The train was packed with people, and the train was packed with people.

"Where is the next stop of the train?"

"Oh? You can't wait? Our next destination is a very small planet, numbered: Yalilo-VI." Jizi looked at the two and answered with a smile.

"Yalilo-VI? What a strange name, what does the number behind it mean?" Kiana asked curiously.

"Are you asking how it is named?"

Jizi smiled and explained: "In the universe, the naming of planets usually follows certain rules. In the name Yalilo-VI, 'Yalilo' is the name of the star system to which the planet belongs, and the number 'VI' behind it means that this is the sixth planet in the star system."

"Oh, that's it." Kiana nodded to show her understanding. Then she asked curiously: "Jizi, is there anything special about this planet?"

Jizi smiled slightly and replied: "As for Yalilo-VI, as far as I know, the last time the train went there was thousands of years ago. According to the records of the think tank, it is a lush and beautiful planet."

"However, a long time has passed... Maybe there have been earth-shaking changes there."

"Wow, a planet thousands of years ago, there must be many interesting stories and history!" Kiana said excitedly.

"Haha, I want to know too. But don't worry, it will take some time before the train jumps. You can go to other areas on the train, or you can go to find Danheng and March Seven. Just now, they went back to their room. Of course, you can also talk to the train conductor Pam."

"That's right, sister Jizi, then we won't bother you." Kiana took Xing's hand and said goodbye to Jizi.

The two walked out of the observation car and came to the guest room car. Xing looked at the unfamiliar environment around him and couldn't help but feel a little curious. She noticed that the doors of the rooms on the left side of the corridor were all closed, with only a ray of light occasionally coming through the cracks of the doors, letting people know that there were people inside.

The two walked to the door of the first room, and just as they were about to knock on the door, a questioning voice suddenly came from inside the room.

"Who is it!"

"Ah? I haven't knocked on the door yet?" Xing was a little confused. Is Dan Heng so alert?

Dan Heng seemed to have heard the voices of people outside the room, and silently replied: "Oh, the door has been broken into many times, so I can naturally sense the breath."

"Come in, the door is not locked."

After hearing this, the two smiled at each other, as if they had discovered something incredible.

Pushing the door open, the scene was a little different from what the two had imagined, and it seemed that they had thought too much.

What came into view was that Dan Heng was standing next to an unknown machine and typing something, and the bed was simply made on the floor, with nothing else. Xing looked at this simple room and couldn't help but be a little surprised. She thought the rooms on the train would be more luxurious and comfortable, but she didn't expect Danheng's room to be so simple.

"By the way, what do you want to see me for?"

Danheng stopped what he was doing and looked at the two of them.

Kiana looked around and sniffed Danheng. "Are you staying here? This doesn't look like a normal bedroom."

"Oh, this is the data room, where I will enter all the collected data into the think tank and open it to everyone."

"You can enter the think tank through the terminal over there to view the data." Danheng pointed to a location.

Kiana didn't look at the think tank terminal, but noticed the bed behind Danheng. "Why... are you sleeping on the floor here? Didn't they give you your own room?"

Danheng turned around, looked at the bed, and said lightly: "This is my own choice. The data room is close to the think tank, which is convenient for me to enter and update data at any time. "

"But it must be very uncomfortable to sleep like this, right? "Kiana looked at Dan Heng with some distress.

Dan Heng smiled and shook his head. "Actually it's okay, sleeping on a hard bed is good for your health."

"Well, since you said so, we won't persuade you." Kiana shrugged helplessly, then turned to Xing and said, "Xing, let's go see March Seven."

The two left Dan Heng's room and continued along the corridor.

March Seven's room was not far away, just next to the data room.

Xing knocked on the door, but no sound came from inside.

After Xing and Kiana looked at each other, Xing knocked on the door again.

"March Seven, are you in there?"

The two waited for a while, but still no one responded.

Xing tried turning the door handle, and the door was not locked, so it opened directly.


"Huh? Not here? Where did you go?"

Entering the room, the interior decoration is obviously feminine, and the pink sheets and decorations make the whole room full of warmth. However, the scene in the room surprised the two.

A large screen wall with different photos constantly changing on it. There are also several cameras on the table. There are several Pam dolls on the bed and the bay window, and next to the dolls there are several dumpling pillows based on the train group, including Xing and Kiana who have just joined. I don't know when they were made. In front of the full-length mirror, there are also a few small clothes hanging, which are obviously for Pam dolls.

"March 7's room is really different from Danheng's room..." Xing looked around the room and couldn't help sighing.

Xing walked to the photo wall to admire the photos, while Kiana walked to the bay window and picked up the dumpling pillow made with herself as the prototype.

"Wow, this one looks like me!" Kiana said in surprise as she looked at the dumpling pillow in her hand. She observed carefully and found that she was wearing her favorite clothes on the pillow, with a bright smile on her face.

