(I have a terrible headache, sorry, less)

  Fifty percent strength, if you meet a fighter like Sun Chengbin, you will definitely be unable to resist. However, if someone despises him because of this and treats him as an ordinary high school student, even a master who is stronger than Sun Chengbin will definitely not be enough. After practicing the second picture, Lin Fei felt that her body's sensitivity had greatly improved. When waving the bear paw, it is as if there is nothing, similar to when it is empty-handed. If such a speed is used to kill with one blow, the power that erupts in an instant will definitely shock anyone.

  In the darkness and silence of the bedroom, Lin Fei had vaguely seen two sneaky figures downstairs. The two had been walking under the streetlights below for a long time. Both of them looked mysteriously looking left and right.

  Of course, if it was just like this, Lin Fei would not have noticed them. But if the other party glances in this direction every ten seconds. With such an obvious sign, Lin Fei could naturally know that these two people were probably coming in the direction of their home.

  Because he could vaguely see a well-trained method from the actions of these two people. This is not something that ordinary people or ordinary fighters can possess.

   "Thief? Robber?"

  Lin Fei guessed.

  When you are in doubt. Suddenly the door slammed.

   "Brother~~ are you there?" It was my younger sister Lin You's voice. But what's a little wrong is that this girl never takes the initiative to call her brother. It's suddenly so abnormal now, it's obvious that there is something wrong.

   "What's wrong?" Lin Fei quickly replied. Lin You had been in the living room in the bedroom he had entered after dinner, so he naturally knew that he hadn't gone out.

   "It's nothing, it's just..." Lin You hesitated to speak, and his usual disdainful tone was abnormally gentler. "If you're okay, don't go out tonight. There seem to be two sneaky people outside."

   Sure enough, Lin Fei knew in her heart that those two people had come to look for her.

   "No, if this kind of trouble has come to the family at this time, how did so many years pass in peace in the previous life?" Lin Fei thought quickly, and immediately thought of the biggest possibility.

"In this world, I didn't make any rash moves or change the trajectory, so the situation should be similar to that in the previous life. But the only difference is that I already have the preliminary information of the other world. But this should not affect much. Then the only The most likely thing is that Lin You had been silently protecting me and my parents in the previous life. It’s just that we didn’t know it. In the end, when the strength of the enemy surpassed her protection, this led to the fire in the fire. kill."

   She speculated quickly in her heart, but Lin Fei still pretended to be panicked.

   "A sneaky person?? Lin You, are you reading it wrong?"

   "No, they are standing under the street lamp. They will take a look at us in a while." Lin You explained, "Oh! Anyway, just don't go out tonight!"

   "The community is so big, how do you know they are coming for our house? And maybe they are robbers." Lin Fei pretended not to be convinced.

   "Anyway, I just know it! How come you talk so much!" Lin You was a little impatient. This feeling of secretly protecting others and being questioned by others is really terrible.

   "But..." Lin Fei was interrupted by Lin You before she finished speaking.

"Don't say anything! Lin Fei, let me tell you! Don't think that no one knows about the dirty things under your bed. If you don't listen to me today, then don't blame me for telling your parents!" Lin You took out killer feature.

  Lin Fei was a little bit ironic. In the high school period of the previous life, I was discriminated against by my sister because of this, and every time there was a big event, she would use it as a threat. But now after rebirth, it is strictly forbidden to practice basic swordsmanship and Qi training chapters. The pile of collectibles under the bed had already been thrown into the large trash can outside the school by himself. But now that his sister used this as a threat, it made Lin Fei feel a little warm towards her. After all, no matter what, Lin You still cared about him after all. It's just that the method is not gentle enough.

  Thinking about it this way, in the previous life, such inexplicable threats were probably because Lin You wanted to protect herself. And many times, I became more and more disgusted with Lin You because of this, and even quarreled with her loudly once again. Now that she understood, Lin Fei suddenly felt a little guilty. .

  Lin You outside the door heard that there was no movement inside, and probably thought that Lin Fei gave in silently. With a snort, he dragged his slippers and slapped back to the living room.

