The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was lying on the ground.

"Is this... the lower class?"

Xing looked around, his eyes full of curiosity and surprise.

The lower class was dark, with only the faint lights from every household, a few street lights and some neon signs bringing a glimmer of light to the area. The walls of the houses on both sides of the narrow alley were covered with traces of time and unknown graffiti. The air was filled with a strong smell of rust, which seemed to be mixed with a little smell of motor oil and dampness.

"Yes, this is the Panyan Town in the lower area. You follow me first. I will introduce you to the Earth Fire first."

Sangbo said, and took the lead to walk forward, leading everyone through the narrow alley.

And Kiana was thinking: "This is different from the previous script. I don't know what the next development will be. Do you want to look at his memory again? The general direction of the script should not have changed... Forget it, since we know that he has no ill intentions, it seems a bit bad to look at his memory again. Follow him first and see what he wants to do."

Kiana made up her mind and followed Sambo's pace and walked forward.

They passed through alleys one after another and finally came to a

They walked on the dark street, surrounded by a depressing atmosphere. The walls of the buildings on both sides of the street were covered with traces of time and mottled graffiti. Occasionally, a few ragged people hurried past them, revealing vigilance and confusion in their eyes.

"The living conditions here are really poor." March Seven couldn't help saying.

Suddenly, Sanyueqi saw a huge mechanical building in the distance, which seemed to connect the upper and lower floors. There was a bright orange light on this mechanical building.

"Eh? What is that big building in the distance...?" Sanyueqi pointed at the mechanical building and asked.

"Oh, that's the 'furnace core', which is also the supporting column connecting the upper and lower areas. People used to go up and down through that column, but later..."

"Huh? What happened later?" Sanyueqi was puzzled.

"Later, don't you all know? The connection between the upper and lower floors was almost cut off. Only the ore was sent up from the bottom and the materials were sent down from the top~"

Sangbo said, with a helpless smile on his face.

"However, except for you." Danheng crossed his arms and looked at Sangbo calmly.

Sangbo heard this and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. "Oh my dear brother, let's not talk about this. And it's better not to expose Miss Kiana's ability again. You also know that the blockade of the upper and lower areas has been going on for a long time. Many of these people in the lower area are not good people. If these methods are directly exposed, I am afraid that they will cause unnecessary trouble for themselves."

"As a Joy Order, you are still afraid of this little trouble?"

March 7's words made Sangbo a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and smiled bitterly.

"The Joy Order has to live, right? Besides, I am not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble."

However, everyone didn't care about his words, and looked at Sangbo with an expression of "Do you think I believe it?"

Although Sangbo is not a big evil person, the previous Chief Jeppard said that this person is also a liar. Many people have been fooled and deceived by him, so everyone is wary of his words.

"Okay, Sangbo, continue to lead the way. I still know a little about this."

Kiana interrupted their conversation. She didn't want to dwell on this issue too much.

"Oh, okay sister~"

Hearing this, Sangbo immediately nodded and continued to lead everyone forward.

After walking forward for a while, Sangbo looked around and muttered softly: "Eh? Old man Oleg is not here?"

Not seeing anyone, Sangbo continued to lead a few people around for a few circles.

"Huh? During this time... Xier usually patrols this area..."

"Xier?" When Kiana heard this name, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, thinking: "There really is Xier in this world..."

"Yes, Xier, she is a member of the Earth Fire, responsible for patrolling this area." Sangbo explained.

"By the way, can you introduce the organization "Earth Fire" again? "Xing has always been curious about this underground organization. At first, he only knew that the lower-level area had reorganized an organization to manage the order of the lower-level area, but he didn't know what the nature of this organization was.

"Are you asking me what I think of this organization? Well... it's an

A bunch of idiots, straight-forward, and stubborn, but who cares what I think? "

"They are a group of practical people who spontaneously formed to maintain the order of the underground. After the Iron Guards withdrew from the underground, the order of the underground was maintained by the "Underground Fire". "

"Don't underestimate these guys! "Masters are among the people", have you heard this saying? "Underground Fire" is full of masters, you will know when you see it."

"Huh?" Kiana was a little confused, thinking: "Idiot, straight-forward, and stubborn...? This description is completely different from the gentle, lovely, and considerate Seele in my impression. Is the Seele in this world very different from the Seele I know?"

