After listening to Kiana's story, Xing felt mixed emotions. "Why... do you tell me this?"

"Why...? I think it would be nice if you could get on the train and get to know each other~" Kiana smiled gently, with a sincere light in her eyes.

"Thank you... Then... what happened to Xilin later?"

Xing asked, full of curiosity about Kiana's past.

"Later... after Xilin's Herrscher personality awakened, she began to use this body as the Herrscher of the Void and tried to destroy the human world. She believed that humans were dirty and ugly, and only collapse could bring true liberation. And I was fighting with her for control of the body. In order to regain my consciousness, I also... well, lost important people. In the end, after I defeated her, her consciousness dissipated."

"Oh? Interesting, you are actually a clone, I am more interested in you..."

At this time, Heita's voice suddenly sounded from the system, which scared Xing and Kiana.

"Okay~ Heita, you are still eavesdropping!" Kiana teased with a smile, but there was not much blame in her tone.

"Do I still need to eavesdrop? The sound of your conversation is directly transmitted from the simulated universe-I see that you are so engaged in talking, so I naturally don't want to disturb you~"

Heita responded with a smile, and her words revealed a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Although she seemed a little impatient and self-blaming before, she now seems to have regained her calm.

"Back to the point, you are now facing the final BOSS, and you can come out after defeating her. After that, I will integrate your combat data and prepare for the next test."

After Heita finished speaking, he closed the communication again, leaving no time for the two to answer.

The two looked at each other, sighed, and walked forward silently.

However, what Kiana didn't expect was that the Herrscher of the Void, as the final BOSS, actually spoke.

The Herrscher of the Void sat in the air with an extremely arrogant attitude, looking at the two with a look of contempt for all living things, and the tone of his speech was also somewhat playful.

"Oh~ Who was I at that time-Kiana, long time no see~" Then he glanced at Xing next to Kiana. "What about the... unfamiliar face next to you? But it doesn't matter, no matter who you are, the result is the same. Are you ready to die?"

The Herrscher of the Void's voice was cold and arrogant, as if in her eyes, the two were just insignificant ants.

"Sirin... No, Herrscher of the Void. You know you can't win with me here. And now you are just a data body, how can you kill us?" Kiana's tone was very calm, she seemed to be accustomed to the conversation with Sirin.

"Huh, data body? Do you think this can make me helpless? Don't forget, I am the Herrscher of the Void, I have the ability to control space. In this simulated universe, I am invincible!" The Herrscher of the Void laughed disdainfully, and a trace of ridicule and contempt flashed in her eyes.

Xing listened to the conversation between the two silently, but she couldn't help feeling a little nervous. Facing such a powerful enemy, she dared not take it lightly. She held the Sub-Void Spear tightly in her hand, ready to meet the upcoming battle at any time.

Kiana just looked at the Herrscher of the Void silently, and continued: "Herrscher of the Void, you are just the embodiment of my memory now. You have no chance of winning..."

"Memory? Humph, so what? Even if it is memory, it is enough to make you taste the taste of failure!" The Herrscher of the Void sneered, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

Then, the Herrscher of the Void no longer hesitated and disappeared directly on the spot.

The next moment, a sub-void spear suddenly sprang out of the void and stabbed from behind Xing.

"Hmph, let's start with you, the weakest one!"

Xing felt the danger behind her, and her body reacted instantly, rolling to one side to avoid the attack. She turned around and saw the Herrscher of the Void standing not far away, with a playful smile on her face.

"Not bad speed." The Herrscher of the Void commented, and then disappeared again.

Xing held the sub-void spear tightly, concentrating on being alert to the surroundings. She knew that the Herrscher of the Void had the ability to control space, could appear anywhere, and his attack method was extremely elusive.

Suddenly, three more sub-sky spears attacked again. This time, Xing barely dodged one and knocked down another, and the last one pierced Xing's abdomen.

However, Xing did not feel any substantial damage, but

The blessing of "preservation" that was obtained before took effect, causing the damage suffered by Xing to rebound to the Herrscher of the Void.

