The king's capital of the dream world had been so destroyed that no prototype existed.
Anna, the Great Sage, and Haku are barely moving to a less damaging location and watching the two fight from the top of the building.
Though, I'm pretty busy just watching.
If stray bullets fly, we have to defend or evade them, and if an attack comes that blows up every compartment, we need to escape.
But the real place to see this battle was not in the high level of offense, but in the reward of the technology being played out there.
Especially what Charlotte is doing looks divine.
Anna is not as familiar with magic as she is with it, but she still knows it.
The inexhaustible difference in magic between Laura and Laura is being compensated for by technical skill.
How much exercise. How obsessive.
Considering that, my body and mind are getting hot.
I wonder why I'm blurring out the battle here.
If I were in that fight, would I be able to follow?
I want to try.
I want to mix with the two worlds...
"What if I mix it up?
As I saw through Anna's insides, the Great Sage shrugged.
"Uh... you can't. That's a duel between the two of us... don't interrupt."
"Really? But can you hold your fist so tight and put up with it till the end?
That's the first time Anna noticed it when she pointed it out.
Apparently I was holding my fist hard enough for my nails to penetrate my skin.
This will enlighten the heart.
"Go away. Laura and Charlotte are bad in the first place. You three play all the time. I can't believe I missed Anna just today."
"Play? Is that a play?
"Right. 'Cause, look. You both look like you're having fun."
Laura and Charlotte are flying endlessly across the sky and hitting each other with the magic of terrible power. He did have an extraordinary smile.
Anna thought "cheating" when she saw it.
"... ok. Thank you, Dean. Say hello to Huck."
"You're welcome. Come on in. 'Cause I look at you like a hack."
"Okay, I'm coming."
Anna pulls the Magic Sword of Thunder (Keraunos) and the Magic Sword of the Wind (Anemoi) out of her back sheath.
And wrap around the wind, into the sky. Go to Laura and Charlotte.
Laura was changing her methods of warfare.
Ice, not flashy magic like flames and light. It also made sure to attack with ice arrows close to transparency with high purity and unlimited transparency.
Of course, no matter how transparent, you won't be completely invisible. If you look away, you'll see there's something transparent there.
But Laura, Charlotte, and their ice arrows are each fighting at speeds far beyond sound speed.
In that situation, judgment is greatly delayed simply because it is difficult to see.
The reflective dimension barrier is certainly an iron wall, but it has the disadvantage of using a lot of magic.
Unlike normal reflective magic, of course, it has the advantage of using only a certain amount of magic around the area, regardless of the opponent's attacking magic power. But still, the magic of distorting space can't be easily activated.
Charlotte had reduced her magic consumption by limiting the activation of the Dimension Barrier to as short and narrow a range as possible.
What makes it possible is Charlotte's excellent kinetic vision and prophetic ability to preface. He uses it to perceive his opponent's attacks and deploy Dimension Barriers as much as he needs.
I didn't have that skill in her until just a little while ago. Perhaps he wore it in his training with the Great Sage. I lose my mind wondering how much effort I made.
But vice versa.
I can't perceive this attack... No, it just makes it harder to perceive, and Charlotte's methods of warfare collapse.
The only way to reflect Laura's unleashed ice arrows is to expand the activation time and range of the Dimension Barrier.
As a result, Charlotte's magic is diminishing. d The miracle of recovery etc. does not work with guts. If you're really depleted, that's it.
And more pronounced than magic is the loss of concentration.
Laura is currently attacking Charlotte with hundreds of ice arrows.
Inductive, of course.
Re-track immediately even if it is reflected.
Charlotte continues to reflect that with amazing concentration, with unlimited visibility close to zero... but the limit is close.
I have too much blood on my head, my eyes are running blood, and my nose is bleeding.
It could cut the blood vessels in your brain.
Obviously dangerous condition.
Still, Laura doesn't loosen her hand to attack.
Win, lose, do your best to the end.
Because I think that's the least bit of courtesy to the dueling opponent.
Finally, the end to a long battle - the moment I tried to get hit.
Thunder fell on Laura.
"Ha Ni!?"
There is no damage as you are constantly wearing defensive junctions during battle.
Still, I was surprised by the unexpected light and stopped attacking Charlotte.
That thunder was unleashed...
"What is it! How could Anna attack Laura!?"
Not only Laura, who was thundered down, but Charlotte, who took on a helped shape, shouts in surprise.
This is an intrusion into a one-on-one duel.
What are you going to do?
Both Laura and Charlotte stare at Anna.
But Anna is floating in the sky with a cool face. I'm just saying that what I did was nothing.
"When I saw the two of you fighting, I wanted to fight, too. Mix it."
"Mix it up, no"
"Mr. Anna! This is a duel between me and Laura! Since I lost the tournament finals that semester, I'm going to hit Laura here and now!
