The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

With March 7's call, the four of them set out on an exploration of Yalilo-VI. They walked along the trail on the snowfield.

On the way, they encountered many monsters that were created by the "star core" that gave rise to the rift. There were also many abandoned wooden houses around.

Therefore, this place may have been a place where people lived, but because of the influence of the star core, it became deserted, leaving only these abandoned buildings and wandering monsters.

Everyone cleared the rift monsters they encountered one by one. Although there may be more in the future, for now, the safety of this area has been temporarily guaranteed.

"It seems that the residents here have been forced to leave because of the influence of the "star core". "Xing looked at the abandoned village in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, the snow here is so thick. How long will it take for the snow to swallow up such a tall house, and only a roof is exposed. "March Seven also sighed.

"We have seen many 'March Seven' along the way, and we don't know what they have experienced." Kiana looked at the ice sculptures along the way and said softly.

"Ah, what do you mean by many 'March Seven'! ?" March Seven pouted in dissatisfaction when he heard Kiana's words. "Do you think I look like an ice sculpture?"

Kiana smiled and shook her head. "Of course not, I just remembered that you said you were found in the ice, and seeing so many ice sculptures, I feel a little magical."

At this time, Dan Heng walked towards an ice sculpture and looked at it carefully. "From the marks on them, these ice sculptures should have been instantly frozen by some kind of power. "

Everyone came closer to observe carefully after hearing this.

"And...looking at their appearance, they seem to be the pawns of the antimatter army...what happened here?"

Dan Heng frowned, and his fingers gently slid across the surface of the ice sculpture, as if trying to touch the history of the past.

"Huh? Kiana, you said before that you can control time...can you sense the time on it? "Xing suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Kiana and asked.

"What do you mean?" Kiana nodded, gently placed her hand on the ice sculpture, silently activated her power, and covered the range only on this ice sculpture.

After a moment, the time of the ice sculpture was rapidly reversed until the virtual soldiers under the ice appeared.

Before the virtual soldier could react, Dan Heng shot and blasted the head of the virtual soldier.

As early as when Dan Heng saw Kiana preparing to reverse the time of the ice sculpture, he had already prepared the attack posture. Because he had long felt that the virtual soldiers in the ice sculpture were not dead. Although frozen, the virtual soldiers inside have been in a dormant state.

As long as the ice sculpture has not been destroyed, it will remain in this state.

"How?" Dan Heng put away his spear and asked Kiana.

"Well... almost, these virtual soldiers were instantly frozen more than 1,000 years ago. I didn't expect it to have existed for so long. "

"More than 1,000 years..." Dan Heng muttered to himself. "Isn't that what happened in the Achievelli era?"

"Forget it, we won't find anything if we continue talking about this. Let's just keep going forward."

After that, everyone nodded and continued to walk forward along the path.

A few minutes later.

"Hey! Did you see it? There seems to be something moving in front..." Sanyueqi suddenly pointed at a small bulge on the snow in front and shouted.

"...It's just an ordinary snow pile. Are you sure it's not your hallucination?"

Dan Heng responded calmly, but the spear in his hand was ready for battle. After all, since they came here, they didn't know what strange things they would encounter.

"Definitely not, our eyesight is very good! Let's go, let's get closer and take a look."

As they said, several people followed Sanyueqi to the snow pile in front.

As they got closer, they saw that the snow pile was twitching.

"It seems... a person. "Kiana squatted down and carefully observed the figure covered in snow.

"Why is he hiding in the snow? Isn't it cold?" Sanyueqi scratched his head in confusion, and was very puzzled by this strange scene. "Hey! Don't hide, you are shivering from the cold."

However, the person in the snow did not answer.

"Alas, it's useless for you to hold it in. "

"Leave it to me, Sanyue." Kiana said, and walked forward. With a light wave of one hand, she covered

The snow was melted by Kiana's heat, revealing a purple-haired man hiding there.

The purple-haired man screamed in pain from the heat and jumped out instantly.

"Oh my! Sister, you're too cruel, aren't you? I'm just hiding here, there's no need to burn me, right?" The purple-haired man complained while jumping.

The few people didn't speak, watching the man's performance in front of them quietly.

"Huh?" The purple-haired man suddenly realized something. "Why isn't it cold?"

The man realized that the air around him was very warm at the moment, in sharp contrast to the freezing cold wind before.

The purple-haired man carefully looked at the four people in front of him, and then his eyes stayed on Kiana. There was a little confusion in his eyes, and then a little surprise. "Oh, this lady burned me, and she can also provide heat to the people around her, and she burned all the snow around. What a strong power."