The Herrscher of the Void was hurt by this rebound, and a trace of surprise and pain flashed across her face. She didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary blessing would have such an effect.

"Is this your trump card? However, this is not enough!" The Herrscher of the Void said coldly, with a trace of ruthlessness in her eyes. She disappeared again, preparing to launch a more fierce attack.

"It's so annoying, how long will it take to fight like this, it's too flexible. I can't keep getting hit and let her lose blood..."

Xing complained in her heart, and at the same time, she was thinking about how to crack the Herrscher of the Void's attack. She found that although the Herrscher of the Void's attack was flexible and elusive, it always appeared from some specific positions. If she could predict her position, she might be able to fight back.

"The Herrscher of the Void's ability is indeed a bit annoying, but..."

Kiana looked at Xing's frowning brows and slowly said: "However, her ability is not invincible."

After speaking, Kiana slowly raised her hand and snapped her fingers. "Constraint!"

Instantly, the entire venue turned pale gold, and the Herrscher of the Void, who was about to attack again, instantly appeared and fell from midair.

When Xing saw this scene, a trace of surprise and admiration flashed in her eyes. She didn't expect that Kiana could break the Herrscher of the Void so easily, which made her have a deeper understanding of Kiana's strength.

"Is this... the power of restraint?" The Herrscher of the Void murmured weakly, "Energy nullification... The influence of the field of restraint is indiscriminate. You release this power here, aren't you afraid that this ant who came with you will also be affected?"

"I naturally set up a barrier on her to isolate this field." Kiana glanced at Xing. "Xing, now you can attack her with all your strength."

Xing nodded, clenched the Sub-Void Spear in his hand, injected the rich "destruction" power into it, and prepared to launch an attack.

The Herrscher of the Void, who wanted to resist, could only watch Xing raise the Sub-Void Spear and rush towards her because of the suppression of the restraint field. However, she did not give up resistance, but used up her last strength to try to break free from the restraint field.


Xing did not give the Herrscher of the Void any chance. She rushed to the Herrscher of the Void at lightning speed and stabbed her with the Sub-Void Spear. Although the Herrscher of the Void tried to resist, her strength was greatly reduced under the suppression of the restraint field, and she could not resist Xing's attack.


As the Sub-Void Spear pierced into her, the Herrscher of the Void's body began to gradually dissipate and turned into streams of data.

Looking at the dissipating Herrscher of the Void, Kiana felt a little complicated. At the moment when the Herrscher of the Void dissipated, Kiana saw the meaning of the word "thank you" from her mouth shape.

Xing did not notice this and put away the Sub-Void Spear in her hand.

"The battle is over." Kiana looked at the dissipating Herrscher of the Void and said softly. There was no joy of victory on her face, but some heaviness and loss. She was not sure whether this Herrscher of the Void was just the embodiment of her memory or the last remaining trace of consciousness of the Herrscher of the Void in her body.

If it was the latter... then at this moment... what was dissipated was the real consciousness of the Herrscher of the Void.

"Alas..." Kiana sighed softly. "Rest in peace, may your soul be truly liberated." Kiana whispered softly.

Xing looked at Kiana's expression and couldn't help but feel a little confused. She didn't understand why Kiana was so disappointed. Could it be that the victory of this battle couldn't make her happy?

However, Xing didn't ask, she knew that everyone had their own thoughts and stories. She stood silently beside Kiana, watching her gradually calm down.

"It should be over here... Black Tower?"

The Black Tower did not respond to Xing's words, and the entire simulated universe fell into silence. Xing and Kiana looked at each other, and saw doubts and confusion in each other's eyes.

"Heita, are you there?" Kiana asked tentatively, but her voice echoed in the empty simulated universe without any response.

Xingye tried to call a few times, but still got no response.

Half a day later, Heita's voice finally came.

"Alas, I was still hoping that He would appear in the end... Forget it, I'll turn off the simulated universe now - it's just a moment, you won't feel anything. We'll talk about it in reality later."

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