At this time, neither Sanyueqi nor Kiana made a move, but Xing quickly dealt with the several virtual soldiers that blocked his way.

After dealing with the last virtual soldier, Xing put the baseball bat on his shoulder, raised his thumb with his other hand, and posed in a pose that he thought was very cool.

""Let's go!"

Xing walked forward with big strides. March Seven and Kiana smiled at each other and followed.

Although they encountered some virtual soldiers in the middle, they all died at the speed of light under the attack of the three. Although most of the virtual soldiers were killed instantly by Kiana's shot. After a while

, the three of them came to a place not far from the central elevator of the space station and stopped. March Seven looked at the elevator in front of him and said,"We will take that elevator down to the main control cabin later. Are you familiar with the road there?" Then he turned around and looked at Xing carefully and said,"Uh... Come to think of it, you are not wearing the uniform of the space station. Are you really from here?"

Xing shook his head."I don't remember.……"

"…Amnesia? It seems that he was injured before.……"Looking at the star, March 7 muttered to himself

"It's the same with you, Sanyue... Although I don't know why she lost her memory, I feel that you lost your memory because you were frozen, right?" Kiana whispered in Sanyueqi's ear.

Sanyueqi shook his head."I'm not sure... I only have the memory after being unsealed, and no memory before. It's as if my previous life experience is blank." The next moment, Sanyueqi put his hands on his waist."Okay, let's not talk about me first, let's send Xing back first."

The three of them were silent all the way and soon arrived in front of the central elevator.

Sanyueqi walked forward and fiddled with the elevator console... Xing and Kiana, who were standing behind Sanyueqi waiting, were curiously watching the surrounding environment. For Kiana, because she had helped other people in the space station to take refuge before, she didn't observe the surroundings carefully, but just followed Sanyueqi and Danheng everywhere... She was a little familiar with the route here.

Sanyueqi, who had been fiddling for a long time, looked at the console in front of him with a resentful face.

"Ah... I knew it……"

"You broke it?" Xing was puzzled.

Sanyueqi immediately turned around and denied it."——Hey, it wasn’t me, it must be the Antimatter Legion’s fault!"

"Oh~ It would be nice if the omnipotent teacher Dan Heng was here. He always knows a lot of inexplicable things. Maybe he can also repair elevators.……"

"I can't do that."

A voice suddenly sounded from beside the three of them.

The three of them looked at Dan Heng, who had been standing beside them for who knows how long, in shock.

"Wow! Why are you here?! No, how come you are faster than us?"March 7 spoke first

"Dan Heng... Why are you walking without making any sound?"Kiana looked at Dan Heng with a puzzled look on her face. Just when San Yueqi mentioned Dan Heng, Dan Heng appeared immediately. If Kiana hadn't sensed that it was indeed Dan Heng's aura, she would have drawn her gun the next second. However, just seeing this scene, Kiana couldn't help but think of a saying that she had heard from a country called Shenzhou on Earth: Speak of the devil and he will appear.

"I guess it's just that my steps are lighter.……"

Dan Heng touched his nose awkwardly, and then continued to answer San Yueqi's question."I took another route, bypassing from the upper floor, and happened to see you in the monitoring room."

"Alan was also in the monitoring room. He was slightly injured, but his life was not in danger."

"Oh? You found him. Does Alan know what's going on with this elevator?"

San Yue Qi asked quickly.

"Since he is the head of the defense department, he should know"

"Maybe... it doesn't have to be so troublesome?" Kiana raised her hand uncertainly.

At this time, the three of them looked at Kiana, and Kiana smiled a little embarrassedly."I should have a way to start the elevator without destroying it."

Kiana walked to the elevator console and placed one hand lightly on it. The next moment, an emerald green light emanated from Kiana's hand. It was the power of the Herrscher of Corrosion, which could invade and tamper with any electronic device without bottom line in the form of a data virus. As the Herrscher of the End, Kiana can easily control this power and implement it strictly according to her own ideas.

Soon, the elevator console began to emit a faint green light, and the elevator door slowly opened. In the console, Kiana did not delete anything, but just unlocked the locked elevator.

"All right."

Kiana took back her hand, smiled lightly, and then walked to the side of the three people.

The three people looked at Kiana, their eyes full of surprise and admiration. March Seven patted Kiana on the shoulder and smiled:"Kiana, you are so amazing, how did you do it?"

