After Kiana came out, she saw Vita, who had long gray hair and purple eyes, looking at Kiana with a puzzled look.

(From now on, this is Big Vita, Su Bian is called Yingjie Vita, and the past is represented by <>)

"Vita, right?"

Kiana crossed her arms and walked to Vita with a serious face, raised her head slightly, and looked at her with a haughty look through her nose.

"Well, I'm Vita, who are you?"

Vita tilted her head slightly, made a cute and puzzled expression, and her voice was mixed with a hint of laziness.

She had never seen this person before.

Since she used the Ark's ecological library to build Foros on this planet, she has all the identity data of the residents here. This lady doesn't look like a local resident of Foros, especially in terms of clothing.

But the other party seemed to know her, and her attitude was very arrogant, and there was a slight breath of the quantum sea. Could it be a colleague sent by Suo to her or a boss who came from heaven?

Vita decided to listen to what the lady had to say. Anyway, taking up such a short time would not affect her observation of other world bubbles, and the other party looked very interesting.

Since being separated and created by Suo, Vita repeated the boring and boring operation of observing the world and destroying the world bubble day after day under Suo's control.

She also often went out to plunder things from various world bubbles to collect them in her small museum.

By the way, she also worked part-time as an administrator of Foros.

Well, she also had seven little Vitas and an intelligent robot as colleagues of Foros.

"I'm your new boss. I'm here to see how you're doing."

Kiana walked around the management room in a pretentious manner, touching the equipment here from time to time, raising her hands to her eyes and rubbing her fingers.

"Hey, Vita! Isn't it time to check Frost's air circulation system? Your management room is full of dust."

Kiana secretly created a little dust on her fingertips, and then stretched her white and tender little hand in front of Vita, letting her see the dust on her fingertips.

"Oh~ So, leader, are we going to conduct air circulation quality inspection now?"

Vita put her hand in front of her mouth and looked at the small handful of dust on Kiana's fingers and said.

She didn't know where the dust in the management room came from. Logically, the circulation system here would not produce this kind of dust.

So there is only one answer, this new "leader" is making things difficult for her!

Vita even had a little expectation, looking forward to what this "leader" can do for her.


Bella looked at Kiana with her eyes slightly downcast. She didn't know what this lovely lady was going to do.

"Alas, it seems that we need to conduct air circulation testing. You are not very rigorous in your work. I just found a big problem with the air quality when I came here."

Kiana sighed pretentiously and patted Vita's shoulder, saying that I am very worried about your ability to work.

"Okay, leader, then wait for me, I will take off my clothes."

As she said that, Vita raised her foot and took off her short high heels and threw them aside. She also put her hands on her clothes as if she really wanted to take off herself in front of Kiana.

Kiana nodded with an expression that she was very sensible, indicating that Vita was very sensible, but then she directly stopped Vita's actions.

"Eh~? Why are you stopping me? I have to actively cooperate with the leader's requirements. If cosmic dust enters the air circulation system, I have to know whether it has any effect on the skin?"

After Vita glanced at the maid who had been staring at this side, her eyes moved to Kiana, with a hint of playfulness in her lazy eyes.

Although one hand was caught by Kiana, she switched to the other hand to continue taking off the complicated clothes on her body.

"Ahem, Vita, don't take it off yet. There are many people here. I will give you a special examination in my room at night."

Kiana saw that Vita had not stopped her hand action. After coughing lightly, she put her head close to Vita's ear and whispered softly.

Kiana spoke in a low voice, afraid that Bella would hear and report it.

Now Kiana regretted it very much. She regretted why she brought Bella out. This was too much of a delay!

If Bella was not here, she would have a good talk with Vita here.

"Oh~? Is the new leader interested in Vita's body? That's not okay~"

Vita's face froze when she heard Kiana's words.

Then she rejected Kiana in a light tone.

She was just teasing Kiana, but she didn't expect Kiana to be shy and instead came up to her.

Vita pulled out the hand that Kiana had grabbed, pulled up the clothes that had been pulled down to her shoulders, and tightened the collar quietly.

But Vita saw that Kiana was still staring at her little feet, so she immediately picked up the short high heels she had taken off and put them on again.

Then Vita looked at Kiana with a vigilant expression on her face, protecting her chest.

Can't let this girl see seven little Vitas.

Vita thought so.

"Okay, okay~ You are not my new boss at all, right? Although I don't know why Suo opened the door for you personally"

After ignoring Kiana's sight, Vita sat in the empty position without buttons on the console, put her slender right leg on her left leg, and said.

Because the little smell of the quantum sea she just exuded was deliberately for her to see.

As for why Vita was so sure, it was because she couldn't feel anything from Kiana now, just like an ordinary person.

She restrained her energy in this way, and was personally sent over by Suo, but her expression didn't change at all. Moreover, the woman standing over there unconsciously exuded a stronger energy aura than Suo, and it seemed that she was still the female puppet of the white-haired woman.

(Suo was just a mechanism and a cocoon of the end, but the magnitude difference was not a little bit, and it couldn't be compared with Bella who evolved into a planetary-level Honkai beast)

Although she didn't dare to believe it, the woman in front of her was probably stronger than Suo, no, definitely stronger than Suo.

So a plan gradually formed in Vita's heart. She wanted to get rid of Suo's control, and she could make a little sacrifice for this.

If she did it perfectly, then in the future, at worst, she could seize Suo's power and replace her, or gain more power than Suo.

Of course, what Vita did now was just for Kiana to see, to let Kiana know that she was not such an easy woman to get.

"Although I'm not your boss, I can be your boss. How about it? Do you want to come to my place? The treatment is better than Suo's."

Kiana made an OK gesture with one hand and winked at Vita, trying to steal her away from Suo.

Vita is smart and capable, and Kiana likes her very much. Come and be my secretary.

Secretary work is fine, and if there is nothing else...

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