The old man was very angry.

"Ah...? Ok... No, Siegfried, explain it clearly! You didn't have this child with someone else outside, did you?!"

Cecilia, who had reacted, picked up the Black Abyss White Flower, pointed it directly at Siegfried, and shouted with tears in her eyes.

Looking at the tip of the Black Abyss White Flower against his throat, Siegfried didn't even dare to swallow his saliva, for fear that he would accidentally cut his throat and die on the spot.

He took a step back, cold sweat dripping from his temples, and winked at Kiana.

Seeing Siegfried asking for help from her, Kiana looked away and whistled, well... she wanted to see Siegfried being abused.

Seeing that Kiana was unreliable, Siegfried looked at Celine again. Celine just glanced at him, snorted coldly and looked away. She was not kind enough to help Siegfried solve the domestic violence crisis.

"Little Kiana, go to the yard to play with the children~ Mommy has something to discuss with Dad~ Theresa~ Help take care of the children"

Cecilia put little Kiana down and let her play with Sakura and the others. She didn't want the children to see the next scene.

As Theresa ran out of the room with the children, Cecilia approached Siegfried with a gentle smile on her face.

Seeing this scene, Siegfried already knew that he was doomed. It seemed that he had to rely on himself in the end. Just as he was about to speak, he was slapped in the face by Cecilia.

After pressing Siegfried to the ground and rubbing it, Kiana's conscience was at work. She felt that it was still a bit too much, and immediately came out to stop Cecilia.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! You won't be able to kill me if you keep doing this... cough cough! Anyway, stop fighting!"

He quickly pulled Cecilia away, revealing Siegfried, who had been beaten into a pig's head. Seeing this pig's face, everyone present laughed out loud.

Irisviel felt that it was not good for a stranger to laugh out loud here, so she suppressed her laughter and retreated to the yard. Then she knelt on the ground and pounded the ground in front of the children and laughed.

"Cecilia's mother, grandma, I am your future granddaughter!"

"What...? Granddaughter?"

Cecilia, who kept a gentle and elegant smile even when she was being abused, was slightly stunned, but it was only when she heard the news that she was stunned. She accepted it much faster than others.

It may be because of her simple personality, or because Kiana really has a blood relationship with her, which made her believe it, but she still wanted to hear the details of what happened.

"So, what's going on?"

"I'm from the future. Well, there's one more thing I only told Sirin before, that is, I'm a clone born in Otto's experiment, numbered K423, born from the DNA of Kiana and Sirin plus the core fragment of the Herrscher of the Void.

It is also because of the remaining thoughts in the Herrscher's core that the consciousness was born. I am also one of the two extensions of Sirin's will..."

After saying that, she looked at the purple-haired mother apologetically. She didn't tell her the last point before.

"You said one of the two extensions... What about the other one?"

Siegfried asked with a pig head.

Kiana pointed to her head

"You may have seen it before. Qilin came out when her left eye turned golden. But she may not be able to cope with this kind of situation now? She doesn't seem to be willing to come out..."

Kiana has communicated with her heart and asked her to come out to see Cecilia, but Sirin and the others just don't want to, ε=(´ο`*))) Alas.

"Is the child called Qilin... I know, Kiana, if you don't mind, you, Qilin and Sirin will be part of this family from now on."

The gentle Cecilia stopped asking too much and gently hugged Kiana and Sirin. Although she didn't know all about the dark side of destiny, it didn't mean she hadn't seen it, and she could understand that Kiana's clones had a rough experience.

Cecilia had already imagined Kiana's rough life, so she unconsciously hugged them tighter.

"That, the two black-haired children just now are my adopted children. I named them Ying Kaslana and Lin Kaslana..."

"Is that so... It's okay, it's better to make the house more lively. In this way, little Kiana, um... should be called Bianca, and Bianca will have a playmate"

Since they have already accepted the two people in front of them, then adding a few more children will be a big deal.

It doesn't matter if she has a son-in-law and a granddaughter. As the strongest Valkyrie and Saint Shanyat, she has the ability to raise a few more children!

"Then this one is... the Honkai Beast..."

"She is Bella, my mother Silin's companion Honkai Beast, the Judgment-level Honkai Beast Benares!"

Pulling Bella over, Kiana introduced Cecilia to this most loyal partner who had been protecting her until death in Kiana's memory.


Finally, after a series of explanations, Cecilia accepted the fact that she had a son-in-law and a granddaughter. Although it was very dreamy, it was a good thing for their family. At least the family was more lively.

As for why she was called Cecilia instead of grandma, because Cecilia didn't care about the name, and being called grandma would make her look old, so let Kiana call her by her name directly. Anyway, the blood relationship would not disappear, and it would not attract attention outside.

After everyone finished their work, they gathered together for a meal. Kiana suggested that everyone take a family photo together.

Irisviel wanted to refuse because she didn't belong to this family, but she was half-pushed and half-pushed by Kiana to join the family photo team and took a photo together.

Beep beep!

Just as the family photo was taken, Theresa's communicator rang, and the image of Otto's secretary Amber appeared in front of her.

"Lady Theresa, Bishop Otto has ordered people to clean up the uninhabited villa behind Lady Cecilia's house. Lady Kiana can live there in the future, and he also said that Lady Kiana will enjoy the same treatment as the bishop and can use all the resources of Tianming"

"Grandpa really said that?"

Theresa's eyes widened in disbelief. Is she really grandpa's granddaughter! You know, sometimes she needs to coax and act cute to get some pocket money, but Kiana beat her grandfather up and directly reached the top? !

No... She has to try her grandfather's soul steel face when she has time!

"The above are all Bishop Otto's instructions. Since it's a bit late today, all the documents about Lady Kiana's family will be delivered to you tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Amber bowed slightly and ended the call.

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