At this time, Xing suddenly thought of something and hurriedly reminded Sanyueqi. "Hurry, Sanyue. Show them the photos you took."

"Oh, that's right!" Sanyueqi's eyes lit up and he looked at Xing with approval. "Xing! You are so smart, this is a great idea!"

As he said that, Sanyueqi stepped forward, took out a photo from his album, and handed it to the blond young man.

"You haven't seen what your planet looks like yet? Let me show you the photo of Yalilo-VI I took..."

The blond man took the photo, and the Iron Guard soldiers next to him also came over to look at the white planet in the photo.

However, those soldiers looked at the photo and didn't dare to believe it.

"You said this white ball is... here? Is it where we live? This is too..."

The blond man looked at the photo and fell into deep thought.

The people in the train looked at the blond man's reaction and looked at each other in confusion.

After a moment, the blond man spoke.

"It is said that a long time ago, aliens often came here... But after the "cold wave" occurred, no one passed through the snow curtain and came to Beloberg..."

"But these few people?" A soldier glanced at the train crew with some doubts, and then looked at his superiors, always feeling that this matter was a bit unbelievable.

The blond man also explained for several of his soldiers. "This is no longer something we can judge. If what they said is true, then only the "Great Guardian" can decide what to do. "

"What we should do is bring them to the Great Guardian. ”

After explaining to his soldiers, the blond man returned the photo to the train crew who were whispering just now, and then introduced himself.

"Well, let me introduce myself again: I am the guard officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard - Jeppard Landau. ”

"Outsiders, follow me. Beloberg is behind this snow curtain. "

Hearing Jeppard's words, everyone in the train looked at each other and followed him out of the canyon.

After walking for a while, the wind and snow were still raging, with no sign of stopping. Despite this, everyone was full of expectations.

And when the heavy snow approached the area covered by Kiana's domain, it was blown away by Kiana's ability of wind law. And because Jeppard and the others were wearing heavy cold-proof armor, they were sweating in Kiana's domain.

Kiana also discovered this and slightly adjusted the temperature.

This person named Kiana, the series of abilities she showed along the way, made Jeppard a little

She can not only control time, but also turn back time and stop time. or accelerate; he can also harness the power of the wind and manipulate the wind direction and speed at will; what's more amazing is that he can even easily adjust the temperature of the surrounding environment! It seems that everything in the world is under her control. People can't help but wonder, what other jaw-dropping skills does such a person with so many magical abilities have not yet shown?

Are you our guest... or a new storm?

However, Jeppard shook his head and was ready to stop thinking about these problems. These thorny problems should be left to the people above. We soldiers should do our current job well and obey the orders of the "Great Guardian" to protect Beloberg.

Finally, Jeppard led everyone to the cliff closest to the city-state, and next to the cliff was the road leading to the city.

Looking down from the cliff, the whole city appeared.

The city is surrounded by huge walls, and in the center of the city stands a huge building, which makes the whole city look solemn and solemn.

Jeppard made way, and the scene of the whole city appeared in front of the train group.

"Welcome to the "City of Preservation" - Beloberg."

Entering the city, everyone followed Jeppard into the city gate. The city's architectural style is unique. Trams travel back and forth on the road. There are orange heating devices everywhere. People are busy wearing thick clothes.

The train crew looked around. Kiana also felt the temperature change in the city at this time, so she put away her own domain.

"It seems...not as cold as outside."

March Seven also nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's really much better than outside."

"...Because you are in Beloberg, the last bastion of mankind." Listening to the discussion between the two, Jeppard also stopped

He turned his head and looked at the two of them, then began to explain.

"The last fortress?" March Seven was puzzled.

Kiana was also thinking about the meaning of this sentence and wanted to ask something.

But then, Jeppard answered them.

"Seven hundred years ago, monsters from outer space ignited the planet. At that time, the earth became scorched earth, with burning molten fire and boiling black smoke everywhere."

"At the moment of life and death, the cold wave suddenly came - the sweeping wind came without warning, the invading legion was buried by the blizzard, and only Beloberg remained -"

"The determined "city builders" built this city. Under the protection of the "protector" Krippo, although Beloberg was invaded by wind and snow, it was always warm. "


While Jeppard was introducing the history of Beloberg to everyone, March Seven and the others began to whisper.

