Key To A Goblin's Heart

Chapter 130 - Behind The Screen

Mike's POV

"So, did you do it"? Jake asked me as soon as I entered my room. 

"Yes, I told her I was removing a bug," I admitted. "What about you"? 

Jake suppressed a smile before he said, "I told him he has very smooth hair" And he ended up laughing.

"You are having fun teasing Maland, aren't you" I narrowed my gaze at him.

"Hey, if you were there you'd understand. His 'Gay-panic' mode is just hilarious af" He continued to laugh. "Besides, you told me that he was unbearable. Shouldn't you be on board with me teasing him a little bit"? Jake tilted his head.

"Fine" I simply shrugged. "Now what"? 

"Wait" Jake pulled out his laptop and started to… well I dunno, do something. It was a miracle how he was so good at computers given his major was arts, and not computer science. Honestly, he could easily fool anyone with his tech knowledge. 

"You know, if you are so good with computers, how come you didn't pursue it"? I ended up asking.

"Computers are a hobby, not a passion" Jake mumbled simply before his screen lit up with a map. "So, this is where our Goblin duo are." He pointed at the screen. The street looked tad familiar. It wasn't a place where high society people lived, which made me wonder, why is the Goblin princess there? 

"Is that where they are staying"? I murmured. That would be crazy right? Why would she choose this place instead of her old, magnificent house?

"Wait, let us find out" Jake did something again, and soon we heard some noises. "Wait, lemme filter these out" Jake typed a few stuff before the feed became clear. "We're in. Let's see what our goblins are planning".

"Our Goblins"? I raised an eyebrow. 

"Well, they are here bothering us. Why not"? Jake shrugged. It was weird how after losing memories he transitioned back to his childish playful self. With no burden of Linda's death, or loving her… he seemed so free. It made me wonder if it's a blessing in disguise. Should he regain his memories or not? Why burden him with painful memories once more?

"Can you believe it?" Jake snorted, gaining my attention back.

"Believe what"? I asked.

"Didn't you hear? They are trying for a babysitting job"! He laughed. 

"They're what"? I widened my eyes. I have never seen Cassie around babies, but I do remember our conversation when I was young. Speaking from experience she was not so bad at dealing with the young. 

"Yeah, it seems they will go there tomorrow." Jake informed me. We kept tabs on them for the rest of the day, but nothing significant popped up. No mention of Victoria, or Maefhaelore or Arpholeus, or even us making me doubt at a point that were they even Cassie and Maland? Or simply two people who looked like them.

The next day, Jake put on the feed once more. At this rate this stalking might become our daily life. For someone who likes to mind his own business, I must say I am not sure how comfortable I am with our new dynamic. "Wait, did the lady just say Mike"? Jake mumbled once I heard my name.

"Whoa, a namesake" I chuckled. I doubt if that will elicit any response from Cassie? Not that she would say anything then and there. On further listening I came to know that this 'Mike' was autistic, and also witnessed Cassie's attempt at explaining it to Maland. Her approach wasn't that bad which involuntarily brought up a smile on my face.

The same ordeal repeated the next day, with us tracking their every move. "Is it me, or is this not fun anymore"? Jake asked. 

"Right"? I scoffed. "These two barely talk, and even when they do they barely mention Maefhaelore. Or Victoria. I am starting to think this whole plan was just pointless." I groaned.

"I agree," Jake mumbled. "I'll shut it. I have homework to do" Jake sighed. The moment he was about to press a key, we heard a noise. It was followed by some panicked noises which made both of us worried.

Soon I heard another familiar voice. It was clear from the manner of speaking that she held malicious intent. I looked at Jake only to realise that he probably doesn't remember her. Should I tell him? I guess I should, he deserves to know. "She was Linda's killer"

Jake's head snapped at me while he stared at me with widened eyes, "We got to do something about her" Jake insisted. "I might not remember much about Linda, but I do know that she deserved justice."

"Wanna go and check"? I asked.

"I do, but how" Jake raised his shoulders and pointed vigorously at the screen, "I mean, see the area. They are miles away from here. It would take us at least an hour to get there, if not more".

I blinked at the screen, trying to see the location while looking for any shortcuts. Suddenly a plan hit my head and I spoke up, "Portals."

"What"? Jake narrowed his gaze at me.

"Portals. I took us to the Goblin world with portals. I can do that magic. I can take us there"! I jumped.

"Okay, then what"? Jake asked. "I know you tell me I have training, but I remember nothing" He panicked.

"Look, we can just observe. Those two are way more trained than us. I am sure they can handle themselves. If they can't, We'll come up with a plan" I proposed.

Jake looked at me for a second before nodding, "Okay, let's do this". Having his affirmation, I focused all the energy into conjuring a portal that would link these two places. Once it opened up, I saw an arrow stuck to the ground with a 45 degree angle. I hope they are arrow-proof or whatever. 

We walked in through the portal before I closed it for good. It took us a while, but we finally spotted those two fighting for their lives. 

On careful observation, I realised that the woman who killed Linda was gone from the site. What kept me still in my place was two giant beasts raging at them with everything they got. Can Cassie and Maland fight against it? I wondered. I followed it's trail in secret, while Jake stuck to me like a kid does to his mother. I noticed they tried to distract the beast with a hologram (?) magic, but the beast somehow figured out (I am guessing due to his smell) their real location and jumped.

At that very moment I felt something snap in me and I screamed. What was I trying? To distract them? Anyways, what surprised me was that my scream was muffled by the shriek of those beasts who were on fire. Within seconds their entire body turned into nothing but ashes. Looking around I realised it was not just the beast, but everyone who was trying to attack Cassie and Maland. Luckily they were safe, and so was Jake who seemed a bit more terrified. "Mike" Cassie whispered as soon as she noticed me, surprised by my sudden appearance. Maland who stood next to her looked just as surprised to see both of us. "You… you did that'' She looked around for the ashes on the ground. "You saved us," she whispered. 

I simply blinked at her, unsure of how to respond to her. Seeing her all these days, pretending not to know her, it hasn't been that easy for me either. "You didn't forget did you?" Her voice quivered as she asked.

"If I did, you would be dead" With much bitterness, I replied. A smile appeared on her face, contrasting which a tear escaped her eyes. "Now that the cat's out of the bag, why are you here Cassie"? Her eyes lit up as soon as I mentioned her name. 

"What do you want? You made it perfectly clear that we don't belong in each other's lives anymore. Then why are you back here"? I asked. I couldn't stop myself from bombarding her with all these. I asked myself these same questions for the past couple of days and it's been driving me crazy. 

"I missed you," Cassie whispered.

"Why"? I scoffed. "I thought this is what you wanted"? 

"I did too" Cassie took a deep breath. "I was wrong. When you told me you liked me, it freaked me out. Not because you are not a goblin, but because… I have been heartbroken before, and I did not want to fall for anyone else." She sighed. "I guess I forgot that I can't control whom I fall for".

"Wait, are you saying…"? I trailed off. Her words meant only one thing, and yet I was too scared to expect that.

"Yes, Mike," She nodded. "I too have feelings for you. When you were gone, when you didn't remember who I was, or at least you pretended, I was devastated. All I could think of was that if I could reverse time, I would… and tell you how I feel" She took another deep breath, "I love you, Michael Dumas" There, she said it. I froze on my spot unsure of how I should respond. All I knew was that we simply stared at each other.

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