Suddenly, the purple-haired man's tone suddenly became a little flattering. "Ahaha, but this can't be blamed on the heroes! I showed up too abruptly, and this trip is worth it, it should be, and must be! Otherwise, how can I meet all of you good friends? Hahaha..."

"Um...Excuse me, is Commander Jeppard here? I know him well..."

The tone of the purple-haired man's speech did not give the four people a good first impression.

"You are such a strange person, why did you hide in the snow? And I burned you, why do you still thank us?" Kiana looked at the purple-haired man in front of her and asked with a puzzled face.

"Uh...From what you said, you are not from the Silver Mane Guard?" The purple-haired man was a little suspicious.

"Jepard? Silver Mane Guard? Who is that?" March Seven blinked, with an innocent and confused look on his face.

"Huh? Neither Jeppard nor the Silvermane Guards know? Where are you from?" The purple-haired man seemed a little surprised. Looking at their attire and temperament, it seemed that they were indeed not locals.

"But forget it. Since you are not from the Silvermane Guards, it will be easy. Sambo Koski, nice to meet you."

The purple-haired man introduced himself and extended his hand.

However, facing his enthusiasm, several people did not respond immediately. They looked at Sambo with a hint of vigilance and confusion in their eyes.

"What's wrong with you? You look like a thief. I'm a good person. I'm just doing business everywhere. I'm hiding here just to avoid my peers." Sambo said with a bit of laughter.

"Humph, we didn't say you were a bad person." Danheng responded coldly. He didn't intend to have too much communication with this person who suddenly appeared.

The timing of this person's appearance was too coincidental, as if he had been waiting for their arrival here. And there seemed to be some secrets hidden in his words. Danheng didn't like this feeling, it made him feel uneasy.

However, seeing that the surroundings were deserted, it seemed that they could only get some information from this person.

Then, Dan Heng let down his guard a little. "Just call me Dan Heng."

Seeing Dan Heng introduce himself, several people also reported their names. Although they were still wary of Sangbo, they were at least willing to communicate with him further.

"Okay, meeting you is always a fate. If you have anything you want to know, just ask me. I will tell you everything I know!"

Sangbo was very enthusiastic, as if he really regarded them as friends.

"But to make a long story short, the Silver Mane Iron Guard may appear at any time..."

"Then where is the gathering place here?" Xing got straight to the point.

"Ah, do you have to be so literary? Isn't it just asking where there are living people?" Sangbo didn't care. "You will definitely not be able to go out. The only place in the world where humans still live is our good Beloberg."

"The City of Preservation", the City of Eternal Standing, the only barrier for humans to resist the cold wave... It sounds bluffing, but every word is true. Humans can only survive in this iron fence."

"Preservation? So you believe in the "preservation" of Klipper?" Kiana suddenly discovered something and asked.

"Ah? Ah... yes, the "City of Preservation" must believe in Klipper. Why are you asking this?"

Sambo's hesitation made Kiana see the trick, and she immediately activated the power of consciousness to check Sambo's consciousness and memory.

Of course, it only took Kiana a moment to activate the authority for several people. And at this moment, Kiana fully knew Sambo's intentions and background.

"Oh~ That's it."

"What does the script mean? "

Qiana's sudden words made Dan Heng, Xing He

Sanyueqi was a little confused. Script? What script?

And Sambo in front of him was a little terrified, as if Kiana had seen through some secret.

But Sambo still had some luck and pretended to be stupid: "Script? What script? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Kiana looked at Sambo's stupidity and sneered.

"Oh~ I know, you want to see the show. Old Sambo can get anything, including tickets. This is a piece of cake!"

"Don't you want to go into the city? I'll take you there... Haha..."

Sambo tried to change the subject and wanted to get away with it. However, Kiana didn't intend to let him go.

"He found us and deliberately let us find you, then brought us to the Silver Mane Iron Guard and found an opportunity to slip away. Then we were introduced to the Great Guardian by the Iron Guards, and we made suggestions to the Great Guardian on the grounds of sealing the "Star Core". But the Great Guardian was bewitched by the "Star Core" and was going to arrest us the next day. Then, we fled to the Rift, and you showed up again and used some of your own means to take us to the lower area..."

"Do I need to continue? The "Joy" Envoy?"


(I'm not sure if Sambo is the Envoy, so I just wrote it here.)

(Sambo was actually seen through, Sambo was really embarrassed.)

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