The two sides of the river are still in a state of panic.

"So... what should we do? Go directly to the location of the star core?" Sanyueqi spread his hands and asked Kiana with some doubts.

"It doesn't matter if we wait a little longer. The star core is far away from here. Let's take a rest today. Anyway, Cocolia doesn't have any idea about us today."

"Let's see what happens tomorrow, and then it won't be too late to make a decision."

Danheng also agreed with Kiana's opinion. He thought that they should observe the situation first to see if Cocolia will really act according to the script that Sambo said tomorrow.

"Then-" Kiana suddenly stretched lazily. "——Before that, let's take a good walk around this world."

"Ah! To be honest, I can't relax at all when I think about being arrested tomorrow!" Sanyueqi sighed and said with a distressed look.

"Don't worry, we will fight back when the enemy comes, and we will block the water when the water comes."

Xing patted Sanyueqi on the shoulder and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Let's go to the Eternal Winter Monument that Jeppard mentioned first. Isn't it said to be the landmark of Beloberg?" Kiana suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After walking for a while, they came to the central square. There were many pedestrians coming and going here.

However, at this moment, Xing suddenly left the team and walked towards a trash can.

"Xing, where are you going?" Sanyueqi saw Xing suddenly leave, and couldn't help shouting in confusion.

Xing didn't respond, but just stared at the trash can intently.

Then, Xing flipped the trash can in full view of the crowd. This move also attracted the attention of passers-by around.

Then, the train crew focused their eyes on Xing in disbelief. They couldn't believe their eyes - their companion was actually rummaging through the trash can in broad daylight! "Xing! What are you doing!" Sanyueqi finally couldn't help shouting, her face full of embarrassment and confusion. Kiana also hurried forward to pull Xing out of the trash can. "Hey, Xing, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly start rummaging through the trash can?" Kiana looked at Xing with a confused face, really not understanding why he did this. Xing was extremely aggrieved about Kiana pulling her out, and solemnly explained the reason: "But... but it's glowing! Who would refuse a glowing trash can? It's tempting me!" "Huh?" Everyone was speechless when they heard it. They followed Xing's gaze, but saw only an ordinary trash can, nothing unusual. While everyone was still in a daze, Xing went to the next trash can and rummaged through it. Everyone looked at each other, totally unable to understand Xing's behavior.

"No...Xing suddenly awakened some special fetish." Sanyueqi swallowed his saliva and spoke with difficulty.

"Danheng, have you ever encountered this situation?"

Danheng frowned, shook his head, and said that he had never seen this situation before.

"Xing, don't turn it over again!"

Kiana was helpless, she really didn't understand why Xing suddenly became so abnormal.

"Why do you like trash cans? I'll give you one later!"

Kiana shouted again to Xing who was turning over the trash can.

Xing's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she immediately stopped the action in her hands.


Xing turned around excitedly and looked at Kiana with expectation.

"Of course it's true, when have I ever lied to you." Kiana smiled and nodded, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Ah! Kiana, I love you so much!"

As she said that, Xing immediately ran towards Kiana, ready to give her a big hug, but she still had the odor of sewage and garbage on her body, which made Kiana avoid her with some disgust.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"You are so dirty, let me clean you first!"

Hearing this, Xing stopped immediately, lowered her head and smelled herself, then she realized the odor on her body, then scratched her head awkwardly and laughed.

Seeing Xing's appearance, everyone held their foreheads in silence and said... We don't know this guy.

After that, Kiana snapped her fingers again, and Xing was refreshed, and the sewage, stains and odors all disappeared.

Xing also felt the changes in her body.

"What's going on! What's going on? Someone reported that someone here is rummaging through the trash cans?"

Just then, a discordant voice

This short silence was broken. A Silver Mane Iron Guard in a senior officer's uniform came over with several men. His eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Xing, frowning slightly.

"Gray hair, black coat, white lining... you are the one rummaging through the trash can?" The leading Silver Mane Iron Guard sergeant pointed at Xing, with a bit of dissatisfaction and doubt in his tone.

"Do you know that your actions affect the city appearance and bring inconvenience to the citizens?"

Xing clenched her fists nervously when she heard this, but she still tried to stay calm and tried to explain her behavior.


