The girl was so cold, and the weather was very good.

Su looked at the white-haired girl who fell from the sky in front of her, and felt a little familiar with her.

Although the girl in front of her looked almost the same as Kiana except that the blue of her eyes was deeper, she had only seen this icy temperament in her best friend Kevin...

Hmm? Kevin? You really don't say, the girl's chill is the same as Kevin's!

"Su, have you also been killed..."

"Well, it was all done by Kiana... Kevin"

Hearing this familiar tone, Su completely recognized her. She didn't expect Kevin to change too! And he was still an iceberg beauty.

And even Kevin was changed, so it could only be Kiana who did it, not to mention that she had seen Kiana turn Siegfried, the First Herrscher, into that.

The only one who could change their genders quietly in this civilization was Kiana, the Herrscher of the End.

Su and Kevin looked at each other for a while...

"Pfft... Kevin, you look so beautiful like this"

"Su... You have the nerve to say that to me..."

For the first time in a long time, both of them smiled, because the appearance of Kiana ended the mission they had been carrying for tens of thousands of years.

"Alas... I want to buy osmanthus flowers and carry wine together, but it's a pity for the old friend..."

Su showed a sad look, and gently held up a falling leaf in her palm.

"No, Su, I think we can see them again..."

Kevin had such a thought inexplicably, and her intuition told her that in the future, they would definitely get together again.

At this moment, the figure of Kiana, who had just eaten noodles with her, appeared in her mind. She had a feeling that she would bring everyone to them.


Su opened her eyes wide, her lips trembling slightly, looking at the pair of slightly tired and resolute deep blue eyes. For some reason, her heart beat violently and her face blushed.

Su felt that Kevin inexplicably attracted her...

Brother, no, sister, you smell so good!

Su's face couldn't help but move closer to Kevin, and Kevin also smelled a hint of fragrance gradually approaching. He turned his head and saw Su, who was blushing, slowly approaching his face.

Kevin panicked and subconsciously reached out to push Su away, but Su also subconsciously grabbed Kevin's arm, and the two of them lay down together.

The air condensed instantly, and both of them stared at each other with wide eyes.

At this moment, Su was pressed down by Kevin, and the two of them were lips to lips and chest to chest.

Kevin's icy face couldn't hold back anymore and turned red. Because of the side effects of the fusion warrior surgery, she hadn't been close to a woman for a long time, and it was her good brother. This was too exciting.

Kevin quickly got up and looked at Su, whose eyes were a little blurry, with complicated eyes.

"Su... you..."

Hearing this, Su also came back to her senses, sat up, stroked her lips, and froze in place.

Kevin now saw a trace of the shadow of a former man in his old friend, and even the hormone-emitting look was so charming now!

He shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind and coughed lightly.

"Su, this time it was just an accident... don't mind it"

"Well, I know, Kevin"

Su's mouth curled up slightly after seeing Kevin's expression. She found that Kevin didn't reject the behavior just now, which means... he could even get closer.

Kevin was a little absent-minded at the moment. She didn't know what would happen if Mei knew.

Mei... you won't be angry if you know...


It's so fun! Iceberg beauty x intellectual girl! Record it!

Kiana secretly took a picture of this scene with a camera. If she sees Mei in the future, she will show it to her! Kiana thinks Kevin will definitely thank her!

Kiana left the Sumeru Mustard Seed with a satisfied look on her face, and no longer cared about the pair of good friends below. It was completely up to them when they wanted to go out now, so she didn't have to worry about it~

After locating Giza, Egypt, Kiana directly found the underground headquarters of the World Serpent.

After being directly teleported to the terminal of the Paradise of the Past, the entire Golden Courtyard and the fairy-faced armed puppet Klein were packed together and put in the main control cabin of the Kiana Space Station, her office. (The location is the same as the office in the Black Tower)

Since Kiana's office was superimposed by her using imaginary space, the space inside is large enough to accommodate many things.

Klein, who is maintaining the Paradise database

I found myself being transferred to another place without anyone noticing, and I was a little confused.

Small body, big eyes, big doubts.

"Klein, Kevin mortgaged you and the Golden Courtyard to me"

Klein looked up following the voice.

"You transferred me and the Golden Courtyard?"

Klein tilted his head, with only one eye exposed and a little confused.

Kiana nodded, and after telling Klein about the matter, the latter did not object. Anyway, the World Snake was also maintaining the Paradise of the Past World, and here was also the Paradise of the Past World, it didn't matter.

Klein began to call up the panel and check whether there was any abnormality in the Paradise of the Past World data. After all, he suddenly changed his location, so he still had to do some necessary checks to avoid data loss and timely repair.

"Can I go in now, Klein?"

"Yes, you can, but it's best to wait until the data self-check is completed..."

Klein kept tapping the transparent keyboard in front of him. Due to the huge amount of data, it might take a long time.

"Well then... Eh? You knew I was back so soon."

Kiana looked at the portal that suddenly opened beside her, and Xilin came out with the three kids.

"You rushed out just to bring this thing back...?"

Xilin looked at everything in the hall, the bar counter, the wall full of collections, the laboratory table, and the strange device floating and rotating in the innermost.

She couldn't see what was special about these things.

"Hey~ What is this little guy☆"

Xilin lowered her head and noticed Klein. She squatted next to Klein curiously and watched her typing on the keyboard.

"She is the armed puppet, Klein, the administrator responsible for maintaining the paradise of the past, right? The one in front that keeps spinning is the entrance to the paradise of the past."

Xilin nodded when she heard it, pinched her chin and looked closely at the entrance of the paradise of the past, but after staring for a long time, she didn't feel anything special, so she reached out and touched it.

"Hmm? Don't..."

Klein frowned and looked at Celine, but before she could stop him, Celine was sucked in.

"Uh... I hope she doesn't meet Dr. Mebius..."

If Klein guessed correctly, except for her, who was a doll, all the people standing here were Herrschers, and without saying hello, the Herrschers entered the paradise of the afterlife...

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