"That's not right, it seems that the other (black) Seele fits this description better? ? Uh... am I thinking too much?"

Kiana's thoughts turned quickly in her mind, trying to compare the Seeles in the two worlds.

"Kiana? Miss Kiana?"

"Ah? What's wrong?" Kiana came back to her senses from her thoughts and looked at Sangbo with some confusion.

"Nothing, I just saw you were in a daze and thought you had something on your mind."

"Nothing, just thinking about some things in the past - you continue to lead the way." Kiana waved her hand and responded.

"Okay, sisters. Everyone, let's look for it again and see if we can meet someone from the Earth Fire~"

"Just don't cheat us, we have been with you for several laps." There was a hint of dissatisfaction in March Seven's words, and she was already a little impatient.

"Hey, don't worry, Sangbo will never let his friends suffer."

Sangbo patted his chest, and then continued to walk with everyone. On the way, March Seven was still asking about "Earth Fire".

"What does this "Earth Fire" usually do?"

Sangbo also answered every question: "Everything. Maintain order, uphold justice, fight for resources, distribute supplies..."

"Speaking of supplies, my insignificant face comes from here..."

"I see that there seem to be a lot of yellow ores scattered along the way. Are they what you use to exchange for supplies from the ground?" Dan Heng noticed the yellow ores piled up on the side and asked curiously.

"Oh~ those. It's "earth marrow", a kind of ore that can provide heating. Aren't the ground and underground completely blocked? Now only the transportation line of the earth marrow is still running. Didn't I say before that the underground sends ores upwards, and the ground sends supplies downwards - that's it~"

"Most of the people in this lower area are miners, who make a living by digging this kind of ore every day. If there were no "earth marrow" to burn, the people in this world would have frozen to death long ago. ”

“The lives of people in this world are really hard... They have to fight against the cold wave, the erosion of the rift, and the source of food... Because of the blockade order, the lower layer has to endure the dark underground life and cannot enjoy the sunshine and freedom on the ground...” Kiana couldn't help sighing in her heart as she listened to Sambo's story.

“That's right, the great guardian was also bewitched by the "star core" because he couldn't find hope in this world...” March Seven also sighed.

On the way, everyone chatted a little bit, and finally came to a corner and went up the stairs.

Finally saw a familiar figure in the distance.

“Hey! Look, who is that!” March Seven exclaimed.

Everyone looked in the direction of March Seven's finger, and saw a familiar figure in the distance surrounded by several people with weapons.

“Is that... Bronya? ! "Xing looked at Bronya in the distance, and everyone's hearts were full of surprise and confusion. How could she be besieged by several people here?

"Those who surrounded her are another group of people who are very hostile to the upper class area, called wanderers. Brothers and sisters, you must not stand idly by, this matter must not be made a big deal~" Sambo saw Bronya being besieged and immediately explained to everyone.

The train crew looked at each other and then looked at Sambo.

Since they came down, how could they stand idly by?

"Then let's go and help her." Kiana took the lead and ran towards Bronya, and everyone followed closely.

However, before a few people arrived, the wanderers suddenly attacked Bronya.

"Humph! So arrogant, don't blame me for being rude!"

And Bronya also frowned and stared at the wanderer in front of her.

"Bang! ! "

A bullet suddenly shot towards Bronya, and Bronya subconsciously jumped back.

Kiana and others were shocked to see this.

However, just when Kiana was about to use the law of time to stop the bullet, Kiana was stunned -

—The bullet suddenly stopped in the air.

Then, with the appearance of space breaking, the bullet also shattered.

Kiana was a little confused. Her ability had not been activated yet, so why did this happen?

In the next moment, a blue energy sphere appeared instantly. The figure wrapped in it cut the energy sphere with a sickle and fell in front of Bronya. The energy sphere wrapped around her turned into countless butterfly-shaped fragments and dissipated because of her slash.

"Dare to attack in our territory..."

The man stood up and danced a sword flower. The sickle in his hand turned several circles in the air with her movements, and then directly blocked in front of several wanderers, glaring at the people in front of him.

"Humph! Do you want to fight for a few more moves?!"

When Kiana saw the person in front of her, she was also stunned and blurted out directly.



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