The two of them were still talking on the phone.

Just when Kiana was still on the phone, Bronya came back.

"Huh? Why are you all standing at the door?"

Seeing Bronya coming, Kiana smiled and gestured to her.

And Danheng explained for Bronya.

"I'm on guard, and Kiana is on the phone."

"Call... what?"

Bronya was unfamiliar with the word "call", or had never heard of it. Then she stopped and showed a puzzled expression. She looked at the phone in Kiana's hand, and then looked at Danheng, as if thinking about the connection between the two.

"What is this... in your hand?"

Bronya walked closer curiously and looked carefully at the phone in Kiana's hand.

"Why are you holding a small black box on your face?"

Bronya looked at Kiana and asked with a puzzled look.

Kiana couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She put down the phone and explained to Bronya: "This is not a small black box, it's a mobile phone, a tool for long-distance calls."

"Mobile phone, also called super-long-distance remote sensing. The two of them hold this to achieve distance-ignoring calls, which is an indispensable thing in modern universe communication." Dan Heng added for Bronya.

After listening to the explanations of the two, Bronya seemed to understand a little. She nodded and said: "So that's it, is this a mobile phone? It's really a magical thing."

Suddenly Bronya seemed to think of something and said: "From this point of view, there is one in the city builder's office, one on the front line, and two in the lower area... Doesn't it mean that as long as there is any problem on the front line, you can contact the Great Guardian at any time? This is much more convenient than the original communication method."

Bronya's eyes flashed with excitement, and she seemed to be very interested in this new communication method.

Kiana smiled and nodded, and then continued to chat with the sales manager on the other end of the phone.

"Well, go on."

The sales manager on the other end of the phone continued: "Okay, Miss Kiana. In addition, we have some additional services to provide for the Star Destroyer you ordered. For example, we can arrange professional captains and operators for you to ensure that you can drive this Star Destroyer safely and smoothly-in addition, we also have a free service to change the exterior color for big customers like you. You can dock the ship at any port of our branch in the universe, and we will perform a fast and detailed painting operation for you to make your Star Destroyer look brand new."

The sales manager's voice was full of enthusiasm and professionalism, and it was obvious that he wanted to provide the best service for this big customer.

"Wow, it sounds great!" Kiana's eyes lit up, and she was obviously very interested in these additional services.

Dan Heng looked at Kiana's excitement and felt helpless. He reminded her, "Be careful not to fall into the company's consumption trap..."

However, at this moment, the salesperson suddenly paused, and there seemed to be a lot of rustling voices coming from the other end.

Then, the voice on the other end of the phone sounded again: "Well, Miss Kiana received a temporary notice. We received a commission from [Liuguang Yiting] - we will send you two sets of light cones. Do you think they should put them in the ship together?"

"Light cone? What light cone?" Kiana asked in confusion.

"I didn't expect them to really send the light cone... "Light cone" is the technology of Liuguang Yiting. Because it can carry memories with you, it is a very powerful strengthening item." Dan Heng explained to Kiana.

"Carry memories with you?" Kiana was a little excited, "Then put it in the ship."

The sales manager on the other end of the phone heard this and said quickly, "Okay, Miss Kiana, I'll help you arrange it right away. ”

“Then I’ll hang up? I have something else to do.”

After hanging up the phone, Kiana was excited, thinking that if she could learn this technique, she could slack off openly.

“Hehe, when the time comes, I’ll make the knowledge I’ve read into a light cone, and I can just read it when I need it.” Kiana thought happily, as if she had seen herself easily mastering all kinds of knowledge.

“Then, I wonder who will still call me stupid!”

[Is Paramecium going to become a genius?] The voice in Kiana’s mind complained.

However, Dan Heng poured cold water on her: “Don’t be too happy…”

Dan Heng just said half of his words and suddenly swallowed them back.

Then he pondered for a while

, said.

"No, with your special abilities, you might be able to replicate it."

Bronya, who was standing next to them, was confused as she listened to what the two said, and seemed to be completely unable to understand what they were discussing.

She looked at Kiana and Dan Heng, with a confused expression on her face.

Kiana also saw Bronya's dilemma, and she waved her hand and changed the subject.

"Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about me. By the way, why did you come back so late?" Kiana asked.