However, before Xing opened her mouth to explain, the officer's entourage suddenly interrupted: "Random rummaging through the trash can... You are not the unruly people who smuggled in from the lower-level area, you are dirty all over, and you are not good people at first glance!"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the train group was a little angry. Although they were not from the lower-level area, it was really unbearable to discriminate and insult the people of the entire area just because one person did something that was not to their liking.

"Hey, watch your words!" San Yueqi retorted immediately, her face full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong? Why did the Great Guardian order the blockade of the lower district? Isn't it because the people in the lower district are all lowly people who do nothing all day and only know how to make trouble!"

The follower laughed triumphantly, as if he felt that his words made sense.

His words immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding citizens, who stopped and looked at the train crew curiously. Some people had a flash of sympathy in their eyes, but some people had disdain and disgust in their eyes.


Kiana suddenly shouted loudly, her voice full of anger and dissatisfaction. She stepped forward and stood in front of Xing, looking firmly at the follower.

"Why do you insult the people in the lower district like this? Do you know that the daughter of your Great Guardian is also from the orphanage in the lower district?"

Kiana's words stunned everyone present, including the follower and the surrounding citizens. None of them expected that this girl would say such a thing.

The train crew was also shocked. Bronya was actually from the lower class?

The follower showed a trace of embarrassment and anger on his face. He obviously didn't expect that his words would be refuted so directly. He glared at Kiana and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the officer.

"Enough! This is the upper class, not a place where you people from the lower class can run wild at will!" The officer glared at Kiana, his tone full of dissatisfaction and threats.

"First of all, we are not from the lower class. Secondly, even if we are really from the lower class, it doesn't mean that we should be insulted and discriminated against by you at will! Are you people from the upper class superior to others? Can you trample on the dignity of others at will?!"

Kiana's words were full of power and anger. She looked directly at the officer without flinching.

"Rumor has it that the lower class was blocked because the devil was sealed there!!" A passerby suddenly interrupted.

"Really? Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, even if it is true, do the ordinary people in the lower district deserve to be abandoned? Let them fend for themselves? Aren't they human?"

Kiana became more and more excited, her words were full of justice and anger, shocking everyone present. The officer and his followers were overwhelmed by Kiana's momentum, and were speechless for a while.

"What's going on? Why are you making so much noise?"

A familiar voice broke the brief silence. Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a tall woman in a neat military uniform and three spiral silver hair walked in. Her eyes swept over everyone, and finally fell on Kiana and the officer.

"B... Lady Bronya... Why are you here?"

The Silver Mane Iron Guard leader who led the group became a little nervous when he saw Bronya, and there was a bit of awe and confusion in his voice. Bronya was the leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard in the upper district except for the Great Guardian, and her appearance surprised everyone.

Bronya ignored the officer and looked directly at Kiana, with a hint of appreciation and recognition in her eyes.

"Miss, you are right. Whether in the upper or lower districts, everyone should be treated equally and should not be discriminated against or insulted because of their origins and identities."

Bronya's words shocked everyone present. They did not expect that the leader of the upper district would stand on the side of these so-called "lower district people" and support their views.

"But, Lady Bronya, they..."

The officer wanted to defend himself somewhat unwillingly, but Bronya interrupted him directly.

"Enough, I don't want to hear any more negative comments about the lower class. The duty of the Silver Mane Iron Guard is to protect the safety and dignity of the citizens, not to discriminate against and insult them." Bronya's tone was firm and powerful.

"Besides, they are not from Beloberg - they are outsiders and guests of Beloberg. And mother also allows them to move freely in Beloberg..."

"But... are outsiders allowed to rummage through Beloberg's trash cans everywhere?" Another follower whispered.

"Ah?" Bronya was stunned when she heard this.

At this time, everyone in the train group was embarrassed again. They didn't want to, who knew what was going on with Xing, rummaging through trash cans everywhere. And they said that the trash can was glowing and tempting her. You can't just say that, who would believe it?

"This..." Bronya also felt a headache. Although she agreed with Kiana's point of view, she could not deny that Xing's behavior was indeed inappropriate. She turned her head to look at Xing, with a hint of doubt and questioning in her eyes.

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