The more you know about the sea, the more you will be able to see the sea.

Only after Kiana strengthened herself could Vita feel how powerful Kiana was.

Unhindered, she could draw the power of the quantum sea to bless others, just like an agent of the quantum sea.

No, an agent would not be so smooth, Kiana was more like the quantum sea itself.

But Vita knew that the sea had no consciousness, and she and Suo had never seen the sea say a word to them for so many years.

So Vita could only judge that Kiana had some degree of close connection with the sea, but she couldn't think of what it was.

Anyway, it didn't matter, now she was out of Suo's control, although she had a new boss.

But Kiana did not impose any restrictions on her. There was nothing unfree except that the underlying logic did not allow her to have unfavorable thoughts about Kiana.

"Ahem, okay, Vita, stop seducing me. I have something to do."

Kiana spoke to Vita with a serious face and glanced at Bella obscurely, indicating that she had someone else.

"Okay, okay~ I understand, so is there anything else to ask me?"

Vita deliberately looked at Bella and gave her a sweet smile, then looked at Kiana again.

"Can you take me to the location of the wreckage of the Ark, the Ark that was attacked by So 1,500 years ago?"

"Oh~ That's it, sure, come with me."

Vita listened to Kiana's words and began to lead Kiana. The wreckage of the Ark was not far from here.

She remembered the Ark that passed by the edge of the solar system and was attacked by So at that time.

Suo noticed the Ark when it passed by Venus a long time ago, but was intercepted by Suo when it was about to leave the solar system.

Suo used the ecological library carried on the Ark to rebuild a new Vlosa, which is now Foros.

To be more precise, it was Hesper, the predecessor of Foros, but Hesper had been destroyed by Suo, and the survivors of Hesper reorganized Foros after the disaster.

Although Suo tried to rebuild the glory of Vlosa, Vita always believed that the people created by using the gene library carried by the Ark were not Vlosa people, but the same race as the girl sleeping in the Ark.

But Suo seemed unwilling to listen to this, and was a little crazy. After talking with her, he even gave up his morality, kindness, and various emotions, and transformed into seven little Vitas, as managers to monitor Foros with her.

Soon, Vita took Kiana and Bella to a bridge formed by the wreckage of the Ark.

After clearing the alien guards along the way, Kiana and the others successfully arrived inside the Ark and arrived at the room where Gresh had rested.

"These... are all the gifts they gave to Gresh before she left."

Kiana found some personal accessories and other things that Gresh had given her before she left in the somewhat messy room.

Perhaps it was to make Gresh less lonely during the journey, and to accompany Gresh with the things that she missed.

Kiana collected all these things together, constructed a small suitcase with a built-in imaginary folding space, and put them all in.

"It seems that you know the girl on the Ark. Did you come to Foros for her?"

Vita leaned against the door and hugged her chest, watching Kiana searching in the room.

"I know her, but she may not know me yet. This time I came to take her home. She has been away from home for too long."

As Kiana said this, she and Bella searched the entire room and put all of Gresh's belongings into the suitcase one by one.

After cleaning up the room, the three of them, led by Vita, came to the hibernation chamber of Grayshu.

"In 50,000 years, Grayshu has grown up, but poor squad leader Fu Hua is still a Shenzhou tablet, alas~"

Looking at Grayshu's mature face through the glass of the head of the hibernation chamber, Kiana shook her head and sighed after comparing it with Fu Hua.

Fu Hua, who was pickling Chun Bu Lao in the backyard of the top of Taixu Mountain, suddenly sneezed, scaring Xiao Xuan.

After Kiana opened the door of the hibernation chamber, she stretched out her hand and pinched the soft face of Big Grayshu.

Perhaps because the hibernation chamber was opened and the hibernation device stopped working, Grayshu's eyebrows on her calm face due to sleep trembled slightly.

After a few minutes, Grayshu slowly opened her eyes.

Because she had been sleeping for too long, her eyes looked a little blurry when she opened them just now, and then she rubbed them with her hands.

After opening her eyes again, Grayshu saw three of her

There were no faces she had seen before, and one of them even kneaded her face with his hands.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Gresh stood up, reached out and took away the hands that were frozen on her face, and asked Kiana and the other two with a slightly silly and confused look.

She remembered that she had suffered an unknown attack before entering the hibernation chamber, and then entered the hibernation chamber under the guidance of the Ark administrator.

"I am Kiana Kaslana, this is Bella, my dear maid, and this is Vita. I am here to take you back to Earth."

Kiana reached out and pulled Gresh out of the hibernation chamber, introduced the three people on her side to her, and told her the purpose of this visit.

"Hello, I am Gresh, thank you for waking me up, if it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have slept here..."

Gresh nodded to Kiana in gratitude, and then stepped on the ground with her jade feet wrapped in white silk, not caring at all whether the soles of her feet would be contaminated by the dirt on the ground.

The system in the Ark is dormant. The time she set in the dormant cabin is indefinite. If no outsider wakes her up, she will be forever immersed in the endless reincarnation dream created by the unknown existence.

"By the way... just now you said you were here to take me back to Earth... does that mean that Earth has defeated Honkai? And there is a way to jump across the stars?"

Thinking of what Kiana said just now, Gray Xiu was a little surprised. She remembered that before she fell asleep, her coordinates were 4500 astronomical units away from the solar system, that is, at the edge of the solar system.

Now that the Earth has defeated Honkai, it even has the technology to jump to such a far distance in a short time?

And it seems that the other party seems to be very familiar with her, and should have read her information.

"No! We have to leave here quickly! Before we are discovered by the existence that attacked me"

Suddenly remembering the existence that attacked her, Gray Xiu frowned, she thought that their abilities were not enough to defeat the other party.

"Gresh, the one you are talking about should be Suo. She won't attack us, and if she really wants to fight, she can't beat us."

Kiana knew what Gresh was worried about, and told her not to be nervous, it was just a Suo.

Then Kiana slightly released her own aura, her eyes slightly brightened, and she looked at Gresh with a smile.

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