"She speaks so strangely~" March Seven complained in a low voice.

Dan Heng thought for a while and answered March Seven's question.

"That's not his tone before. He should be quoting a passage from a book."

"Oh... Then why did he tell us this..."

"... Because you asked."

Jepard's answer made March Seven speechless. She scratched her head and smiled a little embarrassedly.

At this time, Jeppard also ended his story, turned around and continued to lead everyone towards the largest building in the center of the city.

"Then, I will take you to see the Great Guardian next, and you just follow me all the time."

"Okay, we understand. "Everyone in the train group answered in unison. They followed Jeppard's steps, passed through the busy streets, and felt the unique charm of the city.

The buildings on both sides of the street are unique in style and full of historical atmosphere.

On the way to the building, several people were also chatting.

"We saw strange creatures outside the city... They came from the eroded space "rift", right?" Dan Heng asked.

"You actually know..." Jeppard was a little surprised when he heard Dan Heng's question why they knew this. But when he thought that they came from outer space and might have heard about this from other places, he was relieved. "Yes. There are many threats besides the cold wave, and the monster you saw is one of them. "

"The Silver Mane Iron Guard has been fighting it, but the situation is not optimistic... After meeting the Great Guardian, I hope to ask your opinions on this matter. We lack intelligence. "

When he said the last sentence, Jeppard's voice was a little low and lonely.

The reason was that in the fight against the erosion of the Rift, many Silvermane Iron Guards died on the battlefield because of their lack of strength or insufficient intelligence, and were transformed into Rift creatures by the Rift. Although they have been trying to find a way to fight against the erosion of the Rift, they have never found an effective solution. This made Jeppard very frustrated and helpless. He hoped to get some inspiration and help from the train group to find a glimmer of hope for the future of Silvermane Iron Guards and Beloberg.


Finally, everyone came to the stairs leading to the central giant building.

"We're here."

"This is Klipperburg, the heart of Beloberg, the headquarters of the city builders. "

Jepard stopped and pointed to the towering building in front of him. The building was soaring into the sky, majestic, as if it was an indestructible fortress, guarding the safety of the entire city.

Standing at the foot of Klipper Castle, Kiana looked at the towering magnificent building and couldn't help but sigh.

"This building is so big. It's so magnificent that manpower alone can build such a magnificent building. Your city builder is also an amazing person."

Jepard heard Kiana's praise and showed a proud expression on his face.

"Yes, they are the saviors of mankind. Long before the cold wave came, the city builders insisted on building the city here despite the misunderstanding and ridicule of the world. History has proved that their choice was correct. "

"The city builders named this fortress after the star god Klipper, who is the "protector". Under their leadership, mankind resisted the offensive of foreign enemies, blocked the cold wave, and is now fighting against the erosion from the rift. "

"Of course, this fortress is also the residence of the "Great Guardian". "

After Jeppard finished speaking, he was about to turn around and walk towards the gate of Klipper Castle.

Suddenly, Kiana asked again.

"Your Great Guardian... is called Cocolia?"

"Huh?" Jeppard turned around and looked at Kiana with some confusion. "How do you know? I don't think I have introduced the Great Guardian of our generation yet."

Kiana saw that Cocolia was the Great Guardian from Sambo's memory before. She originally thought it was some kind of "joy" that made her so...

What a prank, but now it seems that it is not the case.

In Kiana's own world, Cocolia is Bronya's adoptive mother, but she did bad things to Bronya. And Cocolia in this world would not also have an adopted daughter named Bronya, right?

However, Kiana could only answer Jeppard's question ambiguously: "Oh, nothing, it's just that the purple-haired man named Sambo mentioned this name before."

Kiana's words made everyone in the train group a little confused.

Sambo didn't seem to have said this, why did Kiana say this?

However, several people also tacitly did not look at each other, so as not to be suspected by the other party because of some details.

Jeppard didn't think much about it, just nodded slightly, and reminded solemnly.

"Yes, I see. But about this Sambo, 8 out of 10 words he said cannot be believed. Many people have been deceived by him. If you meet him again, please do us a favor and tell us where he is. Thank you."

Dan Heng nodded solemnly after hearing this. "Yes, I will."

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