dirty world with only 750 million humans left?

After receiving the order, Esders took the Ark spaceship to follow the one billion Transformers vanguard troops to the world of pitch-black bullets

, and from the intelligence collected, the gastric animals of this world are more dangerous to them than humans.

However, her own queen asks for priority to clean up the filthy humanity and save the little girls of the cursed sons who are rejected and hated by most of the world's humanity.

The best thing is to be able to kill the humans who have persecuted the son of the curse.

After that, go and dispose of those gastric animals.

For Linna's order, Estes did not hesitate to carry it out.

After coming to this world, she decisively detached a large number of transformers through a space teleportation device called the Land Bridge, and dropped a large number of Transformers on the gathering places of the remaining humans around the world.

Hibun, Tokyo area.

Space fluctuated, blue portals opened, and a large number of Transformers flew out of it.

"Aaaaaa Monster! There are monsters! "

People reacted in hindsight, screaming and pushing each other away, watching the panicked crowd, and the Transformers used stun guns and capture nets to capture all the humans they saw.

Whoever dares to resist is killed except the son of the curse.

Under the siege of the Transformers, most of the humans in the Tokyo area soon became captives of the Transformers.

Although they encountered the resistance of an enhanced person called the civilian police in the process, under the double crushing of the number of transformers and technology, this group of jumping beam clowns was quickly eliminated.

As soon as the shot passed, the person directly became flying ash.

In less than three hours, the entire five major regions of Nippon, Tokyo, Sapporo, Sendai, Osaka, and Hakata all fell.

Six hours later, the globe fell.

An Ark spacecraft slowly lands in the Tokyo area.

Estes stepped down from the spaceship, looked at the humans who were gathered in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Report General, the humans here are completely under control. Hearing

a Transformer's report, Estes nodded, "Those little girls, you brought them for treatment?"

"Yes, General.

"Okay, I see.

Looking at the time, Estes said to the Transformer beside him: "Preparing to extract all human memories for trial, Lord Queen has given an order not to spare any human who has persecuted the son of the curse."

"Yes! "

A Transformer took orders and left.

"Bring the ruler here to see me."

"Yes, General! A

few minutes later, a beautiful girl in a blue dress and handcuffs came to Esders under the escort of a transformer.

Saint Tianzi looked up at Esders, his face showed surprise, the leader of these robots is a human?

Esders looked Saint Tianzi up and down, and it looked like a good-looking vase.

Obviously, not a ruler's material.

"Who the hell are you? You made those robots? Why come and attack the Tokyo area.

Saint Tianzi asked.

"You don't seem to have figured out the situation yet, do you? Estes chuckled, "Now not only your Tokyo area, but the entire world's remaining 750 million humans have been captured by us.

"You... Saint Tianzi's face showed shock.

All 750 million human beings in the whole world have been captured by them?

How is this possible!

Estes looked at Saint Tianzi's expression, and a faint smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, "Know why I arrested you?"

Saint Tianzi shook his head.

There were suddenly a lot of robots in the Tokyo area, and before she could figure out what was going on, she was caught by the robots.

"The reason for arresting you is simple, that is, you have broken the law."


Saint Tianzi looked puzzled, breaking the law, what law has been violated!

"What you have done to the son of the curse has made our Lord Queen very angry, so she has ordered me to arrest all 750 million human beings in this world, retrieve their memories and put them on trial, and anyone who kills and injures the son of the cursed will be publicly sentenced to death.

As things stand, about half of them will be executed, and most of the rest will also be sent to labor reform.

Estes said in a calm tone, as if he was telling an innocuous matter.

After hearing this, Saint Tianzi's face was full of fear, she never imagined that the other party would be so cruel.

750 million, 375 million directly executed!

"You can't kill so many people! The Holy Son of Heaven hurriedly said, "We can change the matter of the cursed sons, and I have always wanted to establish a new law for the protection of enterozoans to protect them." "

Huh. Estes smiled, "No matter what you do now, it's too late, the cursed sons will be protected and healed, and those who deserve to die will have to die." "

Linna told her that if she doesn't kill these people, she can't understand it!

"You are very lucky, you are not a member who will be executed, and it is estimated that few rulers and high-ranking officials in this world will survive."

Hearing these words, Saint Tianzi's face turned pale.

"You are a bunch of demons. Saint Tianzi said tremblingly.

"You think so!

Estes shrugged.

"Must kill so many people? "

The Queen can't tolerate the existence of those guys, they have to die, and they are going to die miserably."

"I want to see your queen."

"The queen may be interested in you, but not now." Estes refused without thinking.

"You guys will only make ordinary people hate the son of the cursed even more."

"It doesn't matter, from today onwards, this world will belong to our collapsed civilization, if they dare to move them, I will let them know that death is also a relief."


After the technology of the Transformers, the memory trial was extracted, and people like Tendo Kikunosu, Qi Wu Xuanzong, Juzoji Tsukihiko, Howaki Takuto and the like were determined to be the damned people.

There are memories of human experiments on the son of the curse and shooting the son of the curse.

Under the live broadcast of global humans, it was slowly delayed by the machine, and the meat fell piece by piece.

Seeing the collective screams of these people, Estes was very happy.

On the side, Saint Tianzi looked at the bloody scene, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but bend over and vomit.

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