Bronya was slightly startled, shook her head and then replied: "Oleg and I talked about some things between the upper and lower levels... Some things don't go together, and we can't reach a consensus on some things."

"I learned too much at once, I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight..." Bronya was a little depressed. "...If you can trust me, leave the sentry duty to me."

Kiana was a little stunned after hearing this, and then said: "But your identity is quite sensitive. Not only is you from the upper district, but you are also a senior officer. If someone with such an identity is in the lower district, there is a high possibility of something happening, right?"

However, Bronya shook her head and frowned slightly.

"If they have similar ideas, I can't blame them... The Silver Mane Iron Guards really owe the lower-class people."

"If someone had stood up and explained to Lady Cocolia the consequences of doing so... Forget it, according to what you said, the mother controlled by the star core will not listen to any advice... and there is no point in hindsight..."

Speaking of this, Bronya's voice became a little small.

After a moment, Bronya took another deep breath, as if she wanted to dispel the depression and sadness in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Kiana and Danheng, with firmness and determination in her eyes.

"Huh, don't worry about my safety, Oleg of "Earth Fire" promises that he will not hurt me. I believe that people like him will do what they say. Go and have a rest. "

Kiana looked at Bronya's determined eyes and felt relieved. "Okay, let's go and have a rest first." Kiana nodded, and went into the Goethe Hotel with Dan Heng and returned to their rooms.

In Kiana's room.

Close the door, lock it, clean up the dirt on your body in an instant, take off your shoes, change into pajamas in an instant, and lie on the bed, all in one go.

"I'm so tired..." Kiana lay on the bed, took a long breath, and felt relaxed.

She closed her eyes and recalled everything that happened today. From meeting Bronya to the various experiences later, she felt excited and tired.

However, thinking that she was about to find her way home and the light cone technology she might learn, Kiana's heart was full of expectations and excitement. Move.

I've been really tired lately, and soon, I heard steady breathing.


A blonde woman with disheveled hair was lying on the table, making people feel lifeless.

"I lost her... my "wish", your so-called plan... what's the point of all this?"

The woman murmured in a low voice, her voice full of endless sadness and loss.

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded like a ghost, as if bewitching her: "Abandon depression... abandon sadness... abandon useless feelings..."

The woman was furious after hearing this, and swept the things on the table to the ground, making a harsh breaking sound. "Shut up! She is my daughter, she is my only..."

The woman paused for a moment, and then became hysterical again.

"What do you know, things without souls? You will never understand... forever!"

The woman supported her head in some pain, as if she wanted to dispel all these chaotic thoughts from her mind.

The ethereal voice seemed not to care about the woman's anger, and continued to say in that ethereal voice: "You didn't lose her... She is waiting to reunite with you on the other side.

"New... world..."

Hearing this, the woman suddenly calmed down, and murmured the three words "new world" in her mouth silently, as if these three words contained some unfathomable secrets and power.

Then, the ethereal voice spoke again.

"Stand up... Guardian..."

The woman obeyed, holding her forehead, and silently stood up from the chair.

The ethereal voice continued.

"Complete your destiny... fulfill the wish of a "mother." "



"Mother? "Xing woke up from her dream and found herself lying on the bed in Natasha's clinic, with cold sweat on her forehead and a light swaying slightly above her head.

She sat up, took a few deep breaths, and tried to calm herself down. The dream was too real, making her feel a little scared.

"That dream...what on earth was it?

What does it mean? It's a bit weird..." Xing muttered to herself.

"What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Natasha's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, which scared Xing.

She looked up and saw Natasha standing by the bed, looking at her with concern.

"Well, I had a weird dream." Xing nodded and briefly described the scene in the dream.

After listening, Natasha frowned slightly, and seemed to be thinking about the meaning of this dream.

"It does sound a bit strange... But don't worry, dreams are often just a reflection of our inner heart, and they don't necessarily represent anything real. "Natasha comforted gently.

"Thank you..."

Xing nodded gently. Although she still had some doubts in her heart, she slowly calmed down under Natasha's comfort.

"I don't want to sleep anymore. I want to walk around..."

Xing put on her shoes, stood up from the bed, and stretched her body gently. Natasha looked at her and nodded with a smile.

"That's good. Walking helps to relax your body and mind. Do you need me to accompany you?" Natasha asked.

"No, I want to walk by myself. "Xing shook her head and declined Natasha's kindness.

