Leo alone now!

"It's okay if it's about metastasis, right? I'm not using magic."

Don't use magic. I was told, but I wasn't told that my skills were bad.

Well, should I still not use it much? That said, Kite wants to deliver it.

"Still... how are you going to fight Gert?

"Don't worry. Probably because I don't think it's gonna end without a fight."

Probably. From what Barth said, I think he's already been killed.

"Yes, then I can get there, right?

"Yeah... Well, I guess it's okay."

Shelley is stronger than me now.

"Ah, just in case Lou comes along, it's not necessarily something."

"Copy that. It's been a long time since we fought."

"No, I'm looking forward to it next week."

This time, I want to give you Kite and go home right away.

Side: gelt

"War... what happened?


I haven't heard back from Herondus, who's been hitting on me all these years.

Looks like he's already at his limit.

"Hah, I wonder how this happened... Are you saying this is the punishment God gave me for my sins?

"Well, maybe so. It's really a painful punishment...."

I was surprised to see a thick door when I didn't expect to hear back from myself.

The voice of a woman... wasn't it?

"That's a strange voice. How did you get in here?"

"How do you think it is?

That said, the door opened with a loud noise from Gei.

And the woman who came into the room was still a stranger.

"No, it doesn't matter... Are you here to kill me? Or is there something new?

"I came here to kill you, but you were right."

"Really... Did you come here on Leon's orders?

I didn't feel anything when they told me to kill me.

If you live here, you'd better die...

"No. Different people's orders."

"Then... who is it? Father?"

"No, maybe someone you don't even know. We call them saboteurs."


I've never really heard of him.

Some kind of killer?

"Yes, I was ordered to kill the reincarnated."

A reincarnate...?

"Really... After all, there were other reincarnated people besides me."

I see. Destroyers are killing reincarnated people...

"Of course I am. You're not the only one."

"That's right...."

I've known that for a long time.

I was a villain and a sidekick. He was that kind of man.

"So is there anything left to do at the end?

"... I see. There's only one thing I want to do. I want to help the only one in my life."

"Hmm. Well, I'll hang out with you then."

"Thank you."

Thank you to a woman who doesn't even know her name.

Well, that's my last job as Gert.

Side: eleine


"Huh? What? What's that noise?

"This is... an explosion."

"Why? There was an explosion here? Could Leo have come this far?

That's all the explosions. It is not done outside by itself.

I don't think your stupid father would do such a stupid thing...

Then it would be reasonable to assume that Leo attacked.

"It's possible. Ah, the line is broken."

"What do we do? You think it's okay to leave?

"I'll leave it to the Princess's discretion. If you leave, this Aaron will protect the princess now."

"Thank you. I'll be right out."

If this explosion was meant to kill me, waiting here won't change the outcome.

Then you should move from me.

"Ugh... incredible smoke"

When I opened the door of the room, all the people, walls and floors were burned outside.

It's burning so far... why hasn't there been a fire?

"This was a huge explosion. If there is no boundary, it will make me feel terrified."

"In the meantime... I'll go see how your father is."

Probably. He's in between.

If your father is well there, the killer is your father.

Well, I don't think it's in the boulders.

"This is...."

Arriving during the night, the sun's rays were dazzling.

Yes... the ceiling was gone.

"Was there an explosion here?... hmm? Isn't that Lord Gert?"

"Gert... ah, it's true!

Aaron pointed at me and looked right at me, and there was only one person who wasn't burning.

Definitely. That's Gert.

"... dead"

I knew it when I got a little closer without touching it. Gert had a deep knife in his chest.

"Perhaps... Lord Gert helped us."

"Eh? That's...."

"Yes, I think Lord Gert blew up the castle just before he died. We were... protected by boundaries."

"Really... what are you doing? Stupid...."

I don't want you to help me until I've lost my life.

Really... because I'm stupid.

With that in mind, I wept at the death of a few of my companions.

"Huh? Where are we? The royal castle, right?

After crying for a while, I heard the voice of a young man who was used to hearing it.

"Look! I knew I couldn't use the metastasis!

"Oh no... I did it. How do I get home?"

"Don't worry about it. This is the royal castle. Well, as you can see, it's broken."

To a sudden guest, I wiped my tears and forced myself to greet him with a smile.

The royal castle, no, the queen, don't show weakness to the opponent.

"Elaine! What is this? That's Gert!

"We haven't been locked up for a long time either. I thought the restraint was off, and when I came here... Gert was dead here."

"I see... Maybe Gert died with the King at the end."

Leo was quick to come up with an answer.

A boulder.

Still... Leo and Shelly and the other one... I've never seen this kid before.

I mean, there's horns growing in your head. This child is a demon.

Leo... what were you going to do with bringing the demons here?

So, when I looked back at Leo, I realized that Leo was holding someone.

Huh? That's...

"Huh? That Gert?

"Oh, it must have been his sin."

"Hey... that Leo is holding..."

I pointed to the run-down man being held by Leo, trembling.

"I'm sorry. It's Kate. Don't worry, he's still alive."

"What do you mean, not yet!? Oh, no... Kite! Hey, Kate! Wake up!"

I rushed to Kite.

Sure... I'm still breathing. But it was obvious that it would not be strange to die soon.

"Honestly... I don't know if I can breathe back. Lena says," Fifty-fifty. "

"Oh no... how did Kite end up like this!?

"The kingdom has reduced its number to nearly a third on its way. Because of that, Kite had to be reckless."

"Oh no...."

After all, taking me hostage... made me do something imprudent.

"Honestly, I almost lost to Kite's momentum. While many of my friends were dying, I broke through the walls by myself and inflicted fatal wounds on me. That momentum was incredible."


What do you mean... you were almost alone?

"Er... Actually, it looks like this, and I'm pretty tough when Kite does. Can I tell you more when I'm feeling better?

"Yeah? Yeah. Thank you for taking the trouble to bring Kite."

I can't believe that Leo is so wounded... Kate, you're working too hard.

"No, Kate... I thought Elaine would wake you up soon if she was around."

"... I see."

Leo's eyes were purely those of me.

It's not comfort... So I couldn't say anything.

Well then, I'll see you later.

"Yes, thank you very much."

When Leo disappeared, I began to cry again.

"Uhh, uhh..."

And now I cried out loud.


"Kite's idiot... you promised to come back safely."

You said you could lose already.

You were listening to me?

"Please... don't leave me alone."

That's all I could say to Kite, who couldn't move even a tingle.

Please... wake up. Hey, kite.

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