Kiana smiled slightly and shook her head,"It's nothing, it's just because I have some special abilities, it's not a secret. If you really want to understand, I'll tell you after returning to the train~"

March Seven's eyes lit up and nodded after hearing this."Okay! I'm super looking forward to it!" Xingze didn't say much, but there was a hint of curiosity and depth in his eyes when he looked at Kiana.

At this time, Kiana suddenly pondered for a while and said:"Well... or, let's go see the Alan you just mentioned, Danheng. Didn't you just say that he was injured? I also have some abilities."

Danheng nodded slightly. Although he was a little confused about why Kiana had so many special abilities, he didn't say much and agreed to Kiana's proposal."Well, I'll lead the way."

So, the four of them took the elevator to the monitoring room.

When they opened the door, they saw a bronze-skinned, gray-haired boy sitting on a chair.

"Are you guys here together?" Alan looked at the people who came in with Danheng.

"Yes, Kiana, Danheng and I are all members of the Star Train~" Sanyueqi introduced enthusiastically.

The three nodded, and then Kiana stood out from behind the two of them.

"Excuse me, can I take a look at your injuries?"

Alan was slightly stunned."Uh... what?"

Sanyueqi stepped forward to explain:"Uh, let me explain. Qi���Na has some special abilities, which should be able to heal your injuries.……"As he said that, Sanyueqi looked at Kiana with some uncertainty."That should be the case... right?"

Kiana nodded and said softly,"Well, I'll try it."

"What does treatment mean...does it mean to use the power of"abundance" to heal me?"

Alan seemed to understand something. His eyes stayed on Kiana for a moment, then he nodded in agreement.

"That's troublesome.……"

As he spoke, Alan rolled up his right sleeve, revealing the narrow wound on his right arm that was almost to the bone, and then pointed to his severely injured leg.

"「"Abundance"? It should be something like that... I'm not sure……"

Kiana frowned slightly. She was not sure whether her ability was exactly the same as"Abundance", but she knew that she had the ability of the Herrscher of Death to wither and create. This was one of the powers of the Herrscher of the End, which could use energy to repair damage to living things.

Kiana walked to Alan's side, gently raised her hand, and turned her palm towards Alan. Then several small milky white dots of light appeared from Kiana's palm and gradually merged into Alan's whole body.

Alan felt waves of warmth coming from the wound, and could clearly feel that the injury was gradually getting better.


"It's nothing, just a piece of cake."

Kiana smiled slightly, then took her hand back."Move around and see how it goes."

Alan stood up as he was told, moved his right arm and lifted his leg. He found that the original severe pain had disappeared, and the wound was completely healed without any scars."It's really healed, thank you!"

March Seven, who was watching all this, was a little surprised."Wow, Kiana! You are so awesome, it seems like you know everything. I want to call you Teacher Kiana."

Hearing March Seven's praise, Kiana felt a little embarrassed. In the past, Bronya had always called her an idiot, a paramecium... although her grades were indeed among the last few. But one day she would be called a teacher...

"March 7, please stop making fun of me." Kiana scratched her head and smiled a little embarrassedly,"I just have some special abilities."

"Well, I still want to ask... Did Ms. Black Tower ask you to come to support here?"

Alan suddenly interrupted the topic, his eyes swept over the four people with a hint of doubt.

Dan Heng shook his head slightly and explained."It's just a coincidence. The relic that Black Tower originally commissioned the train to find was obtained, and we returned to deliver it according to the agreement... We didn't expect to run into the scene of the attack."

"Why would the Antimatter Army target you? I think their target is the space station, and they don't seem to be interested in the surface of the planet."

March Seven frowned in confusion and raised his own question.

Alan was silent for a moment, shook his head and slowly said:"I don't have any clues. The army came very strangely... The defense system in the station suddenly failed, and those guys appeared not long after.��

"Miss... uh... Stationmaster Esta organized the evacuation of the staff immediately. I was supposed to be responsible for covering everyone's evacuation, but I didn't expect that I was careless in the end."

"Don't blame yourself. After all, you injured your leg and your dominant hand. Hiding here to avoid a direct confrontation with the Legion is a very calm decision."

"Right!" March 7 also agreed with Dan Heng's statement and echoed,"Most of the staff have already taken refuge. The most urgent task is to return to the main control cabin and organize a counterattack!"

"Since your injury has healed, let's take the elevator over there!"

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