After the two of them came out, they directly fabricated 13 bionic bodies of Yingjie and handed them over to Klein for management. Then they went back home and started chatting with the group. [Boss~ What do you want from us?] The two-headed cabbage head sat in the light screen holding the game controller, and behind her was the paused game screen. Kiana's eyes twitched slightly. Good guy, this guy stole his energy to play games, right? "Split some energy and create another group chat. I want to bring all my friends from the Honkai world into the group."

Kiana wanted to bring Sirin and her three children into the main group, and then create a group chat for the Honkai family, bringing in all the people from the Honkai world who had a good relationship with her, so that it would be convenient to communicate if there was anything.

[For such a small matter, the boss can just do it directly~]

As she said this, she stretched out her little finger and swiped it, sharing the method of creating a group with Kiana.

Because she was completely bound to Kiana, she simply disclosed all the permissions to Kiana.

And with Kiana's current ability, she could create a chat group system by herself, but she just didn't know how.

"The chat group hasn't had any new members for a long time. You will be responsible for recruiting new members in the future, Bao Caitou. If you don't want to do it, just give the right to recruit new members to Bai Zhi and the others."

Kiana scratched her head awkwardly after realizing that she hadn't appeared in the group for a long time. She felt that she was not a very competent group leader...

[Received ٩( 'ω' )و! Boss! ]

[I'll go back if there's nothing else to do next]

After waiting for a while, knowing that Kiana had nothing else to do, Bao Caitou held the controller with one hand and scratched his belly with the other hand, turned off the screen like closing a curtain, and went back to play the game.

After getting the method to make a group chat, Kiana directly edited a group chat called [Honkai Family], which only set up invitation, teleportation, chat and private chat, as well as the function of creating a small group chat, so that there would be no inconvenience when there were too many people in the future.

And this was just built for convenience, and there was no need for too many redundant functions.

Suddenly, Kiana thought of something interesting. Should she pull them all in and play a short video of the collapse for them to watch...

After thinking about it, I think it's feasible. I will definitely give them a hard blow when I have time in the future!

Kiana began to invite people she was familiar with in this world, in addition to ordinary passers-by, such as Shigure Kirara, Nicholas, Salome of Destiny, the executors of Anti-Entropy, including Thunder Ryuma, the two doctors and Walter, Kevin and Su who are currently in Sumeru Mustard Seed, and everyone in the Paradise of the Past, even the gray snake was pulled in.

As for the important characters in the future plot who are still in the childhood stage, they will be pulled in after they grow up.

Speaking of Thunder Ryuma, Kiana seems to have not seen Meiyi when she was a child... I will take Kiana to see her later!

On Earth, Kiana's voice rang in the ears of all those who were invited to join the group chat.

Basically, they joined the group chat without any doubt. After learning about the functions of cross-time chat and transmission, they all felt that what Kiana had created was very convenient, so they all started talking in the chat group.

[Chicken Cot Head: Why is my initial ID named like this... Maybe it's because Dr. Tesla often calls me like this? ]

[Dr. Lobster: I also want to know why the hell my ID is Dr. Lobster? ! Who gave it to me! I will definitely let her know the power of my Titan! ]

[Dr. Lobster was banned for 10 minutes]

[Yang Ruzhi: I can't analyze this group chat with the power of the Ruler of Reason. It seems that Kiana still has a lot of cross-civilization technology...]

[Siegfried: @Kiana, hey, good granddaughter! If you have any other good stuff, bring it out, don't hide it.]

[Siegfried was banned for 10 minutes]

[Cuckold Wholesaler: This ID makes me feel uncomfortable...]

[Kiana: Ahem, click on the avatar profile to modify the ID]

[Gatekeeper: @Kiana, this is not cool at all...]

[Squinty-eyed Peacock Vita: Vita, this name is not the name of my counterpart...? Well, since it has become what it is now, let's call it Vita, @Gatekeeper, what do you think, Kevin]

(I'll call this Su Wei Vita when I meet Vita in the future, and I'll call it Su Wei Vita first, and including the memory, three Vitas make a scene (funny))

[Honkai Impact Writer: @

Auntie security guard, are you the Lord? 】

Just when they were chatting heatedly, Kiana opened Su and Vita's private chat and sent the photos of her and Kevin being intimate one by one.

[Kiana private chat: You're welcome ( ̄_, ̄ )]

[Vita private chat: [Little Spider is shocked]]

If Shirahi knew that other groups also had her emoticons, she would cry and accuse Kiana of infringing on her portrait rights.

Vita, who was drinking tea in Sumire Mustard Seed, sprayed the tea in her mouth on Kevin's face opposite her. She blushed and quickly closed the chat group interface, fearing that Kevin would see it.

She had to proceed step by step and not push too hard. Now that Mei was not here, she was not in a hurry. Firefly was determined!


Kiana opened another group chat, and the system prompted that two more people were invited to join. She wanted to go in and watch!

[Tendo Geng joined the group chat! ]

[Hataru joined the group chat! ]

[Kiana: @Tendo Stem, @Hanashi, welcome Ms. Kisara and Ms. Butterfly to join the group chat! ]

[Shiraori: Hiss, Spider, am I dazzled? Why do I seem to see the group owner? Could it be that I miss the group owner too much, so the group owner's spirit appeared! [Spider is scared]]

[Tendo Kisara: Sorry, sorry~ I just changed the group nickname. It looks like this is very similar to the chat software outside. The difference is that it can connect all worlds? ]

[Hanashi: Excuse me... I am not under some strange blood demon technique, am I? ]

[Yakumo Yukari: @Hanashi, blood demon technique? Is that what illusions are called in your place? You are not under an illusion~ People here are from different worlds. When you agreed to join, the chat group put everything about it in your mind]

[Kanae Butterfly: Oh! I roughly understand. Hello, I am the flower column of the Demon Slayer Corps, Butterfly Kanae. I am a humble lady. Please take care of me in the future~]

[Kiana: @蝴蝶尚奈惠, don't be too reserved, just treat this place as your home]

[Kiana: @everyone, I'm a bit bored recently, does anyone need help? Or if you have fun, you can private message me~[love]]

After sending it, Kiana closed the group chat, but not long after, the group chat screen popped up again.

[Tendo Kimura private message: Group owner, when I joined the group, the chat group told me that the group owner is powerful and likes beautiful women. If you can help me complete revenge, Tendo Kimura will serve you forever! ]

[Kiana private message: Ahem, send me a cool selfie for me to see]

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