The arena was full of gods and humans from all ages.

At this moment, the entire Valhalla Arena was filled with gods and humans from all ages.

They all cheered loudly for the upcoming opening of Ragnarok.

"How long have I waited?"

"It's finally time to blow Galar! Declare the final struggle of the gods against humans!"

In the center of the arena, Heimdall, the doomsday watcher guarding the Rainbow Bridge, held the golden horn and danced passionately.

"It's time for Ragnarok to start! Are you all ready?!" Heimdall pointed to the audience and asked loudly!

In response to Heimdall, the gods present cheered. At this moment, they seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and they all showed excitement.

"The rules are very simple. When one of the gods or humans dies, existence itself will be destroyed forever! Then the winner will be decided!"

After briefly introducing the rules, Heimdall suddenly pointed to the gate where the gods represented the contestants!

"First round of the battle! The one who will lead the gods is!"


"Ahem, interrupt, answer the phone"

Heimdall, who was about to announce the candidate, was interrupted by the ringing of his mobile phone. He awkwardly reached out to take out his mobile phone to answer it.

"What? Ah... is it... eh? Really? OK! Got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Heimdall coughed lightly to regroup.

"In his hands, wisdom and strategy are his weapons! And his eyes represent boundless insight!

He is the symbol of wisdom! His wisdom comes from the in-depth exploration and understanding of the mysteries of the universe!

He is not only a god of war! He is also a leader with profound thoughts and outstanding wisdom!

Let us welcome the first round of battle! The one who leads the gods! The leader of all Norse gods! The Nordic God King! Odin!!!"

Heimdall's passionate performance led the atmosphere of the whole audience. Hearing that the first person to appear was the Nordic God King, the cheers of the gods resounded throughout the audience!

On the other hand, the human seats were directly shrouded in an atmosphere of despair.

Unexpectedly, they did not expect that in just the first game, the representatives of the gods sent out the Lord of the Nine Realms in the mythology they knew, the God King Odin.

On the human side, it was really hard to imagine who in their history could defeat the other side.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and the more negative I became. At the Gods' Seat, all kinds of small gods began to clamor, insulting humans and showing great contempt for them.

The gods looked down on humans. They didn't understand that a small human race dared to challenge the sky? In the eyes of these gods, this behavior was very funny.

A figure slowly walked out of the gate of the Gods' Representatives' Party, and the entire arena suddenly became silent as if the still button was pressed.

After Odin, dressed in black, walked to the arena with two crows as his followers, cheers broke out again.

"Odin! Crush these ignorant humans!"

"Crush them!"

"Odin! When did you change your crows to hairless ones? Huh? Why are you so far away from me?"

Don't stay away? What if they get angry and suffer together? Does this NT God have a brain...

Look, the clear sky in the heavens was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the black aura on Odin surged and spread around.

At this time, a golden light flashed, and a pure golden spear nailed the unlucky guy who just spoke badly to the seat, turning into blue fragments and dissipating in the air.

"Ah! That! Lord Odin! Please calm down!"

Heimdall looked at Odin tremblingly. Although he was also very scared now, afraid that Odin would vent his anger on him, he didn't want the Ragnarok he had waited for for a long time to be destroyed by Odin, so he unexpectedly became bolder and advised Odin.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, Odin closed his eyes and waited for Heimdall to continue to announce the next representative of the human side.

Heimdall, who survived the disaster, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath to calm down.

"Next, please welcome the representative of the human side! She is! Wait a minute..." Heimdall looked at the introduction of the human representative in his hand, confirmed it several times, and finally seemed unsure. He looked up at Brunhilde standing in the aisle of the audience. After seeing Brunhilde nod to indicate that he had no problem, he continued to read: "She is a human

, is also a Herrscher, a rebel against fate!

She keeps moving forward on a thorny road! A warrior who stands up again and again with the company of her companions!

A warrior of hope who inherited the will of her teacher and friend, holding the firewood and resisting the ruler!

She is also the one who inherited countless thoughts! She has crossed the final trial! She is the existence of the end!

She is also the destroyer of civilization for countless epochs!

She is! The ultimate invincible and super cute! The God of the Earth! The Herrscher of the End! Kiana Kaslana! "

Kiana Kaslana? Who is this?

At this moment, not only the gods, but also the audience on the human side were confused. The introduction said that she was the God of the Earth, but they had never heard of such a person in human history, and the last part was too out of place...

God Thomas is extremely cute, can cuteness be eaten? Can it kill Odin?

The door of the human side opened, and Kiana, with crystal wings floating on both sides, walked out slowly in the Herrscher's dress.

The doubts on the human side gradually disappeared, and they were all attracted by Kiana's mysterious temperament. They were very sure that the girl who appeared for the human side might really be the so-called God of the Earth.

The title of the destroyer of civilization? Kiana is so cute, it doesn't look like it. The first time I saw Kiana, I was deeply implanted with a cognition that elegance and cuteness are justice! How could Kiana, who is so cute, destroy civilization?

After Kiana walked to her position in the arena, she looked around and found that everyone was looking at her. She instantly regretted wearing the Herrscher's dress.

"Huh, you're here? "

"Here I come..."

"Heimdall, announce the start"

Kiana, who was possessed by the spirit of drama, puffed her face and stared at Odin.

I have thought of the lines! You don't play by the rules!

"Understood! I announce! The final battle between gods and humans! The first round of battle! Begin!"

After announcing, Heimdall blew the horn of doom, Galar, and evacuated the scene at the speed of light, fearing that he would be affected.

"Old Odin, take action, use your full strength, otherwise you will have no chance?"

Kiana stretched out a finger and hooked it at Odin, saying lightly.

"Hahahahahaha! Arrogant man! Die!"

Odin, who wanted to show the generosity of God and let Kiana take the first shot, was directly laughed at by Kiana's attitude, and directly recalled Gungnir and threw it at Kiana————

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