The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Irisviel! There's a Servant nearby! Very close! Right next to...?"

The blond suited beautiful boy (?) quickly locked his eyes on Kiana, who was sitting at the next table.

"Irisviel, the other party is a Servant! And my intuition tells me that she is very strong!"

"Don't worry, Saber, those who participate in the Holy Grail War will not take action during the day~ Hello!"

The young woman called Irisviel, with smooth white hair and red eyes, poked her head out from Saber and greeted Kiana and the others with a smile.

"Hello~ Sakura, say hello too"

"Hello... Mom, that brother has such a fierce look..."

"Sakura, don't be rude, that guy is obviously a sister!" Kiana tapped Sakura's head gently.


Sakura didn't expect that such a handsome boy was actually a girl.

Saber didn't take Sakura's words to heart. After using her omnipotent intuition to confirm that Kiana was indeed not hostile, she also let down her guard and continued to show off the barbecue in front of her.

"It seems that you haven't served the dishes yet, why don't you come here and share a table?"

"Well... OK!"

Faced with the invitation of the white-haired young woman, Kiana hesitated for 0.1 seconds and then agreed to the invitation. It was not that she was not strong enough to resist the temptation of the young woman, but it was more interesting to eat with more people! (Really)

After taking Sakura to sit over, Irisviel opened the conversation.

"My name is Irisviel Einzbern, what about you guys?"

"I'm Kiana Kaslana, Sakura, please introduce yourself."

Kiana rubbed Sakura's head, and she found that she seemed to be addicted to rubbing...

"My name is Sakura Kaslana, my mother's daughter!"

After listening to Sakura's self-introduction, she raised her little head with some pride. If there was no table between them, Irisviel would definitely rush over and hug her in her arms and love her hard.

"Sakura is so cute, sister, I also have a daughter about your age, you two will definitely get along well."

Irisviel smiled faintly, and she thought of her daughter far away in Germany.

This time she came to participate in the Holy Grail War for the ambition of the Einzbern family to complete the third method of soul materialization.

If she fails in this Holy Grail War, her daughter will be transformed into a small Holy Grail by the current head of the family and participate in the next Holy Grail War.

So even if it's not for herself this time, she must win the Holy Grail War for her lovely daughter and Emiya Kiritsugu's wish to save mankind!

"Madam, you have good taste~ You know how cute my Sakura is! Look! These big watery eyes!"

Kiana stretched out her sinful hands again and hugged Sakura in her arms, showing off to Irisviel.

Irisviel saw Kiana showing off her daughter to her, so she immediately took out her mobile phone and selected a photo of her daughter, Illya, and handed it to Kiana.

"When it comes to cuteness, my Illya is not inferior to Sakura~ right, Saber!"

Proudly with his hands on his waist, he looked at the beautiful woman in men's clothing beside him with an unquestionable tone.

Saber, who was launching a century duel against the barbecue, shook his aho-hair slightly, looked serious, and nodded to Kiana.

"Indeed, Illyasviel is a lovely child, just like a fairy in the snow!"

Saber, who was summoned in Germany in advance, played with the Master's daughter as a playmate during this period.

Of course, playing with a lovely child is something she has never experienced in her entire life as King Arthur. For her, this kind of thing is very fresh.

Inexplicably, a figure who often called her "father" suddenly appeared in Saber's mind.

If it weren't for her being King Arthur and Merlin's prophecy, would she recognize and accept the child with her genes?

Sighing slightly, why think so much, it's all in the past, and as long as the Holy Grail War is won, it can rewrite everything, right?

What Saber doesn't know is that the Holy Grail has been polluted by the evil of this world and will only distort the wishes of the user.

Of course, even the pure Holy Grail cannot answer Saber's wish...

"Hiss, white-haired loli! So scary!"

"Mom... don't look at her, look at me"

Sakura puffed up her cheeks, nudged Kiana's chin, and muttered softly.

And Kiana, who has excellent hearing, can't help but

No matter how hard it was to hear, even Saber, who was eating steamed buns and eating dry rice, heard Sakura's murmurs.

"Hehe! Of course, my Sakura is the cutest in the world!"

Kiana rubbed Sakura's head with her round chin and said with a smile.

"Illya is the cutest in the world!"

"Sakura is the cutest in the world!"



Sakura's ears turned red and she buried her face in Kiana's arms. At this moment, she was so shy that her toes could dig out a three-bedroom apartment.


The two people who were arguing about whose daughter was the cutest suddenly smiled at each other and said, "Both of them are the cutest in the world."


Soon, the four people walked out of the barbecue restaurant amid the boss's crying.

When the barbecue ordered by Kiana was served, Saber saw that Kiana ordered a lot of it, so he immediately added the same amount as Kiana and started to compete.

For King Arthur, the dining table is like a battlefield. The enemy generals have been riding on his face and attacking him. How can a king sit and wait for death!

In the horrified eyes of Sakura and Illya, the two almost ate the barbecue restaurant to bankruptcy.

In the end, the boss came out crying and making a fuss, and the two gave up. Because of this, Saber's attitude towards Kiana changed.

No longer inexplicable hostility, but like a close friend who met too late, a comrade-in-arms who can be trusted on the battlefield-

Near dusk, Kiana, who wanted to take Sakura home directly, was invited by Irisviel to take a walk on the beach in Dongmu.

"Ah~ This is the first time I see the sea! Hahaha~"

Irisviel was excited like a child, taking off her shoes and socks and trotting on the beach.

Saber was like a competent housekeeper, looking at the happy Irisviel, showing a faint smile.

"Sakura, don't you want to play?" Looking at the quiet Sakura beside him, he asked.

"It's enough for me to be by my mother's side~"

Kiana couldn't help but wonder if this child was too clingy to her.

Maybe for a child of her age, what happened before was beyond her psychological limit. She obviously had a psychological shadow and was afraid that she would abandon her without a word.

"I have always had a question"

Saber, who was standing next to Kiana, said lightly.

"What question?" Kiana tilted her head and looked at Saber in confusion.

"It is common sense to hide your real name in the Holy Grail War. Why can you say your real name without hesitation..."

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