"Isn't that the one you can hit me with?
As Anna shrugged, Charlotte turned her eyes round.
"They're both cheating. I can't believe I'm just watching you fight like this for so much fun. I don't think so. Even I can fight."
Laura was relieved to hear that.
Why should the battle be one-on-one when the three of us are always playing together?
There is no such decision.
This is why Anna is so strong today.
Conversely, it makes me wonder why I didn't come up with inviting him until he broke in.
"But... if you help Anna, it won't be my revenge!
"Who told you I'd help Charlotte? I'll beat you both up."
Lightning stretched from the magic sword of thunder (Keraunos) and struck Charlotte directly.
Now Laura and Charlotte will have had electric shocks one shot at a time.
Sure, it doesn't look like he's going to put his shoulder in Charlotte.
They really want triplets.
"And. Charlotte, you almost got pierced by an ice arrow. So the one-on-one battle is Charlotte's loss. It's settled."
"It is! That's..."
Charlotte can't say anything.
Whatever excuse you make, you lose.
I can't say such a shitty thing because of my high pride.
"Yes! Yes, I am! I would have been pierced in the heart with an ice arrow if Anna hadn't broken in!
Charlotte admitted to losing.
At this point, the one-on-one duel is over.
But it's not dawn yet.
"Second round. Let's do triplets."
Lightning and tornadoes blow around Anna.
It's a tremendous war.
It seemed like a model that people could only increase their warfare so far without negative emotions such as hatred and resentment.
"I never mind. Doesn't that sound fun!
"Neither do I. Because when I fought Anna before, it was a draw. Today is the day to win!
"That's the line over here. And even Laura wins."
Thus the battle between Laura and Charlotte marked the end, and a riot by the three began.
It wasn't Anna the proponent who fired the first shot......
Charlotte defeated in the first round and is burning in revenge...... not either.
It was Laura.
"Light. Darkness. Flame. Water. Thunder. Wind, the power that dwells in Morula. Eat my magic. Collect, obey, lay low. And I command you, destroy everything."
Laura's magic is strong.
Even stronger than what sums up the magical double-sword magic that Charlotte and Anna have.
I mean, Laura better be challenged. It's the intercepting side.
Hence it is common sense to give in the lead, but the triplets of reason. Brawl.
At any rate, it would be more fun to open a mess or a mess.
So Laura unleashed all sorts of magic, all sorts of different attributes.
"What is this!
"Too colorful for my eyes to tickle......!
Laura's magic spreads all around her because she also shot without directing.
That randomly became arrows of light, balls of darkness and flamethrowing, causing indiscriminate destruction.
Charlotte and Anna, caught up in it from close range, wouldn't be a hoarding thing.
But that's why I want to see how you two deal with it.
"You just have to reflect on this stuff!
Charlotte would still do that.
Even though the number, variety, and power are unattended, they reflect brilliantly on Laura all the attack magic that has flown around her. Looks like a break brought back concentration. Reliable.
And Anna.
Will it be slashed and torn with a magical double sword? Or will it be accelerated and dodged by the wind's magic sword (Anemoi) gust? Or another means that Laura can't even imagine.
"I will not spare you. Enjoy everything you can."
The moment Anna squeaked so.
Her body was wrapped in lightning - no, her body turned into lightning.
"Become, eh, eh!?"
Ignoring the surprise Laura, the thunderstorm dodges the end of the attack magic.
Not only did it look like it, but its speed of movement was like thunder.
Almost close to instantaneous travel.
When it glowed shiny, the lightning has already moved to the next location.
And the thunderstorm approached Laura and circled behind Laura -.
"Wow, it's so easy to get behind Laura"
Anna's voice. Together, two magical swords were waved down.
"Come on!"
Laura looks back, pulls out her own sword and guards one.
Take the other with a sword of light made of magic.
I barely made it.
"Anna...... I was like thunder earlier, what do you mean?
"Thanks again, I can be thunder now. Like this."
In front of Laura, Anna again turned that body into a thunderbolt.
It is no longer in the shape of a person, only the bees and the light of aerial discharge spread.
It moved away from Laura in an instant, moving the air to Zigzak to show it.
"is too fast to follow with your eyes!
Charlotte makes a hurry.
Laura feels exactly the same way.
This doesn't even lock you in a dimensional warehouse. It's still easier to hit normal attack magic, but hypothetically, does it work for Anna, who has become a lightning bolt?
And thoughts.
"I'm tired, so I'm going back to normal"
Anna disarmed the lightning and became the usual.
Apparently there are constraints on continuous use.
Otherwise it's too invincible.
"Anna. Since when can you do that...?
"Winter break. I was training with my master and I could do something. After that, I practiced and became free to use it. Isn't that amazing? Eh."
