The first question is, Kiana didn't say what the business involved in the meeting was before the meeting, and I don't think it will harm everyone's interests.

So can you tell us your purpose, distinguished alien visitor?"

Miss Otto stretched out her white silk hand and made a gesture of invitation to Konpeito.

The goal was clear. Everyone came to the meeting in a daze because of the call of the aliens and Kiana, but they didn't know what the purpose of the meeting was.

Otto's question also solved the problem in everyone's mind, and they all looked at the black ball in the middle.

Although he was stared at by everyone, Konpeito, as an elder of a tribe, did not show any timidity.

"Hello everyone, I am the elder of the Hugus clan, Konpeito. First of all, I will introduce our origins to you to show my sincerity..."

Konpeito stroked his beard gently after finishing speaking, and sorted out the following words.

"We, the Hugus clan, come from another world or a civilization in the vast universe. We originally had a similar appearance to humans on Earth, and our civilization was also accompanied by the disaster of collapse.

But our civilization has gone through untold hardships and finally crossed the collapse. Just when everyone was full of joy, a more advanced civilization from alien space landed on our planet...

They plundered all our energy and destroyed our civilization.

For the survival of the civilized race, we abandoned our flesh and used technology to transform into a spiritual existence, which is what we look like now.

We used all the resources of civilization to turn a world bubble into a candy house with a jump function, using all the core They merged together to create the dimensional weapon, Sugar Silver Key,

Finally, we escaped the pursuit of the alien civilization,

After that, in the long years, our Hugus clan kept looking for a civilization that could coexist with us,

Then we discovered the earth, secretly observing humans, whether we could achieve a symbiotic relationship with us,

Just a while ago, Miss Kiana found a child of our clan and told the Hugus clan that she could allow the Hugus clan to coexist with humans. The above is our experience so far...

Ouch, I sprained my old waist by talking too much in one breath..."

Konpeito leaned on the floating platform with a cane and bent over, gently pounding his back.

As for why the spirit felt backache, it is unknown, it may be a mental phantom pain!

"Oh? I am a little interested in the candy house and dimensional weapons you created. I wonder if I can watch them after the meeting."

When Weiwei "Expert" heard that there was a crystal created by alien technology, he temporarily pushed "Mystic Scholar" offline.

"I'm also slightly interested. I wonder if we can go together later, Miss Weiwei."

Looking in the direction of the voice, a woman with long, smooth red hair and red eyes, wearing a scientific research suit and a monocle, said with a little interest.

This woman is the director of the Tianming Saint 1504 Research Institute, Elizabeth Changguang McSmith, who is responsible for the weapon technology research and development of the entire Tianming.

It is also Changguang A-mon. It is rumored that she can hammer out all kinds of magical weapons for you... I think she should have a lot in common with the "expert".

"No problem, one more person for technical exchange means one more idea, which is helpful to both of us."

The "expert" nodded and agreed.

And Konpeito did not stop it. The technology can be exchanged with the other party. This is also part of the price to be paid for the coexistence exchange.

As for the core technology, Konpeito will definitely not take the initiative to hand it over. This is the trump card of their Hugs family. Of course, if they get along well in the future, they can also share the core technology.

Or maybe they can research their core technology from the Candy House and Sugar Silver Key.

Konpeito is still confident in the foundation of the clan. He believes that with the current level of technology on Earth, it is not possible to analyze it all.

But he forgot that there are a bunch of perverted scientists on Earth, as well as geniuses like Vervi, and even Mei who will return in the future.

"Of course, the old man welcomes you, but please temporarily disguise yourself as the Hugus clan... otherwise the children in the clan will still be scared..."

Konpeito agreed to the two people's application for a visit.

"So... will your existence harm humans? Friend or enemy, choose it"


"Sorry everyone, my Kaiwen is talking nonsense, don't pay attention to her, just continue"

Hearing Kaiwen's sudden attack, Vita, who had been closing her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes, banged Kaiwen's head, and apologized to the people around her.

"Hahaha, thank you, Lord of the World Snake, for livening up the atmosphere. After listening to Elder Konpeito's past experiences,

I think your ultimate goal is to coexist peacefully with humans, and you are even willing to share all the technology of your clan for this, right?"

Through the experience of their clan, Otto guessed their demands and the chips they could offer.

Although Otto's technology was all based on the archaeological pre-civilization technology, his own scientific research strength is not as good as several geniuses of the pre-civilization.

But Otto's ability as a leader is still the best in the world, and he still has this vision and wisdom.

"Yes, of course, our tribe's technology is not only exchanged for coexistence with humans, but also... shelter."

Konpeito turned around and looked at Kiana, who was lying on the conference table, drooling, as if she was dreaming.

"So that's it... It makes sense, why a remnant of civilization is willing to give everything to cooperate and coexist with humans can be explained."

Miss Walter pushed her glasses. She had always doubted the true motives of the Hugus tribe before, but now it seems that her worries are unnecessary.

"I'm not interested in other things, but I'm still very interested in the structure of creatures like you."

<>Mebius licked his lips and looked at Konpeito with an aggressive look.

Transformed into a spiritual body, that is, a kind of eternal life that abandons the flesh. She wanted to cut open the body of this little black hairy ball to see.

Because even if Hugus is a spiritual body, she doesn't know why it can be touched by matter.

"Forget about this... I can give you the conversion technology, but the records of the technology are a little incomplete, so you have to research and complete it yourself..."

Konpeito wiped the cold sweat from his furry head and shrank back in fear. It felt like being targeted by a top predator, no less than the invasion of alien civilizations, or even better?

"We all understand the matter of technology sharing. The people present and the organizations they represent will discuss and absorb the technical information, and each will take what they want.

Next, I have a question. How did you... cross the end?"

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