Xing also walked to Kiana's side, looking at the photos on the photo wall, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. These photos recorded every bit of the train crew, some were laughing, some were serious, some were tired, some were angry... Every photo seemed to be a story, making people want to explore the story behind it.

"She likes taking pictures~"

"Indeed~" Kiana said while rubbing the face of the pillow.

"I don't know where she ran to, let's go look for her somewhere else." Xing suggested.

The two left March Seven's room and prepared to continue looking for her figure on the train.

Continue walking along the corridor, passing Ji Zi's room that exudes the fragrance of coffee, and passing Walter's room that seems to be fixed with the space, and prepare to go to the next guest room compartment.

However, as soon as the foot stepped out, the train broadcast sounded.

"Attention, passengers, the train is about to jump, please gather in the lobby."

After hearing the broadcast, the two stopped. Xing looked at her watch and found that there were still a few minutes before the jump. They decided to return to the observation car and wait for the jump to complete before continuing to look for Sanyueqi.

The two returned to the observation car and found that everyone except Danheng had already arrived. What puzzled them was that Sanyueqi was also there.

"Sanyue? When did you arrive?!"

Sanyueqi smiled and raised the camera in his hand, blinked his eyes and said, "Haha, of course I sneaked into the observation car while you were looking for me! When we get to the new planet later, I will definitely take more panoramic photos!"

"Oh, oh, we are about to go to the next stop. Are you excited?"

"Well... this should be the first trip for you, so it should be... double the excitement?"

Kiana was about to speak, but Xing couldn't wait.

"I'm ready! I'm ready!!"

Xing danced with joy, and the expectation and excitement on her face almost overflowed. Seeing this, Sanyueqi smiled and shook his head, pressing the shutter to capture this moment.

"Very good! Very energetic!" Then, Sanyueqi put down the camera and looked at Kiana. "What about you, Kiana?"

"I'm also very excited. Traveling and adventuring to different planets is quite romantic."

"Right, right, I think so too. When I experienced the jump for the first time, I was also very excited. Now..." Sanyueqi put his hands on his waist. "Now I'm much more stable!"

"Don't worry, everyone! Soon you will all get used to it and become mature and reliable passengers like me. Yeah." Sanyueqi pretended to be very mature, patted the shoulders of the two, and then nodded earnestly.

Seeing Sanyueqi like this, the two couldn't help laughing.

After spending some time with Sanyueqi, she can't be considered mature.

Although the two thought so, they didn't expose it and quietly cooperated with Sanyueqi's performance.

"What are you laughing at? Follow me. First step, pinch the source of your anxiety." Sanyueqi said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

Xing and Kiana looked at Sanyueqi and smiled at each other, and followed Sanyueqi.

"Well, I pinched it." Xing said silently.

"Ah? You can actually pinch it!?" Sanyueqi was a little surprised.

"Okay, then, second step. Concentrate your anxiety on the point you pinched!"

"Yeah, I'm done."

"Hahaha, you're amazing! You finished it so quickly?" Sanyueqi looked at Xing, with a hint of surprise in his eyes


Kiana looked at Xing meaningfully, thinking: "You really dote on her."

"It seems that you are quite talented. It is very complicated to realize this step."

"Okay, the third step. Use force - pull out all the anxiety and throw it away!" When March Seven said this, he really used force, as if he really wanted to throw something away.

"Yeah, I threw it away!"

March Seven was a little unbelievable this time, and opened his eyes wide.

"Really? I haven't succeeded once!"

"But how do you feel now? Is it much easier?"

Xing nodded deeply, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Really, I feel relaxed all over!"

"What about Kiana? How does it feel?" March Seven looked at Kiana and asked.

Hearing this, Kiana glanced at Xing, and then said in a somewhat disappointed tone: "Hey, I don't seem to have that kind of talent. I'm not as good as Xing, who can do things that I can't do."

After hearing this, Sanyueqi seemed to take it seriously and widened his eyes. "Kiana didn't do it either?"

"Xing, you are so good, teach me how to do it." Sanyueqi held Xing's hand tightly and looked at Xing expectantly.

Xing smiled helplessly, glanced at Kiana, and then looked back at Sanyueqi with shining eyes.

"This child is so easy to fool... I always feel... If I were a boy, I might be able to trick her into giving me 100 children."

Xing thought so.

"Okay, okay, I'll teach you now..."


Kiana looked at the two people chatting so devotedly, and she also left quietly.

Walking to the car window, Kiana quietly stared at the scenery outside, the stars flickered in the dark, like forgotten dream fragments. Her heart was filled with anticipation and curiosity about the future.

At the same time, she was also thinking, what would everyone on Earth be doing at this time? They should all be looking for her. Then she would also try to find a way to go back.

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