Anna is prestigious with an unchallenged voice.
"No, it's already too awesome... but there's absolutely no invincible moves. At the end of the day, I'll win."
"Oh, I'm the one who wins!
Laura and Charlotte's attack magic approaches Anna at the same time.
but thunder electrified again.
I avoid it at my leisure.
"Thunder is thunder!
Charlotte shoots lightning strike magic in a row.
But it doesn't hit.
Even at the same lightning speed, it is pointless if the aim is not set.
Anna hits Charlotte with lightning.
Charlotte was wrapping her whole body in a reflective dimension barrier.
Anna is thus bounced back, but repeatedly hits her body several times at lightning speed.
Still, because of the lack of clarity, Anna turned her target into Laura and ran into her.
"Huh. I'm getting used to lightning speed, too!
Laura opened the gate of the dimensional warehouse in Anna's direction of travel.
At thunder speed as it is, Anna is swallowed up by the gate - and then disarms the thunderbolt just before.
And fly and move in the wind, as usual.
"Nice brake! But at that rate!
Unlightning Anna is easy to aim for. Once again, open the gates of the Dimension Warehouse, and this is the end.
"That's not gonna happen."
Anna turns into lightning again. but soon back to humans, thunderbolting again.
"Oh, that? I can't read through the motion!
If it's fast, it's easier to read it for me to stay much faster.
Things go crazy when it gets faster or slower.
Moreover, Anna makes an exquisite switch to avoid being read the pattern.
It's not what I'm doing with my mind, it's proof that I was practicing like Charlotte.
Anna suddenly appeared in front of Laura.
A magic sword looms from left to right.
Laura chose to fight back instead of dodging......
Anyway, he approached me from Anna. That also remains an entity.
If you're from this close range, you can't make it to lightning again and try to escape!
But this is triplets.
Sometimes in one-on-one battles, you can make the right choice, or you can be a bad guy.
"Thou art black. Thou art the darkness. Thou hast come to an end. It's all the way to the end. Suck my magic and manifest it here. Down to this land..."
Charlotte's chanted magic was activated over Laura and Anna's head.
That's a black pillar.
It's the size that's getting smaller all the time, but it's the same thing that snapped Laura's arm earlier.
A black pillar crashes into Laura and Anna, who were about to clash their attack magic and magic sword.
How should it move?
Do you two want to stop the black pillars together?
Or simply run away?
One hundredth of a second.
Laura and Anna spoke with their eyes.
The answer is, continue.
Fine, keep fighting.
Laura's arrow of emitted light and Anna's double sword bumped into each other and exploded.
Competing and losing to it, Anna backs off a lot.
And Laura's victory makes her the underside of a falling black pillar.
But this is a once-eating attack. That, too, is weaker than earlier.
Then there's no problem. No, on the contrary, I'll use you.
Laura grabbed the black pillar and shook it down.
On that line, Anna and Charlotte are both there.
"Turn my magic into a blunt instrument!?"
"I'll run away."
Anna thunderbolted and left one foot ahead.
Charlotte becomes somewhat of a temperamental face and raises her arms high in an attempt to receive the pillars.
But that's a bluff. Anyway, the black pillar was originally put out by Charlotte.
Therefore, it can also be erased at her will.
The pillars disappear just before they touch Charlotte.
And some of the magic that comprised the pillars went back to Charlotte, this time in a conical shape. Looks like he's going to fire it at Laura.
The electricity bounced off and Anna appeared behind Charlotte.
Magic sword to be waved down.
"There's a gap."
The magic sword slashes the sky.
Charlotte's figure was there, but the blade was bare.
It is a virtual statue made of distorted light.
And it wasn't only Charlotte's appearance that was distorted, but also the black cone.
You were supposed to be pointing your cutting edge at Laura forward, but sometime back. I mean, it was geared towards Anna, who just showed up.
Charlotte was reading that Anna would be slashed from behind if she showed a gap.
But Anna's reflex nerves and lightning speed outweigh Charlotte's reading.
The black cone flew far away, reshaping the distant mountains.
Anna, who picked up her life in the critical, is materializing and sweating sloppily.
"At that time, Anna was in a hurry... Hmm. It helps."
"Oh my God, I could totally afford it..."
"It says it was a big pinch on your face. Wow"
We launched a fierce offensive.
The Wang du was no longer in the aftermath and had no trace.
But all three of them are alive.
The battle is now for real.
"Come on, let's go on. It's a long night."
"Ugh. Just what I want."
"I've never had such a fun fight. I want to keep going."
Extreme battles that can lead to defeat if you lose your mind even for a moment.
Yet everyone, was laughing.
'Cause I'm not in a fight, there can't be any resentment, no stakes.
I'm just fighting because I want to.
It's decided for fun.
Tonight, the biggest clash.
Finally, the earth is torn...
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