   After being silent for a while, Lin Fei gently stroked the bear-claw knife sheath on her waist, and felt a slight coolness from the metal handle. Bearpaw's knife sheath is made of metal, with a metal shrapnel on the back, which is convenient to clip on the belt around the waist. Lin Fei was clipped directly to his belt.

   After sorting out her mood, Lin Fei looked out the window again.

   At this time, the two of them could be seen looking towards their home from time to time through the window. Coupled with the inexplicable affirmative tone of his younger sister Lin You, in this way, even if he is an idiot, he will know that these two people are definitely coming for his home.

   "If it is because of Lin You, it must have something to do with the other world. From this point of view, it is impossible for these two people to be just ordinary people."

   When I feel a little tricky.

  Under the streetlights, a young man with his shirt tied around his waist came from the direction of the school basketball court, clapping a basketball. The basketball slapped on the ground one after another, and the sound was very rhythmic.

  Lin Fei recognized him.

   This young man is called Chen Feng, and he is the child of a teacher who lives in an adjacent teaching staff building. I used to play with him when I was a child, but now that I am older, I am not as familiar as before.

  The sound of the basketball suddenly attracted two sneaky men standing under the streetlight. The two stood on the side, ready to make way for Chen Feng to pass.

  But something unexpected happened.

  Lin Fei saw from a distance that Chen Feng suddenly threw away the basketball, rushed forward with a stride, and punched one of them hard in the face. The man screamed and fell down.

  The other person was probably stunned and didn't react. Chen Feng turned around and kicked. The man was hit in the abdomen, and flew upside down two meters with a miserable howl. It looked half dead on the ground.

  Lin Fei stood stunned in front of the window, speechless for a long time, watching Chen Feng knock down the two of them in less than two seconds, his movements were standard fighting techniques. The strength is fierce.

   It took him a long time before he recovered from the shock.

   "Why didn't I realize that this kid is so powerful before?? What the hell!"

  Chen Feng dragged the two people on the ground together, took out a mobile phone from somewhere, and started making a call. Looks like they're calling the police.

   Soon, the sound of a police car roared up.

  Lin Fei still stood in front of the window, watching the belated policeman handcuff the two who had been knocked unconscious by Chen Feng. The big boy who was still holding a basketball in his hand smiled embarrassedly, and was surrounded by a few buddies in the yard who heard the news.

When someone asked him why he suddenly struck down the two fugitive suspects, Chen Feng said with a righteous face: "It is my duty as a citizen to do what is right and arrest the thief." Come boo. In the end, it seemed that he himself felt a little too much. Added a sentence. "Actually, I just didn't like those two girls. It's just that I didn't expect them to be so careless." He scratched his head with embarrassment. Suddenly there was a burst of laughter around.


  On the roof of a residential building in the distance, the young man playing with his mobile phone and pushing boxes was looking thoughtfully at Chen Feng who was surrounded in a group.

   "Why is this guy here?"

  He turned off the game swiftly, and dialed a series of numbers skillfully.

   "Hey, Captain, Chen Feng from Pingshi made a sudden move. Lei Kun and Lei Kun were arrested by the police. What should we do now? How about Lin You's assessment?"

  On the phone, a middle-aged man's voice came out.

   "Luck is also a kind of strength, so Lin You passed. But why did Chen Feng come out suddenly. There are only three supernatural beings in Pingshi, Lin You, and the one in Xicheng District. Is there such a coincidence?"

   "It's such a coincidence that Lin You and Chen Feng live in the same courtyard." The young man said helplessly.

   "So, it wasn't a coincidence that Chen Feng reported Lin You's identity as a superhuman?"

   "Isn't this obvious?"

"Forget it, you and Lily will come back together tomorrow. There are enough people with three supernatural powers in Pingshi. If you stay any longer, other aspects will not allow you." The man on the phone paused, and then said: "Pass the basic information For Lin You, the situation is very tense now, and we don't have extra personnel to train her. We can only let her develop freely."

   "Okay." The young man closed the phone with a snap. stand up. Rubbing his legs, he yawned lazily before turning around and leaving.


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