She walked out of the clinic alone.

Although it was late at night, the street lights on the roadside were still on, just a little dim.

"Let's go to the Goethe Hotel where they live first... I remember..."

Xing relied on her memory and walked along the street, looking for the direction of the Goethe Hotel. Although the lower district was a little deserted at night, the subtle sounds from time to time made her feel a different kind of tranquility and peace.

After walking for a while, Xing finally saw a person sitting at the door of the building in front.

"Huh? Bronya? She didn't sleep?"

Xing looked at the person sitting at the door of the Goethe Hotel with some surprise. It was Bronya who she met before.

She walked up quickly and asked softly: "Bronya, why are you here? Haven't you rested yet so late?"

Bronya looked up and saw that it was Xing. She was slightly stunned, and then she smiled faintly.

"Oh, it's Xing. I'm fine, I'm just keeping watch here... You've been unconscious for so long, how are you now?" She said softly.

"I'm fine now, thank you for your concern." Xing shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

She looked at Bronya and asked curiously, "Why are you keeping watch here?"

Bronya nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, she slowly spoke: "Well... I know too much about the lower district, and I can't sleep..."

As she said that, Bronya shook her head helplessly.

"It's just right, there's no one else here... Can I ask you something?"

Xing looked at Bronya's slightly tired face, and an inexplicable emotion surged in her heart. She nodded and motioned Bronya to continue.

Bronya took a deep breath, as if she wanted to sort out her thoughts.

"That so-called "star core"... Assuming it is really found, how sure are you that you can stop the cold wave? "

Xing thought for a moment and replied: "You have to ask Dan Heng..."

"Is he your leader? It seems that he is very determined no matter what he does."

"In fact, I find it hard to believe what you say. For people who have been living in Beloberg, the terms you mentioned are too far away..."

"In my opinion, it is reasonable for Lady Cocolia to order you to be arrested. But mother did not do so at the beginning... and treated you as guests of honor."

"I don't know what happened, why did she suddenly change her attitude? ... But orders are orders. Soldiers should not over-understand orders... But what you said to me before made me hesitate. "

Bronya told Xing about her confusion and doubts, as if she wanted to get some answers from Xing.

Xing also listened quietly, and a wave of emotion rose in her heart.

Seeing that Bronya did not continue to speak, Xing said softly: "That means you have your own judgment and thoughts, and blind obedience is almost equal to stupidity. "

Bronya was slightly startled when she heard this.

"You don't need to remind me of this. I have doubted myself more than once... but the sense of responsibility to fulfill my obligations always prevails."

As she spoke, Bronya's tone was a little helpless. But then, she continued to talk.

"In the past, soldiers in the upper zone kept losing their lives on the front line, but the pace of the expansion of the rift did not slow down at all... So she transferred all the Silver Mane Iron Guards to the front line, blocking the communication between the upper and lower levels, and only retaining the supply and earth marrow exchange channels. I seemed to agree with this decision..."

"But without the Silver Mane Iron Guards, the lower level was so devastated.

Step... maybe mother's decision is wrong..."

"But I can't change her mind. I tried, but she won't listen. I can't find a way..."

Xing listened to Bronya's narration quietly, and couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart.

Xing thought about it in his heart, and said what he had discussed in the upper area before.

"We will help you become the Great Guardian directly."

"What do you mean? !"

Bronya was confused... Does this mean that I can usurp the throne directly??!

"No... No, this idea is too terrible! Absolutely not, impossible! "

Bronya shook her head repeatedly, indicating that this idea was too terrible and she could not accept it.

Xing looked at her reaction and was not surprised. After all, this was indeed a bold idea.

"The more I think about it, the more confused I am. The more confused I am, the more I think about it. I can't find the direction at all... I just hope that the people of Beloberg can live a better life... Do we really have to go against our mother..."

Bronya clenched her hands tightly, as if she was under great pressure and distress. She sighed deeply, with endless confusion and pain in her eyes.

Xing also shook her head and sighed.

"Alas, this world is more complicated than you think."

"...Maybe you are right, maybe not. Now...I have to think about it again."

Bronya was full of thoughts and didn't know what to do.

"Walk with me underground and forget these troubles for a while."

Xing nodded and walked side by side with Bronya on the quiet street.

They had no destination, just walking casually.

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